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Poppa Jim

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About Poppa Jim

  • Birthday 08/17/1954

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  • Location
    Merced, CA
  • Interests
    Growing old

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  1. I am enjoying it! Planning on staying with the smaller, less complex ships before I venture out of the kiddy pool, so to speak. My long term aim will be the Rattlesnake.
  2. About sixty years ago I ran across a copy of To Glory We Steer, one of the Richard Bolitho series by Alexander Kent, in the Plattsburgh AFB library and started a decades-long on and off love affair with the fighting ships of that era. Made a few half-hearted attempts at modeling but was rapidly overcome. Then, about a month ago I ran across an ad in Smithsonian magazine for Model Expo’s Shipwright Series which sounded right up my alley. Currently working on my second attempt at the Norwegian Sailing Pram, waiting on the glue to dry after breaking (again!) the goddam aft transom support and trying to balance my latent OCD/perfectionism with a desire to learn some skills, which will involve tolerating mistakes. The Grand Banks Dory came out fair on the second try (I can only tolerate so many glue-unglue-reglue cycles before I start over from scratch). Gonna make a third attempt later. Been lurking the forums and build logs for a week or two and am seeing an improvement in my skill level as a result. Enjoying the new hobby, especially since my back will no longer tolerate golf.
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