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    Sci-Fi model building and painting.

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  1. Hello AJohnson, Thank you and yes I did, but due to real life getting in the way not very much. I spent much of the time practising plank bending to get it to sit nicely on the Hull, whilst also learning that a pin pusher would be nice. Hopefully I will get a chance to carry on with it soon.
  2. Good evening Hamilton, Thank you for the comment, the plans and instructions didn't mention or show the rabbet or bearding lines, so it was fun trying to guesstimate the lines. Strangely the plans for the stern show more planks than you can actually fit in this area. Reading a few of your early logs on the greyhound it seems you were also doing as much head scratching as I have been doing lol. The attached picture is about as much guidance you get for the stern.
  3. Log 3. I have finally managed to back to the workshop, and after some reading realised that a rabbit line was needed to be cut in. Unfortunately, as the frame had been built prior to me actually getting the required angle was difficult. It also seems that there is many opinions on planking and building, so I think a lot of it must come down personal preference together with trial and error. Once I had cut in the line, I then decided to start with planking the main deck. I decided to go for a symmetrical look with each plank 90mm and offset by 30mm. Sure this ain't the best way but will see how it ends up.
  4. @Old Collingwood thank you for the reply, great effort on attempting to save his life. If you have any tips for the kit I would love to hear them. Unfortunately work has got in the way of working on the kit lately. But hopefully towards the end of the month I will get chance to tackle it again.
  5. Welcome from a fellow fresh face to the hobby
  6. Log 2 - Further Preparation Still in the prep phase and fixing errors before I head away with work for the next couple of week. Not a lot visually has changed, but most of my time has been spent sanding bulkheads and reading up on planking. I have also decided to plank the deck first as getting a tight fit in the corners after planking the hull would have proved difficult. Here I found my first couple of learning points, thanks to my predecessor builder. 1. Don't add upper decks if you don't have to, as decking the lower or even measuring will prove difficult. 2. 1mm out in one section can cause big issues further along. 3. Check symmetry. Next stage when i get back is to cut the Rebbet line as per, my new favorite pdf "Simple hull planking techniques for beginners". Then planing the decks with 90mm planks spaced 30mm off (maybe not historically correct, but for a first build and my autistic brain, the symmetry makes me happy). I also have to repair the rear transom section uprights as they look far from correct. But that is all upon my return and I am looking forward to it.
  7. Welcome from a fellow newbie.
  8. Welcome from a fellow newbie.
  9. This is an amazing piece of work, being new to the hobbies, this is a great indication of what time and patience can achieve.
  10. Thank you both for the advice and encouragement.
  11. Good evening everyone, I have just taken my first tentative steps into the world of model ship building, after being gifted a part built HMS Peregrine, that a friend of the family had given up on. As the family knew I enjoyed Sci-Fi model building and painting, i am now the proud owner. She is a lovely ship, but a little bigger than I would of chosen for my first ship. I have started my first log which can be found here, so please join me on my journey and any advice will be gratefully received. Gaz
  12. Good evening all, This is my first log and first ship as i delve in to the world of model ship building. I have a fair bit of Sci-Fi model building and painting behind me and i am hoping that I can bring that patience across to ship building. The model I have is the lovely HMS Peregrine by Corel, it is slightly bigger than i would have liked for a first ship, however, as it was given to me by a friend of the family that had lost patience and given up was not going to look a gift horse... So where am i at now? Well the model came with the hull already built and it looks although they had an initial crack at planking and that is where they gave up. I have spent the initial few hours organising the pile of jumbled up wood, translating the instructions from Italian and researching wood colors to allow me to identify the correct planks. This to my deliberate and need for organised structure brain was fun in itself. I have then spent a bit of time measuring and checking symmetry where i found that the hatches were 2mm off centre, so they had to come off, next comes removing excess glue and sanding the bow. Now this is where my first disagreement comes with the instructions which is telling me to fix the gunwales and planking before the decking. however, it would appear if I did this then getting a nice smooth deck flush with the planking will be nigh on impossible. So it looks like i will be going off piste, i will update later and tell you all if I regret or approve of this. Due to working away for weeks at a time the updates may be infrequent or splurges of progressive. Please see the photos attached of the ship so far and prior to fixing errors (you can see how off centre the hatches are), also my organised drawer of wood that I spent far too long doing.
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