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Wayward Shipwright

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About Wayward Shipwright

  • Birthday December 11

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  • Location
    Amarillo, Texas
  1. Hello All, I've been a long time lurker on this forum and have followed many of the wonderful builds taking place within the community. This forum is a wealth of knowledge and a truly wonderful resource for the burgeoning model shipwright. That said, I would like to become a more active member. What better way to do so than by starting my first build log. I built many plastic models, mainly of tanks and aircraft, as a kid and always enjoyed the hobby. Intrigued by a new challenge I became interested in model ship building, culminating in a failed attempt to build the Artesania Latina Virginia schooner. While I may have ended up binning the model before completion I knew I would eventually return for another attempt at the hobby. This came roughly two years ago when I purchased the MS Shipwright series. This served as a great starting point for the hobby and allowed me to practice some key skills. I then completed the Midwest Sakonnet Daysailer. (I'll include pictures of these previous builds for your enjoyment.) This brings us to today, I've been working on the Amati Lady Nelson as time allows for roughly a year now. I don't fancy myself an expert naval historian but it's beyond apparent that the 'HM Cutter Lady Nelson' never actually existed. However, British revenue cutters as a class of ship were very real. Since this specific vessel is fanciful, my goal with this build is to create a reasonably accurate model of a generic British revenue cutter from the late 18th century. I will be using the generic nature of the build to take a degree of liberty and artistic license on some aspects of the ship. Unfortunately, because the build has been underway for over a year my progress photos thus far are limited. I will include what I have but will for the most part focus on the ship as she is currently. I know this is likely a disappointment to some of you, but I would like to share the remainder of my journey. I can promise my subsequent logs will start from the beginning. I'm largely done with the hull and am currently working on some of the smaller fittings I need to add before my final coats of wipe on poly. Overall I am pretty happy with my results and the look of the ship so far. I'm looking forward to hearing all of your thoughts and input to aid in my completion of the ship. WC
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