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Everything posted by guraus

  1. Thank you for comments. Here are some more progress pictures. Alexandru
  2. A bit of more progress: started the planking of the upper deck.
  3. Hello all, thank you for following my build, likes and comments. Some more progress on the rigging - started to do the shrouds. Alexandru
  4. Thanks for watching and for your comments. The wood is called "Castello" - it is the closest thing to boxwood I could find. Some SouthAmerican wood. Alexandru
  5. Hello, I just got my new serving machine from Domanoff (http://www.shipworkshop.com - thank you for the amazingly fast shipping) and after assembling it I give it a short trial run. I am quite pleased with the results. But I am not there yet so I continued the work on the deck section. First I started making belong pins on my lathe using a method seen here on MSW. I am very happy with how they came also. I still have to do another 6 or so to have them all. Here are some pictures.
  6. Thank you all for the comments and likes. Here is a small update. Alexandru
  7. Hello Isalbert, I don't know exactly what you want to see so I posted three pictures, hope that helps. Alexandru
  8. Perre, I use different colours of wood as I don't like using paint or stains. The base is maple and I useed it just because it was readily available and it is very heavy and I figured it will be stable for the tall structure. Outer planking is pear, inner is purplheart, the deck is holy and the rails and channels are ebony. Thank you for interest. Alexandru
  9. Some progress: the deck is planked and nailed and started to work on the rails.
  10. Hello all, Since I decided not to do any rigging on my Victory model and since I already made the lower main mast and top I decided to start this small side project to use the parts I've already made and also to put at good use the rope machine I bought a while ago. Additionally this will break a bit the monotony of repetitive work on full hull Victory. The section starts at the main mast and ends at the end of main channels and only from the quarter deck up. This allow me to do most of the main mast standing rigging - less the stays. Now I am imagining this project as the full main mast including the yards but no sails. This might change in the future. Here are some pictures with the progress so far. Regards, Alexandru
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