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About spill50

  • Birthday 10/15/1980

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    Beverley, UK
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    Modelling, Hiking, Camping, Photography, Graphic Design, Website Development, Technology/Gadgets, Reading, Music and Movies.

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  1. @max142 I've made some adjustments and printing a new version of it this evening. Once I've dialled in the design and worked out the quirks, I'll share the files.
  2. Ha, I may do a small number if people are interested.
  3. @Patrick Matthews I like it, if it does the job for 20+ years, then it must be doing something right. I do like the idea of the magnetic sheets. If I didn't have a 3D printer mine would probably look something like yours Yeah the blades I will change to the square single edged ones, the scalpel blades are just what I had to hand but it will be a pain to change. The plastic is quite hard and not even scratched yet but we'll see how it holds up after a few 100 cuts and the fence only goes out to 55mm so that needs tweaking for longer repeat cuts. Great thing about 3D printing is I can just print a fence with different geometry in a few minutes. I'll post V2 when it's done.
  4. Not been around for a while but I recently bought a new ship kit to keep me occupied over Christmas (no doubt a lot longer than that). I need a plank cutter for making multiple repeat 90 degree cuts. Yes I know I could have bought one, but I figured I would make use of my other hobby and 3D print one and thought people here might like to see it. It takes a Swann Morton scalpel blade and lets me do any angle between 45 and 90 with adjustable/removeable fences to make repeat cuts. This is the first version and already thinking about changes to improve it. Probably change it to use standard double edged razor blades among other things.
  5. Interesting, never even came to mind but obvious when you think about it. I need to bend it after drilling so softening it should hopefully make that easier as well. Thanks. I best go get myself a blow torch 🔥
  6. Thanks Mark, Yes, I do have a large drill press it's pretty old and I got it second hand so not sure it is accurate enough to drill a 0.8mm hole without breaking the bit. I've only used it for woodwork. I guess I will only find out if I try it Thanks for the advice though, I think the small dent will be the key to stop the bit wandering.
  7. Hi all, It's been a while but I'm finally returning to my first build the Thermopylae. I'm just at the point where I'm building all the items for the deck and it requires some pretty intricate work. I need to drill 0.8mm and 1mm holes in 2mm brass rod for the davits. Does anyone have any advice on the best/easiest way of doing this? I don't have a metalworking lathe or mill so I'm looking for a "low tech" way of doing it. Thanks, Richard
  8. Hi, yes it's been quite 'interesting' but I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far and I'm really pleased with the standard I have achieved on yes, my first wood build. I have arrived at a couple of tricky bits and my first attempt at bending the strip that runs around the stern was not too successful. Trying to find a way of doing the quite tight bend with a diameter of about 6cm. I'm hoping to get some more build time on this over the summer. I have taken on a significant role in a new startup so time has been a but short over the past year I purchased this book when I first got the kit to do some research https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tea-Clippers-History-Development-1833-75/dp/0851772560 which has a section on the Thermopylae, it was a great read.
  9. Sorry to hear you can't see the photos. I have them hosted via my Google Drive. I'd be happy to upload them to flickr if you like. Or send you a link to download them all.
  10. I got it from Cornwall Model Boats http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/mantua_thermopylae.html I've ordered several times from them and always received a great service.
  11. No, not given up, just not had the time to work on it. Been having a pretty hectic past few months. When I get chance I will return to it. Richard
  12. Hi ricklabz, Yes it did, I got the 2 large double sided plans and some A4 sheets stapled together with English instructions. I haven't done much on it lately as I've had lots of work on but since my last update I have built the 2 cabins and finished the hand rails. Richard
  13. Thanks Anja, I've taken the day off work, hopefully get some quality build time in. I've been having some problems laterally bending the handrail to go round the stern. So I'm going to go with gluing smaller bit's together and then shaping. Richard
  14. Hi Spencer, no not yet. I've started shaping the handrails but not had much time to work on it this week. Richard
  15. wow your launch just looks fantastic. Gonna go check out your Syren now. Good stuff!
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