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cpt. Tom

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Everything posted by cpt. Tom

  1. Hi Hrvoje, why did you do that? What is the reason for this???
  2. Absolute coooool Karl, I love your work and if I only have a little bit of it I'd be happy
  3. That's great and then we'll soon be three who build this ship , right??
  4. First I want to say thank you for your comments and your help Dick, so I need to rejuvenate the false sternpost, the sternpost and the knee, is that right? ore only the knee, I have already glued everything together.......... now I have a problem
  5. Hello I´m back with a question and I hope Dick ore someone else can help me. I found this part on Plan 4 where the components from the keel and the sternpost are shown, it is the sternpost knee. I have no idea what i have to do with this piece, please can someone help me ????? Here is the picture from the problem part :) Thank you already for your effort.....!!!
  6. Great progress, I like this ship and the metal parts look very good
  7. Hi David, I use normal wood glue from "Clou" and thank you very much When all the parts are glued together and the glue is still wet, I loop everything so that all gaps be filled with wood glue and sanding dust. I've had good experiences to do it this way
  8. A little progress on the gabare Here you can see the Sternpost, false Sternpost, inner Sternpost, Sternpost knee and a filling piece under the Sternpost knee and last but not least the keel. The false keel is not on the picture but it is ready build then I glued everything and here on the helling
  9. Thank you Hans-Christian, i know this page and I`ve downloaded the pdf files already.
  10. Here there is also a small progress on the SotS. On Friday I received the new components and today I installed a few things. It's not all finished, Tomorrow I will build some more things on here Here are the pics: It looks as if the mirror slightly askew but it is not, everything is straight :)
  11. Thank you Dick, I think I'll do it the same way as you did.....looks very good And here is another chair for Antony and a warm welcome to you and greetings to England. Some more progress on the gabare, some components I had to do twice, but it was fun :) I have to learn handle the milling machine and the handling of the carving knives. But all is difficult at the beginning Here some pics:
  12. You're very welcome Hans Christian Hello Dick, what do you mean with "clamps". The german word for "clamps" is "Klammer" ???????? Maybe you mean wood ledges.....I glue wooden strips next to the keel and I cut for the stern and the bow parts small incisions into the helling so that nothing can slip away. I hope this is that what you mean :)
  13. Sooooooo, I still had something to do on the Helling but now it is finished The first keel part is also ready which was not very easy, so the keel-laying was on 05/30/14 It's different when you take finished components from a box or if you do everything yourself, it takes time :) but it´s funny So, let's see what else I get done today, all components from the keel are already cut out and they still need to be sanded Here are the pics :)
  14. Thank you Guys. Today I have to go to work (Late shift) but then I have 4 days off and then I start with the keel :) and I have got my scroll saw today jiiiiiiippieh See you soon on weekend....!!
  15. And the next chair is there :) good luck and let the pics comming
  16. Thank you Sjors and a good Morning to the Netherlands to Anja and you Sjors, my first ship was also a 50th birthday gift, unfortunately she is now standing in my brother in law´s living room
  17. Hi Folks, the plans are there........my goodness, looks a little bit difficult. Now I need to copy the plans and then cut the parts of. I think this coming weekend I'm doing the first images from my results Hola a Sao Paulo or Olá a São Paulo Hi Mauricio, a very warm welcome to my build log and thank you for the information you gave me. I´m take care about that and you are right they are longer as in 8 or 15. Peroba Rosa is a nice wood with a red touch but too dark for me, can you make some pictures for me?? Of course we can share our experiences but it is better if you start a build log too so that I can see what you're doing........!!! I'm not an expert too, this is my first scratch build and I have to figure out how this works
  18. Hello to all sorry that I have forgot to put some pictures in of my finished ship. Even if not everything is correct but it was a great fun to build her.....!!
  19. It is an honor for me if you watch my build log, Karl and maybe you can give me some advices.......!!! I'm still waiting for the plans but nothing is happen until today Es ist eine Ehre für mich wenn Du meinen Baubericht verfolgst und vielleicht kannst Du mir einige Ratschläge geben, Karl. Danke
  20. Hi Karl, what should I say now, except my greatest respect for this brilliant work. Each word has been written here and all I can say is Great Great Great On one side in your build log you have given us a link to another builder and you said that you can learn from him........ No way this is not possible he can learn something from you - believe me - Karl, Du bist nicht von dieser Welt......!!!! Karl, you're out of this world
  21. I have a question, what does that mean "POB" or "POF" in the heading of the build logs???
  22. Hi Bill, a friend in a German forum builds for many years his ships with pear wood and he also makes small round rods from the wood for deck support without problems. Of course I do not know how the wood looks in 50 years
  23. Thank you Clare and I wanna say thank you folks for all the "likes" you did. I hope I do not disappoint you
  24. Hello Ersin, this is incredible what you are showing here. I cannot wait for for the next pictures......great absolutely great
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