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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Hello John, Welcome back! Nice to see your build again. I will follow you further! Sjors
  2. Hi Grant, I'm new too. Is it allowed to watch your build? Sjors
  3. Morning Cristy and Aldo, @ Cristy, I have my build log also on an other forum, so it was not so difficult to put it back. @ Aldo, Thanks my friend. When is your log back? Sjors
  4. Wow, Augie is happy……... And only champagne for Popeye I'll take a cup of coffee and pay it for myself! Thanks FRIEND! Sjors
  5. Hi Tony and Adrieke, Welcome It's gonna take a while before I continue on the Mirage. Sjors
  6. Ben & Augie, I was thinking….it's a new beginning at MSW so……….. I don't say it! I'll be sitting silently and watch what is going on. There is somebody behind me who is watching me over my shoulder what I'm writing. I'll wait for Mobbsie his return so he's the judge in this matter. Sjors
  7. Hi Frank, That looks great! And you have rig your canons…... Now I have to run The weathering looks fabulous. You really are doing a great job. Sjors
  8. Hello Adrieke, Frank, Aldo and John, @ Adrieke, Thanks for dropping in. I'm glad that I'm back….. @ Frank, No worries my friend, I have piece in the house. And for the canons….that take some while. I just see a movie on television from 1952. I think you know it…….Ivanhoe. They where also at battle but at the end, they become friends. So are we! And Anja is mine Rowena ( without a sword ) @ Aldo, Thanks my friend, I'll be patiently waiting till you have your built log back on line. @ John, You more then welcome to follow. It was a little work but I'm glad that I can put everything back. Sjors
  9. Hi Script, Welcome back! Nice pictures you are posting. And why not the little mistakes? I can learn from that…. Good luck with your new home. Sjors
  10. Hi Wim, Great to see you! I will looking over your shoulder. Great job! Sjors
  11. He Garward, Thanks for posting the bow so close-up. I know now what to do . Keep on coming with the pictures. Sjors
  12. And that's my wife………. Now you can see what kind of life I have here Sjors
  13. You're more then welcome Wayne, Take 2 if you like! Sjors
  14. You are more then welcome Sherry and Augie, It's good to be back! I filled the refrigerator with all kind of stuff. So take what you wants….. Sjors
  15. Augie, You have really sharp eyes! I thought you never see it. I confess……. I have do something when the world stood still……. And what about the Dremel table…….I ask Anja if I can used it and she sat that it was all right…. Blame her for that not me! Sjors
  16. Hi Remco, Anja told me that I have to take a look at your build. She ask me that several times. I was wondering why. But now I've seen it, I know why. Really great work When I look at the builds of you and Mark and Danny and some much more scratch builders I just feel like a novice. What you can do with wood is almost out of this world. Sjors
  17. Thanks Patrick, If I need more space I can remove Anja from her workspace When I look outside the spring is still far away! I can do a few things more and then I have to wait for the time that Anja gives me a lathe…..I have to cutter a few things and I don't have such device. Sjors
  18. After a few hour's of re-loaded all the pictures ,here are a few new ones. I have painted the frames around the gun ports and make the sheer strake ( If that's the right word for it) After that because I was still painting, I placed the wales and paint between them black. Then varnish on the wales and blue at the stern. Sjors
  19. Hi Grant, It is here 12.00 o' clock . The afternoon is just started Sjors
  20. Wow Mark, Did I missed this one at the old MSW? Or are you playing jokes with me and you just finished this one in one night…... Great build! Sjors
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