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Charles Roseberry

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  1. Amazing build, really. I've often been intrigued by these. You did not fail to continue that intrigue Well done Sir.
  2. Thank You. That is an astute observation. In the lineage world, our Family Crest includes two hands holding up a Tench, or trout type fish. The Tench class subs came before the Guppy class. Interesting indeed. Perhaps one day I'll have to do up old Teaches' Queen Annes Revenge, minus his head on the bowsprite of course lol. Another interesting connection, my female ancestor I mentioned (A great aunt) wrote a letter generations ago talking about the connection to Bath, N.C. which is where Teach (I still think it is supposed to be Tench, etc as we had one ancestor who came over on the English ship Fortune , William Tench) Supposedly from the same area in England. In any case, the ancestors letter claims that Teach had one single female child in Bath N.C. before he was killed. Amazingly I had several uncles who served during WWII as well as my maternal grandfather. R.L. Tench in the seabees. My uncles would have seen the Tench Class subs while in service no doubt. One of my uncles was on a ship that was sank and he was at sea for 9 days in a raft before being rescued by an English ship, of which the name escapes me right now. Apologies for the rambling. Thanks so much for the warm and hearty welcome.
  3. Hop skip and jump down the street. Thank You sir.
  4. Hello fine folks. Im thankful to be here. I used to model many moons ago. Mostly Tugs like the Doris Moran, etc. I only did scratch built. I've never seen a model ship in a package I began ship building after a foray into building large airplanes from kits. But my family history always takes me back to the sea. They say my family's namesake (last name) [Tench] is a direct line to Teach from genealogy records and statements from generations back. I spent 26 years in Hawaii (Hence the Aloha) and reside about 20 minutes outside Charlotte, N.C. home of the Tarheels and Hornets nest for historical references Thank You for allowing me to be here and contribute and glean from your pages. I have already seen some impresssive build pictures and Im sure will enjoy many more while I'm here. Thank You so much.
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