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  1. As there are already 3 excellant blogs foing on for this build I will keep my meager attempts to some pictures ,comments and questions. First thing is i have never planked a baby whale before but even worse is having to sand it . My fingers feel rougher than the sandpaper . I find that in my old clumsy way ,MDF is extremely fragile ! Still some sanding to do and my planking comes from the school of doing before thinking😁 I have now approaching the second level of 4 wales and in the manual James states that the bottom 3 should be tapered but as far as i can see on the drawings they are not . Is there a right or wrong way please ?
  2. Thanks to all for welcome
  3. I have been on the forum for a couple of years but did'nt consider joining as not much of a contributor . I'm now building the Vanguard Indefatigable and will be hoping a contibute/get help as and when.
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