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Everything posted by cdrusn89

  1. So here is my first pass at the stern yawl. And I haven't sanded through anywhere (yet). My tube of Bondo 801 arrives tomorrow so I will sand a bit more before putting on the first coat of filler. The plans indicate that this boat is lap-stack planked and I have some material that is also supposed to arrive tomorrow. With regard to the other two boats, I have instructions from Hubert Sicard's site (Wooden Ship Modeling for Dummies) for building them using a frame-on-bulkhead approach which appears very similar to that used for the seine boat in the Benjamin W. Latham kit. I managed to pull that off (although I did cheat somewhat and double plank it) so I may give that a try once I get a little further along on the yawl.
  2. While this is not my first model ship it is my first attempt at a build log. My previous kits were all fore and aft rigged fishing schooners so this is my first real attempt with square rigged sails and all the yards, rigging etc. that comes alone. I have scrolled through many build logs and will follow what I have seen numerous times by starting with a picture of the kit box sitting on my workbench. I plan on working the ship's boats first as I am waiting for my new Byrnes disk sander to arrive and the ship's boats look like they will be a challenge while I wait.
  3. Richard, Am considering building this to replace a similar sized "store bought" model of Endeavour. Are there instructions provided in English with the kit? Best Gary
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