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About Boerscht

  • Birthday 10/01/1994

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  • Location
    Germany, lake constance
  • Interests
    Sailing, Hiking, Climbing, Engineering, Guitar

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  1. You can see my planking in this picture: first 5 planks from the top in straight line then aligned the rest from the keel onwards straight.
  2. And here we go with another week of work on the Beagle: Started with the deck fittings and did the deadeyes the Beagle found it’s place
  3. A lot of work went down last weeks. Painted the hull. Installed the rudder and rear decorations. Steering wheel is in place and a lot more small details on the hull.
  4. haha ja ich verstehe dich auch so die seilrollen auf dem Deck habe ich mit einem kürzeren fadenstück in Bienenwachs gewachst dann mit etwas Leim versehen die Schnur und per Finger aufgerollt auf einer ebenen Fläche. Das Ende der Takelage aufs Deck geklebt und dann die gefertigte Rolle da drauf. falls du die Wicklungen an den wandten meinst um die Seile herum die habe ich auch gut eingewachst und dann geleimt und mit Pinzette drum herum gerollt dann hebt das ganz gut. Hoffe konnte dir weiterhelfen
  5. Yeah i am now finally done with the second planking. Was pretty straight forward, just the rear and bow were a bit tricky. Added the kiel parts also Did some work on the inner side of the bulwarks with the decorstion strips and shapes and prepared the canon hole parts and some deckings next up is finishing the hull with decorstion strips and paint it
  6. More dinghy work is done. Now all the 4 are ready, took me quite some time…
  7. thanks Dominik! yes i glued the fittings and mast to the deck.
  8. Finished one more of the dinghys and did the three cabins
  9. blocks are made of Wood and yes I have a sheet of walnut pieces
  10. Finished the first and biggest one of the four dinghys: not a lot of progress lately
  11. quality is good but the Models are not perfectly historical correct. Instrucions are clear and material is good. Good beginner models.
  12. Long time no see, but had a little bit progress on the Beagle the last weeks: Started with the lifeboats besides planking the deck: planked the deck with 6 cm long pieces, not single stripes: added the brass doors and windows: and already started with planking the first layer of the hull:
  13. After finishing my OcCre Polaris I wanted to go more advanced and chose the Beagle for my next model. I really like the look and also the historical background of Charles Darwin. There she is: Kiel is perfectly straight: doing the skelleton applied the deck before planking. I can fix it with some nails this way. cabin walls added, thats it for the start:
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