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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Just a little update. I grabbed the proverbial bull by the horns and this isthe result!
  2. Ok, there we go again. The planks are following the slots Everything is still dry fit.
  3. While trying to dry fit the front deck, I noticed that the frame was to high and had to be lowered. Now all the decks are dry fit into place. More than in my previous build, I need to look far ahead before I'm going to do anything. And also having the written manual in Dutch and in English is a real challenge.
  4. The longerons and deck are not glued. I've checkt all the frames and they are level. The deck not fits just a little adjustment. A few pictures to enjoy.
  5. Filed all the frames to fit the keel and dry fit them in place. The leveling is good. Next is filing and fitting the spars (longitudinal beams) into the frames. So, nothing is glued yet!
  6. Keel segments are glued in place. The frames matches the ones one the drawing, but they don't fit onto the keel, as the photo shows. Necessary adjustments to the depth on the joines of the frames are needed to make them fit (picture No. 4)
  7. I couldn't wait to get started, so here is the start of my build.
  8. Here we go…... @ Patrick, I'm just started to upload the build log of the Mirage. That will take me a few hours…. @ Tony, Thanks We will continue where we ended. @ Garward, Nice to see you back! I'll just wait and see till your Mõntanes is back. It's a great example for me to see what I have to do with my vessel. @ Augie, I only have to copy/past my text from an other forum. Just adjust a few things and upload the photo's. No worries about the jokes…..we make new ones @ Grant, I keep an close eye to you when you have your photo's back . @ Mark, Today the pc is mine! Monday I have the late shift so on the daytime the pc is also mine @ Ben, I'm happy that I can get everything back again. It is a lot of work, but I don't mind. It is a great forum, so I'm happy that I can do my share to make it again a great site! @ Derek, It's good to be back. I also keep an close eye to you. Thanks all for the replays. Sjors
  9. Hello my friends, Le Mirage has docked "... Il n'y rien qui trappe tante les yeux, ni marque tant la magnificence du Roi que bien orner les vaisseux comme les plus beaux qui aient encore paru à la mer ... " Freely translated it means: "... There is nothing so pleasing to the eye, nor to the glory of the King, then the ships to beautify the finest that ever appeared at sea ..." With these words, Jean Baptist Colbert, minister of Louis XIV, gave a new impetus to the growth of the French navy and the manner how to conceive the warships of the 16th century. In fact, the period between the 16th century and the midth of the following one, may be considered the golden period of the sailing ships; a period which even some essentially sea-going characteristics of the men of war were sacrified to the exigencies of aesthetics. This resulted in a tight rivalry between architects, artists and woodworking masters to apply decorations and trimmings. The masters of the ship, once arrived in the open sea, hurried to remove these 'obstacles' to make their ship easier to handle. The reproduction to scale of ships of this type is obviously not very easy. Remember that in this period the shipwrightstransmitted their secrets from father to son without leaving written notes. I want to thank you all in advance for your help and assistance with this build. Enjoy watching! Sjors
  10. Here is the re-post of my Le Mirage which I started in March 2012. Hello my friends, I ordered the Le Mirage last friday. Hopefully she will arrive next thursday. This is a build for an advanced level, so this will bea real challenge for me. I know I will ask for help and assistance with this build. But with a lot of patience, the help of all off you and Anja, I know I can handle it. On the internet I couldn't find any (additional) information or photo's of the 'real'Le Mirage Le MIRAGE - FRENCH WARSHIP MIRAGE - 17th century France saw a fierce rivalry between naval architects, artists and craftsmen, as each tried to outdo the other in constructing the finest and most lavish ship. A fine example of these excesses is the Mirage, built during the reign of Louis XIV in 1675. Corel’s plank-on-bulkhead kit Mirage, is an accurate reproduction of this sumptuous vessel. Figurehead, transom ornamentation, windows, lanterns and many other decorative parts are furnished in gleaming gilded cast metal. 84 burnished metal guns serve as armament, and perfectly aligned gunports open and close. Double planking is comprised of lime wood for the fist layer. Outer planking is done in a variety of hardwoods for a subtle contrast in colors. Fittings include pre-carved ship’s boat, laser cut grating strips, cast metal anchor, brass belaying pins, wooden blocks and deadeyes, four diameters of rigging line and silk-screened flags and pennants. Three sheets of plans and illustrated instructions are suited for the advanced modeler. Length 34-1/4" Height 31" Scale 1:75
  11. Morning Miorticul, Thanks. I'm glad that I have a back up on an other forum. I can only put my build things back, not the comment. I think in a few days, everything is normal again. Even with the jokes from Augie….. Sjors
  12. Good morning my friends, After a good night sleep ( where I have in my dreams uploaded pictures) the first thing that Anja and me are doing, is started up the pc and I-pad to see if it was not a dream that MSW was back…... And yesssss, It was NOT a dream I shall replay to all when I 'm back from the shower. Sjors
  13. Hi Wayne, Anja has her own I pad, so she can work on that…... Just kidding. It is almost sleeping time so we are going to the playground. Tomorrow she is not at home but on sunday the pc is for her…….promised! It's good to be back! have a nice weekend to. Sjors
  14. Hi frank & Andy, You are the first visitors @Frank, If you have all the pictures, take your time and post them. If you don't do it, maybe some day you regret it. @Andy, With this speed I need a other job to buy all those kits Sjors
  15. So I'm now so far with posting till the moment that the world stop spinning…... My next post will be an update in the time that I was not at MSW. Thanks for dropping in and till tomorrow. At Sunday, Anja has put a claim on the pc…... Sjors
  16. Placed the wales and painted them Also put the yellow paint around the gun ports. Varnish the hull twice with Dullcote transparent opaco matt lack. Sjors
  17. The hull is closed! It was a job of his own but it is done. A little filler to complete the picture. Sjors
  18. 3/4 of the ship is planked. It looks if there is some mold on the planks but that's not true. I have sanded it and used some balsa filler. The hull has to be painted. Sjors
  19. The planking around the gun ports on the port side and starboard are done. After a few hours of sanding it feels smooth. Sjors
  20. The second row of planking is done and I have sanded a little, but I know that I need more sanding. I also need some filler. The light planking has to be painted yellow and between it black. I only have problems with the stern. It must be close together but I have a little ledge…... So I take a little piece of wood and use some filler and sanded the ledge away. It's now so smooth as the buttock of a baby. I think it works just fine. Sjors
  21. The starboard side is also planked with Sapelli wood. Now I can go to the hull with the white wood. Sjors
  22. I've done something more. Place the waterways and paint them. Make the stair to the lower deck and make the safety railing. Also start the planking. Sjors
  23. Of course one of the bulwarks is cracked I have placed a plank over it and it looks if it is going all right. I also place wood for the false canons. I don't know what it calls, but I think you understand what I mean. Sjors
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