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Everything posted by guraus

  1. No, I finally decided not to rig the model exactly because of its size. The hull itself is 56in long. For now I have no idea where will I put her when is done but at the speed I am advancing this will not be an issue fore several more years at least. SawdustDave, Bob, and everybody who liked my pictures, thank you for appreciation. Regards, Alexandru
  2. For the moment I gave up on the windows after several unsuccessful attempts. I am not happy with those that are now in place but I said I can change them later if I can make a better version. In the mean time I decided not to install any masts and started the upper deck framing but got lazy with the posting till somebody reminded my of it (thanks Bob ) and here it is the past due update:
  3. Karl, I am not sure I understand what do you point out with the red arrows... Alexandru
  4. Kevin, I don't think you got my evicted spiders as I didn't evicted them yet. You have your own. I'm just wording the eviction notice now so they won't get to scared... Alexandru
  5. Alan, Initially for the extension I just took a piece of wood of proper height and clamped it to the table to use as tool rest for the extension part. But I get rid of it, as in the end the rounding was not done by chisel but using strips of progressively higher grain sandpaper. Most of the work from square to round I've done it with a very coarse grit 60 belt of a 1.5in belt sander which I pressed against the mast using very thick leather work gloves as it become quite hot fast. Took a bit and made a lot of dust but I got good results for the white soft type of wood that I used (some leftover floor boards that I had laying around) to simulate the pine wood of masts. This was the biggest mast and had a bit over 75cm in length - about 30in so that will make for quite an extension. I also wanted to buy an additional bed for the lathe I have but was not in stock for North America and to get it from Germany would have taken 2-4 months. Even so probably I would have needed two of them for 30in. My solution was cheaper and faster and did the job. Alexandru
  6. Maury, thanks for the advice. I will look for the orange oil and give it a try. Done the beams for the upper deck and switched to something different as I decided to do the lower masts. Started with the main one but I had to improvise a bit as my wood lathe was not long enough for it. Here are some progress pictures:
  7. This might seem strange, but I have to ask about a situation quite strange: I noticed recently that a stowaway passenger installed itself in my HMS Victory model: a spider. Didn't see the spider but I saw its web all over the hold and the web reappeared after a thorough cleanup I did. Not sure if this happened to others or not but I don't really know how to get rid of it. I didn't dare to use any aerosol insecticide as I don't know for sure what would be the impact on the wood or glue. Does someone has some experience with how safely remove this kind of unwanted pests? Thank you, Alexandru
  8. The anchor is finished except for the varnish or oil finish.
  9. Thank you all. Your comments are greatly appreciated. Did some finishing touches on the galley and started working on one of the anchors. Here are some pictures. Alexandru
  10. There still is a little work to be done on it. Alexandru
  11. Thank you for appreciation. Here are some progress pictures on the galley stove.
  12. Vivian, The section model is labelled "Midshipmen's training vessel (c. 1750)" There is a lot more information about this model and a lot of the arsenal models the Madrid museum has in a very nice book they printed "Modelos de Arsenal del Museo Naval". I bought it from the museum for 45 Euro but is also available online at: http://fundacionmuseonaval.com/tienda-on-line/tienda-museo-naval/libreria/catalogos/modelos-de-arsenal-detail. The book is in Spanish but at the end all text is also translated in English. Even so it is worth the money only for the high quality pictures of the models. The same book was also translated in French under the title: "L'Armada - Maquettes du Musée naval de Madrid (XVII-XVIII)" which is available on http://Amazon.fr Hope this info helps you, Regards Alexandru
  13. And since back I did do some actual work on my model. Here are some pictures of the brick work on muddle deck. Used different color of red woods for the brick which are 4.5 by 2 by 1 mm. Glued them on a piece of black bristle board with a bit of gap between them then I filled the gap with white balsa filler. I am quite happy with the results. Alexandru
  14. Hello all Thanks for the great comments! I just returned after a two weeks vacation in Spain and Portugal and I visited three maritime museums there and I thought it would be a good idea to share with you some highlights of them - maybe someone will find the info useful. First was the Barcelona museum. The highlight there is a full scale replica of a Royal Galley of 1568 60 meters long 6.2 wide and 59 oars - see first and third pictures (they mixed somehow). Next was Madrid's naval museum with the incredible collection of arsenal models - pictures 2, 4 and 5. The museum impressed me much than the Paris and London ones which I visited several years ago. And last was the Lisbon museum where most impressive was the collection of royal barges as you can see in last three pictures. I've done a ton of pictures and recording there so now I will have food for tough for a while. Alexandru
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