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Everything posted by MBerg

  1. Awesome job on the stand! Really adds to it. I may need to steal your ideas when I get to making mine. I appreciate your log in this one.
  2. Once again, I appreciate the response. One last question - I was given a 'wood conditioner' with the kit. This is strictly a pre-stain and has nothing to do with the painting process - is that correct?
  3. @Jim M that's interesting, I'll look a bit into it. So is the idea to seal the wood with shellac then paint over it as mentioned above? I haven't come across something like this yet,is it what's typically done on plastic models which is why it's sealed first? I see Mr surfacer is meant for plastic (thought I might be looking at the wrong thing,I only did a quick Google)
  4. Time, for an update, but first I have a few questions. Unlike the dory, I'll be priming this one. I have both Occre and ME primers show below: 1. Instructions suggest spray on primer (eg. Rust-Oleum primer) - Should I buy some of that instead of brush on? 2. If I don't use spray primer, does the brush on primer need to be thinned similar to the paint? 2a. Is one better than the other between ME & Occre or is this more of a personal preference/doesn't matter type of thing? Log #9 - Row locks, rub rails, dagger board, rudder, thwarts Progress has been slow, but it has been. I enjoyed making the row lock pads, I find a lot of kit modelling is sanding off char and then sanding some more so it was nice to do a little carving, even though it was incredibly basic. They're straightforward, as is the rudder gudgeon pad. I clamped a block of wood and used an 'upside down' chisel blade to carve them, then clamped to drill them out and cleaned up. The rub rails are self explanatory, nothing special here, and the pads glued in place. It was nice to have some of the work on the thwarts done from earlier steps. All that was left was to sand down the width of the middle thwart. I already fit the forward and aft thwarts, they just need some cleaning up to take the char & edges off. Sanding the rubber went smoothly. However, it felt like I sanded the daggerboard for an eternity, and it still isn't as loose as I'd like. I'm trying to avoid it getting jammed in place once painted and installed. I feel like I've taken off enough thickness from the daggerboard, I'm going to try filing down the inside of the daggerboard case some more to make for a looser fit before painting. In a full shot up above you can see I still hadn't finished the tiller slot on the rear transom yet. I wasn't sure what to do with this yet since the instructions incorrectly stated a 3/8" file (I believe it's probably 3/16" as mentioned by at least one other). Rather than buying a file for this purpose, I wrapped a piece of sandpaper around my brush handle and sanded it out that way. This worked fine and is complete now (no picture). If I remember right, I believe I need to complete the dagger board 'stop', add the midship thwart 'retainers' and refine the remaining thwarts before I'm ready to paint. I'm keeping my eye on the price of the PROXXON Disk Sander TG 125/E as I feel like it'll be a nice first power tool to add. I believe it'll help with cleaning up char and more importantly getting precise angles that I sometimes struggle with. If anyone has an experience with it, or other recommendations I appreciate any input! Thanks for following, Matt
  5. I think he's referring to the notch for the tiller. I found 3/8" to be massive also and thought they meant 3/16". The etch mark is closer to that size. I skipped that part until I assemble the tiller then I'll fit it and decide which way to proceed. Looks like Scott used 3/8" above which doesn't look bad at all.
  6. Holy cow. Incredible job. I only just jumped in the last few weeks here, but I appreciate the intricate details none-the-less.
  7. Jumping in on this log so I can see another person finish this build before I do . The dory looks great. I have a second one and may go back to make a diorama, where did you get the figure?
  8. It's been a while so I figure I might as well post an update on where I am. It kind of looks like I bought a sailboat and took off! That is not the case. I ended up spraining my thumb at a golf tournament (who said golf wasn't a sport?), while waiting for that to heal, I had a week long business trip, and now that it's slowly getting better, we were just slapped with a nasty bug for the past week and a half. I'm still battling with some serious chest congestion so needless to say I don't want to wear a respirator or do anything that conjures up sawdust to be inhaled. I have made a small amount of progress both before I injured my thumb and before I got sick. The thumb is still not 100%, but it's close enough I should be able to keep moving along carefully once these lungs clear up. This will be a short log, but will bring up to where I am today. Log #8 - Floor cleats, mast step, chainplate slots Floors cleats are pretty straightforward. Wet them, bent, cut down, then glued in place: Next, the mast step. It seems people are receiving different version of this, but mine had a hole in one piece, with the second being solid (which is what the instructions call for). I was incredibly careless when gluing it together. I clamped the sides to even them out, and then clamped it long ways to achieve the same. This was a bad idea. The force of the clamp snapped both pieces right in half. It wasn't dry at all yet so I quickly added a bit of glue on the broken ends and fit it back together clamping it to the table so it dries flat. The instructions say to glue it in place and then sand the ends down. I couldn't do this since it was shorter than the frames. Either: 1. The piece as provided is short, or 2. The frames aren't in the right spot. I did not use the instruction book since I already know it's printed out of scale, but I used the PDF download and printed scale from that to place them. So they should be correct. In any case, I don't see that either problem will affect the end result too much. Chainplate slots weren't too bad, but they were tedious. I marked out the location, drilled a hole as per instructions, but I couldn't simply 'poke' the saw blade through as the instructions imply. I had to kind of repeatedly attack it with the saw, a brooch and an X-Acto. Eventually I got the saw through and wow, those blades I got are super dull, they only cut on one stroke and not very well. Got it done eventually. That's all for the build now. I have a driveway dumpster coming this week and will be doing a serious garage and workshop clean out. I may take a 'break' to move the shipyard out into one of those spaces as a larger, more permanent setup. That, or I'll wait until I finish this thing and start fresh out there with the smack. Here's some shots of the lovely aurora we had the other evening:
  9. Not the clearest instructions for a beginner build. Sometimes takes trial and error or a lot of pondering face until the ah ha moment. I'm glad it's been helpful, and happy to do my best to answer any other questions.
  10. Well when you put it that way! 1975 Siren 17 Needs a bit of cleaning up, but in good shape. Now my need to learn rigging and nautical terms has accelerated - Good thing I have two hobbies revolving around the same!
  11. Hoping aboard this one, looks like an interesting kit that's similar, but different enough from the Shipwright Series dory. Looking good so far, keep it up!
  12. Log #7 After some thought, I decided to place the second set of forward supports quite a bit higher than the first set. It was time to get a little creative, even at the risk of things looking a bit messy. However, since the end result would be hidden under a thwart, I felt it was worth the risk. I needed to get the first and second set of supports on the same level. First, I had to raise the supporting area on the first set of frames. I carefully cut and glued in some small pieces. Once the glue dried, I used some wood filler to blend them in with the existing support. After the filler dried, I sanded it down as best I could to make the two pieces look like one. I think it worked out quite well, and once the paint is applied, it may not even be noticeable. In the meantime, I cleaned up and reshaped the rest of the supports. Aside from all the other distractions that summer brings, I hit a bit of a mental block with these thwart frames, which took me a while to get through. They were perfectly shaped to the hull, but only in a position that left them far too high, so I ended up needing to reshape every contour. I feel it would've been better to make these from scratch, but my wood supply, skills, tools, and 'workshop' aren't at that level yet. Nevertheless, I worked through it and completed this portion. I also spent some extra time rough-shaping some of the thwarts to help line up the height and evenness. This took quite a bit of time but will save me a ton of time once I'm ready for the final fitting. The floorboard cleats are bending as I type this. Once I trim and fit them, I'll start shaping the transoms. While I was pulling the wood for these, I realized I hadn't done an inventory. So, I took the extra time to inventory both the pram and the smack. I'm missing both of the 3/32" square pieces from the pram. I'll order some from ME; worst-case scenario, if I need them before they show up, I can steal them from the smack. P.S. I decided to learn how to sail and bought a cheap, old boat - I'll post a picture in a more appropriate area. 🙃
  13. Thank you! Yes, it looks like the thwarts will need quite a bit of sanding to fit as well. Especially the forward thwart I'll have sitting lower than normal. I was thinking of maybe fitting a small filler or 'rail' across the supports to raise the thwart a little bit. I may cut some pieces out and see how this looks. Luckily I had a range of smile metal files show up a week or two ago and one of them pretty sell fits perfectly into the notch for the forward support so filing that down has been simple. P.S. The hull on your smack looks fantastic. I'm looking forward to seeing how a pob will differ from the pof these last two have been.
  14. Appreciate the comments. Log #6 Frames, gunwales, quarter knees. Progress has be slow, but it's been progress. After cleaning up the fillers for the dagger box, I glued it in place and checked the center with the thwart. Installed the frames. This was fairly straight forward, though a bit tedious. Needing to bevel them at the correct angles to ensure they sit vertical as well as making sure they conform to the hull shape. I mainly used a piece of 220 grit cemented to a flat board on the desk. Held the angle and sanded it down, checking often. Gunwales went in next. I wet them and clamped on the outside to bend. After drying I let the aft end stick out a bit and sanded it at the correct angle using the transom as a guide. Then I removed the clamps and set it inside the hull, only needing to make minor tweaks to the bevel. The first one went on per the instructions - Glued the first inch then meticulously shaped the bow end until it fit snug. Then glued the rest. This has been recommended before, and although it's sometimes necessary, I'm not a big fan of gluing bits at a time since it leaves gaps where there is no glue. It doesn't cause any visual or structural issue, but it bugs me for whatever reason. The second went went on a bit differently. Instead of gluing the first bit, I clamped it in placed, trimmed and sanded the bow end down, then applied an even continuous layer of glue across the whole gunwale at once and clamped it in place. Like a glove The quarter knees were straightforward, however after placing them, I do wish I had've marked the bow knees to ensure they lined up better. I just eyeballed each one separately. In the end, they weren't quite even. Finally, I've started on the thwart supports... I'm finding the instructions not particularly clear, and after seating the first pair, I'm thinking they may have been supplied oversized and need to be cut down. The instructions only state, these may need to be 'trimmed to fit your model' - that to mean isn't particularly clear as they need sanding and beveling to fit the hull like the frames did. After gluing them on, I went to install the second pair (the aft pair for the forward thwart) and they seem like the supports will be far to high in comparison to where the first set sits. Before working on them, I checked the full sized pram drawings (which I should have done even earlier) and noticed they supports generally sit above the bottom of the sheer. I checked other build logs as well and it seems there's a range of where these fall, but in general it seems the second pair end up getting place higher than the first pair, giving the forward thwart a forward slant. Checking the drawings, this is actually opposite that the boats designer intended. The drawings show an aft slant on the forward thwart. Below is a cross section view of the forward thwart and supports. Here is where mine is currently sitting. The thwart is probably a little high, but not too far off from where it should be. However, it has a ways to go before contacting the support. A cross section of the hull clearly showing where the forward thwart should fall. It took some time and patience to figure out what was going on here, but in the end, I'm pretty certain I was meant to trim the top of the support in order to raise it. I feel the instructions should be far clearer what's expected here. I won't be removing the first set and reshaping them as I would have to reshape the entire thing to contour the hull and I fear I'd be taking too much material off. Also, I don't think it will affect the look of the finished model. Had the first pair been higher, I likely would've had the backward lean on the thwart shown in the blueprints, but since it's already so low in the front, I'll aim for level. Once I get the rest of these in, and the floor board cleats, I will happily finish shaping the transoms to make this look a little less ridiculous, and a lot more like a usual boat. Thanks for looking.
  15. Ah! great point. I'll keep this in mind when the time comes to fit. Thinking it would be best to shape the board, and give it a loose fit, paint it and then make the final adjustments inside the case to allow room. Thanks for mentioning this, I may have completely overlooked it otherwise.
  16. Log #5 I'll start posting as a I get the chance, as opposed to waiting for logical breaks in the project. This may increase the number of logs, but it'll be easier on my end. The planking is complete, the outside of the hull looked clean from removing glue as I planked, but the inside of the hull had a few spots to pay clean up. As usual, some water to soften and scraping it off worked wonders. I found this a lot easier than when working on the dory. I was a little skeptical and inpatient when trying to clean glue on the dory, but this time I took the time and waiting until it got nice and soft in order to be scraped off. Having sculpting and dental tools now was a huge help as well. Sanded and cleaned up both transoms, added filler, and sanded again. There are some glue spots which hopefully don't show through the paint job too badly. When I ordered this and the smack I got the 3 boat combo which came with some primer, I didn't prime the dory at all so if I use it here, it'll be interesting to see the differences. In the previous log I noticed the final planking will be a little high. Regardless, I'm happy that they ended up being even which I feel is far more important. The instructions state to sand the outer edges of the bilge keels, checking the full size print out of the Simon Watts plans shows the edges and bottoms smoothed before adding on brass strips. I tried to replicate something similar. I may need to also attempt painting on some rub strips. On to the daggerboard case. I started by cleaning up the edges, but I shouldn't have done this, as it caused some of them to go slightly out of square. In hindsight, I should have assembled it first and then cleaned up the edges. Fortunately, this didn't create any major issues as I was able to assemble the case and clean it up afterward. I plan to either make or buy something that will help me sand bevels and square profiles more accurately. Two issues came up here: The case was slightly too small for the daggerboard. I'm not sure if this is intended and am supposed to sand down the daggerboard, but this is likely what will need to happen. The instructions say nothing about test fitting at this stage. The slot in the keel plank is far too large. I checked measurements on the full pram blueprints and none of them seemed to add up properly so I'm not sure what happened with the design here. Skibee mentioned a similar problem In his log. I went with the same fix - add some strips of wood to fill the gap. I cut some small pieces off of 1/32" x 1/16" strips, ended up needing to sand one slightly thinner, glued them in and slid the case while they dry. A magnifier with light that I received the same day made working with these tiny pieces far easier. Next, I'll slide the daggerboard out, carefully sand down the inside edges of the filler pieces, then glue the daggerboard down and sand all the bottom pieces flush at once.
  17. Delayed reply. Go here: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/130-build-logs-for-ship-model-kits-by-era-launch-date/ The Dory should go under 1851-1900, the Pram under 1901 - present day, and the Smack 1851-1900
  18. Log #4 (yes, I'm still here) I'm just getting over a bout of covid that I picked up on my business trip. I figured it was a good time for an update while I wait for the port sheer strake to set. There aren't many build logs that show much in the way of planking. Since this is still a beginner series, I'll do my best to incorporate detail and reference photos with what I've done in the hopes that it helps others. I didn't mention this earlier, but I encountered the same issue with the laser cutting on the port/starboard plank sheets as I did with the dory. The problem is small but still requires attention. The planks weren't exactly the same wide, and I noticed that the laser marks for the bevel were off by quite a bit when placed back to back. Since these marks act as angle guides, it caused some misalignment until I realized the issue. I'm uncertain whether to follow the steeper or flatter bevel, but in the end, I found it best to give the planks a rough bevel and then refine each side's bevel on the build board after attaching. The instructions suggested specific scale sizes for the rabbets, but I found it best to ignore those and instead dry fit the pieces, then mark and sand/cut as necessary. After marking for the rabbets, I made slight cuts with a sharp blade, did some minor cutting with the knife, and used a heavier-duty X-Acto knife as a scraper. The majority of the rabbet shaping was then done with a metal file. After getting the rough shape, I started with the corner of the file to make a ledge length-wise, filed the edge of the plank to gauge the depth, then went to town with the file with various finger pressure. Starting the first file mark. (Increased angle for clarity) For the majority of the planking I used all my metal clamps and some clothes pins in tight spots. Elastics and clamps worked well at the transoms. I spent a lot of time dry fitting, sometimes even holding a plank in place then holding the next one. All the while keeping in mind where I want the final plank to lines to end up. For all the bending, I soaked the planks for 5 minutes in plastic container of hot water with the lid closed. Afterward, I clamped them to the forms and left them to dry for a day. This worked well and when a twist was needed, the planks conformed as required. I used tape to hold the transoms down and level. I was constantly checking for twists, rocks and for the hull raising off the forms: Some rough marks for where my planks will likely fall: It's shaping up nicely: Bending the sheer planks: The final planking line is going to be a bit high on the stern. It's not a huge issue, as others have done, I will draw a new cut line. The only slightly annoying part is that the current laser cut is a bit deep, so I might need to use some filler to avoid a visible line on the finished hull. As Skibee mentioned in his log, a note regarding the final plank-to-lines alignment would be helpful since it’s not immediately clear when starting. I also feel that the plank shapes and maybe the laser cut bevels could use a revision to be a little more beginner friendly. The glue is drying now. This plank was by far the trickiest to clamp down. I started by gluing from the bow to the first form section as I did before, using finger clamps for about 5 minutes before adding the elastic and clamp. Then, I continued gluing along to the second form, aligning the stern end to guide the plank. This was the only spot where the clamps could be used easily. Once clamped, I applied glue down the rest of the plank and used another 5 minutes of finger pressure before securing it with a couple of clamps and adding the elastic. The overlap between the two planks is looking really good in all areas except between the bow and first form. The plank is running a little high in that spot which is creating a cavity. I'm contemplating whether or not to stick a bit of filler in there to close it up before painting. To be clear, this isn't a gap between the boards, they are contacting across the whole bevel, the final plank is just a little wide in this area and sticks out 'below' the other. Three options I'm considering - opinions appreciated. Leave it alone - it's not that bad, though it does look a little odd, it won't be noticeable on the display stand. Fill it with a bit of filler prior to painting. Sand it down narrowing the plank in that region. On another note, a handy tip I read elsewhere is to use a sculpting tool or dental tools to scrape away the rubbery glue after it has cured for a couple of minutes. It comes off nicely and makes cleanup afterward much easier—a trick I wish I had used on my dory. It's rewarding to see the improvement in quality as my skills increase. I haven't removed it from the build board so once I get the starboard side plank on, I'm excited to do that and check out the full shape. Thanks for following Matt
  19. Looking great already, Dan. Hoping aboard this one too. I wish I was able to spend the time to keep up (still planking my pram), but it's nice to get a sneak peak of whats to come!
  20. Very nice work on the pram. What color did you use? I have the kit supplied paint which I realized isn't the same as the ad.
  21. Alright, I basically got it figured out. I chalked it up to just a very weird fit and maybe not the best shape for these planks. It was easier to fit the starboard side than the port. I found that when I held the bow and stern ends in the correct positions, the middle section was lifted up quite high, but I could sort of fold it over onto the bottom planks. I still found that it overlapped the bottom planks in the middle a little more than it should, but it was manageable. Before adding the garboard planks, the instructions have you bevel the bottom planks to match the angle on the forms. I found this odd since the planks are laser etched with specific instructions on how to bevel them. Going back and changing the bevel sounds counter intuitive. This is what I did: Adjusted the bottom plank bevel a little bit more which also widened the bevel in the middle. Cleaned up the angles on the bow transom slightly. Once I sort of figured out what I needed to do, I encouraged the bending and dry fit them about 600 times before I was confident enough I could start gluing without too much trouble. Instructions say to glue it in sections starting at the bow, use each form as a stopping point and let it cure. I didn't want to risk losing that flexibility. I spent some time planning out how I could glue this. Ultimately, I glued from the bow to the first form, and then once it had a couple minutes to cure and was clamped very tightly, I glued from the stern all the way to the first form. This let me control where the board would end up on the ends, which I feel is more important than the middle. I'm convinced that my perfectionism played a significant role in my struggle here, but in the end I'm glad I took the extra time to work through it and I'll be much happier with the result than had I just tried to power through it immediately. Hopefully the rest of the planking goes much smoother. I'll be on a business trip next week so we'll see how far I get.
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