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Everything posted by Montaigne

  1. This thread is a trip down memory lane for me. My late father started building the Billing Boats Meta many years ago, but never finished it. He then gave it to a friend, who had it for a couple of years without continuing on it, and finally it ended up with another friend, who finished the build honorably. I've seen the Meta in its various construction phases for many, many years, so reading your thread was a treat. I'm also intrigued that you're using Gerda as reference for parts, guessing you might have the same vintage book as I do: Gerda - den sista briggen by Anders Nilson? (English: Gerda - the last brig) Anyway, hats off to your build, it's a work of art.
  2. Thanks, appreciate it. Most of my collection is in Swedish and we have the same law; "older literature where it has been at least 70 years since the author died is free to use”. However, after just doing some research on the matter, our laws regarding snippets of copyrighted work for discussion or critique seem to differ. Here, those laws seems stricter, such as the following excerpt: "Taking a picture of a book cover or movie poster and using it in a review of the book or movie is permitted as long as the review is published in printed form, i.e. in paper form. However, permission is needed from the illustrator or photographer who made the book cover if the review is to be published digitally." (Translated from a Swedish website on copyright matters). Further research indicates this might also apply on for example places like Facebook. Hm... Since this is an American forum, American laws apply, so I gather the only one taking a risk in that case would be me. I'm also quite convinced that anything I would post translated text snippets and one off pictures from are from people long since gone that could care less, and of course the really dead people; those beyond the 70 years are safe. But still annoying, to be honest. I very much prefer the copyright/fair use laws of the United States.
  3. Excellent, that's precisely what I was hoping for. Many thanks!
  4. I have a fairly extensive collection of books on historical ships, naval history and related, and was wondering if I may post excerpts of those, text and/or pictures, in support of posts? I’m referring to physical books that I own; most of them antiquarian and vintage that have been out of print for many years. I don’t want to infringe on any copyright issues, so I just want to make sure what the advice on this is on MSW?
  5. Thanks, I’ve been spending countless hours over the past days reading through MSW build logs on the Bounty launch. My head is going to start spinning in a day or two lol, especially considering that English is not my native language, requiring me to translate many nautical terms as I read. But it’s great fun. I was thinking the same about the “launch details” thread, assuming you’re referring to the one linked below. I have a couple of questions regarding historical accuracy for my planned build, which will be a kit bash of the Model Shipways Bounty launch, and it feels as they might belong in that thread for posterity. But at the same time I don’t want to hijack someone else’s thread.
  6. I'm currently planning a build of the Bounty launch, and just wanted to say that topics like this one are of immeasurable value. Kudos to everyone for sharing their research, ideas and suggestions, and to oakheart: well done so far, it's looking good!
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