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Everything posted by Johngr

  1. These days I have made quite a bit of progress with the construction but I found a point where there is a rather serious error. The hole for the pump falls on one of the horizontal beams. I studied the entire previous process again to see if I have made a mistake somewhere but it seems that here it was probably not foreseen correctly by ARTESANIA. However, with a little care I will scrape the beams so that it is possible for the pump column to pass through.
  2. Hi Yves, I tried 1/64 to see the difference and then I couldn't make out the details at 1/700.😀
  3. Thank you Nirvana, soon i will continue the building.
  4. Thank you. It's difficult for me to answer since I don't have sufficient knowledge. Maybe another member who knows can give an answer.
  5. The first planking is complete. Because the AL Oak paint is quite glossy for my taste, I applied a coat of Mr Hobby flat clear. I think the nails from fishing line looks pretty good.
  6. I started the kit from Artesania Latina as it shows quite interesting and beyond what I have done so far. Because there are videos on the internet with the construction steps, what I will post on this blog will only be when I find something interesting or add something that is not included in the kit. For start, I decided to nail the boards to break up the monotony of the decks simulating the nails with fishing line. What a tiring and arduous task, but I finished it successfully. And as soon as I finished it, it occurred to me that I have 6 more.😱
  7. Thank you Bob, I'll keep this for my office, where I don't have much space, and I'll give her the HMS Victory cross section that I just started. The truth is that I like it too much to give it away for now!!! and so I have the excuse that something bigger scale is suitable for her office. 😏 Regards Ioannis
  8. Added some extra items and this is the result. I have to admit that I really enjoyed this little project. The materials were excellent, as were the instructions. kudos to Chris Watton for this kit.
  9. For today i solder and paint the anchors , the oars , paint and glue the wales and place the rubber etc. And a pose where the size of 11 centimeters long is best distinguished. The next tasks have to do with the placement of the anchor, oars, hooka and some other accessories such as ropes etc. I am also preparing a base using the base from MDF which was used in the beginning for the construction of the frames.
  10. Hi Andrew and than you very much. For the PE parts I used the Artesania Latina technique with "Micro Template for Wooden Simulation on Modeling" and the result, even though it was my first time, was really good.
  11. For today I painted the bottom wood and the hull and installed some of the parts. Some imperfections on the hull will be covered at later stage
  12. The hull was sanded with 100 to 400 grit and then the internal MDF bulkheads were removed. Unfortunately, in two places the outer plank also came off together, apparently because I didn't follow Chris's advice not to use CA glue For the repair I used the dust from a sanded toothpick combined with CA glue. For internal sandpapering, the proxxon tool proved to be very useful. It looks like wood pink! After all this, the inner ribs were glued in place and the interior was painted with a coat of flat varnish to seal and protect the parts.
  13. The wonderful smell of pear wood was irresistible to my dog who chewed all the rest of the wood for the planking. Fortunately, I had some strips of another kind of wood in my stock and started from the beginning. Although they are on a different scale because they will be painted there will not be such a big impact on the result. The planking is done, and I gave it a coat of putty with a wet finger for a smoother surface and easier sanding.
  14. Hi, I did a simple test to compare the paints for Oak, Sapele and Walnut from the two companies. All samples were done with two coats of paint. The Ballistol sample is not a paint but an oil and I included it as there was an empty space!. As for Oak dye, in contrast to Occre, Artesania is a semi gloss varnish with dye. What is your opinion?
  15. With great care the sanding was completed and now it is the turn of the planking.
  16. Thank you Alistair, It really needs a lot of attention, I already managed to break two pieces but fortunately I was able to repair them.
  17. Thank you Andrew, mine is not part of any larger project and is intended as a gift to the wife for her office.
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