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  1. Hi, I just wanted to create a place where I can update my build, while keeping track of the reference material at the same time. I used the fore deck reference photo that Tom posted to re-work my model to match it the best I could. It seems like I've been re-working my ship to reflect the reference photos, and not making any headway... Here's some updated pics of what I've done since last post. Thanks, Jim P.S. I erased my early build pics of the hull and decks, so I just added some current views at the end of the pic roll here.
  2. I got side lined on an additional project with the Endurance... I wanted to use one of the lifeboats to create a small model of the James Caird to display with the Endurance. Just completed it, but here are the first phase construction pics of it...
  3. Merry Christmas Tom! I've been super busy the last 6 weeks with holidays and all... I finally have some time to get back to the Endurance now. I will post the latest pics up here in the next few days. The research info on your site is awesome!! It's helped me so much with my model. Talk to you soon, Jim
  4. Hey Tom, This looks great! I didn't know the forecastle was indented like that. The pictures I saw didn't show it that well... I may have to retro fit mine now, Jim
  5. Thanks Tom! That sounds great. I decided to model the James Caird to display from on of the 22' life boats. My wife thinks I'm crazy, but I love this boat for some reason... Here's some pics of it so far, Talk to you soon, Jim
  6. Hi All, Love the project your doing Keith! Got the Endurance for Christmas a couple of years ago and started it last year after viewing you beautiful model. I have been completing my last two ships in clear natural wood, as yours started out, because it's different and really eye catching to me. I love researching my scale projects and the Endurance has proved to be a great Rabbit Hole to go down. Have been experimenting with different configurations to complete my model in, and just wanted to post them and see if anyone else is currently building this OcCre kit at this time. Here are some basic pics so far, Jim
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