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    Yeppoon, QLD

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  1. Looks like you've got your work cut out for you on this one...
  2. Thanks, its mostly airbrushed as long as I can mask it, some areas are brushed. Another thing missing from the kit etch is the smoke generator covers which is a bit strange as they are covered by the new deck. The Eduard instructions are terrible, no logic to the order of the drawings and don't show the shape of the part they are going on, so you have to keep checking through the part numbers and going back and forth through the tiny bits of paper! At least the kit stuff has photos.
  3. Hi,it was in that big block of text at the start, it does come with PE but it is missing the boat racks and the kit ones are hugely thick. I didn't want to pay a lot to duplicate the PE so got the Eduard set as well as it was the cheapest. It also has a few bits and pieces that aren't in the kit etch. The Eduard set also replaces the doors which interestingly the kit doesn't apart from a few higher up the structures.
  4. Started to add the railings on this level. You can see where I broke one over adjusting the angle. Its hard to see without magnification so the gap will stay there. A few touch ups to do..
  5. Finally to todays work. Added ladders and railings to rear structure. Struggling with these railings and my clumsy fat fingers. I didn't realise how bad my eyesight had become. Had to go and buy a laboratory microscope to work with this photoetch. Added to lower structure. And radar(?) added. I am leaving the aerial off as I know I will knock it off if I fit it now.
  6. The funnel top was an exercise in nerve, having to remove the horrible thick kit interior. The macro lens is a cruel mistress....
  7. Painted rear structure and added decks. And the next floor up.. I left the railings off to paint separately as I knew I would squash them or worse fitting the decks...
  8. Thanks. That is the total of photos I have until today. So this is how it sits at the moment. Deck fitted, painted and wooden aftermarket deck attached. Lower structure detailed and painted etc.
  9. The hull then received black shading on the panel lines before being sprayed with hull red, masked, camouflage sprayed and then bootstrap. No photos I'm afraid. The hull was weathered and had a light spray of dark green at the bottom and dusting of white. This was kept low key as it was based in the cold North Sea waters. Whilst I was working on this, I made a start on some of the superstructures. First off was the aft structure and hangars. After removing the kit plastic, photoetch was added. The boat supports came from the Eduard set. The doors and portholes from the white ensign set. The steel is from the kit etch. Temporarily assembled.
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