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Alex K.

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About Alex K.

  • Birthday 09/30/1969

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  1. Thanks Peter! It was a pleasure seeing your ship as well, and it was nice talking to you. I hope to see you next time. Alex
  2. Lately I've put some effort in creating a showcase for the Friesland (acrylic). The glue came out near the edges, I guess I should have used more liquid glue, even though this was the supplier's preferred glue (acrifix 192). Removing the glue and polishing should be possible, but where I tried it, you can still see it. Anyway, I added ledlights and this is the result:
  3. And also worked on the hatches, but first had to make some small rings.
  4. This weekend I managed todo some more. I decided not to use the Mamoli lifeboat, but I already ordered a life boat from Kolderstok a few years ago for this purpose.
  5. The modelship builders day in the National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam was a great success.. 🙂 Some pictures: And the Friesland:
  6. While waiting for my ordered rope, I have some small pieces of rope that I can use for the following.
  7. Finally it fits. Mostly with bending. I tried the dremel, but that didn't give the right result and I didn't want to destroy too much.
  8. But while placing it, I ran into a problem... And scraping some wood off the top of the rudder didn't have the desired effect. I may have to put the dremel into the lower part of of the decorations on the back of the ship. I'll take some time to think this over..
  9. And I decided to do some woodwork, the rudder. Laminating with walnut strips makes it look just a bit nicer.
  10. On the 30th of Sept, there will be a meeting of model ship builders, organized by a Dutch model ship building forums, in the National Maritime Museum (Scheepvaartmuseum) in Amsterdam. https://www.hetscheepvaartmuseum.com I am very proud to be showing this model there together with many other hobby ship builders on this unique location.
  11. This is the current status. And I did some other work by making some flags
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