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About Lillypawz

  • Birthday 01/22/1975

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  • Location
    Sheffield, UK
  • Interests
    Walking dog, Playing Video Games and now hopefully Model Building, Baking

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  1. Thanks for setting up build log will update as I make progress;)
  2. Been slowly putting together my dad's ship upto issue 54 now alot of fiddling with brass bits ATM Just thought I I'd let you know I'm still at it
  3. Managed to secure most issues utp 122 now so wife saying I best build it, also connected sister in Australia who has some of my dad's matchstick models who going to photo them for anyone who is interested
  4. With Help identifying not only the ship but the kit Magazine aswell, I've managed to get copies of Magazine 1-34 with no parts unfortunately for £8 as I suspect most of that is hull my dad has done and can get issues if not. Also been able to source alot of issues 30-80 with parts from well known Auction site. So looks like the bismark will be my first model build but thinking/hoping instructions will be clear enough 🤔 So big thanks and will keep you posted as I hopefully progress.
  5. Yes it's Paul, Lilly my cat
  6. Pics in identify the ship in my other posts hull and some superstructures he has a few built ones but they with other family etc will see if they can send me some pics
  7. Hi, I'm new to modelling, my dad used to build models out of match sticks when I was a kid. Made a promise to finish his ship now he past and I'm a man of my word. OK didn't realise it was a magazine kit with many missing parts but I'll figure it out lol. Going to get one of the 3 stage starter kids that you guys recommend from one of the local model shops near Sheffield UK if possible before ordering online
  8. Some very sound advice, I'll check out the beginners stuff. One of reasons I don't want to attempt to finish the kit Bismark my dad was doing. I'll develop my skills whilst I source or even manufacture parts for it. Baby steps, I'm an amateur magician (used to be coach driver so something to do with passengers) when I asked a magician for guidance, first thing learn to shuffle a pack of cards.... think same applies here
  9. Ship Identified As Bismark and Hachette kit Magazine issues. So something I'm going to have to sort out and get missing copies etc. He lived in Cornwall and in his dieing years moved alot so guessing parts and magazines got miss placed or left behind etc. But on another note, I like the idea of fabricating the missing parts but also maybe build one of his plans. As I've said I've not done this sort of thing before so is there a Book or boat, ship a novice should start with more fabrication than kit building??
  10. Thanks Ccoyle You are correct searching Hachette Bismark I have found images that do match parts I have.
  11. Thanks ccoyle I'll have a look the width didn't seem right when you look at how wide the bismark is but I'm a complete newbie so will look into Hackett and see if they can assist. Hopefully I might like doing it and see my other creations in future. And advice on where a new modeller should start also welcome
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