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Everything posted by egkb

  1. +++++++ Newsflash +++++++++ Newsflash +++++++++ Newsflash +++++ Ok you get the picture I was doing it Telex style! Emm All Righty Then... I have laid the first strip of planking on both sides, so far no drama (or Filler, but it is on stand-by) Photos as soon as I actually take some (I had to nip out to pick up some Map Pins to help keep planks in position) More Shortly as the News comes in (sorry couldn't resist Nigel) Eamonn
  2. Yea, Stan you may want to make those planking timbers a bit thicker, as you say you can always double plank with something cheaper underneath, My Ballahoo (I:64 Scale) has 2mm thick planking (2 lots of 1mm thick planks, with Lime wood being the underneath planking) Have you a deck or hull planking plan? because if you could find out how 'wide' each plank was you may be able to interpret how thick it would have been (for instance if the real original planks were around 8 or 10 inch wide you might think that 1.5 or 2 inch thick is about right, then scale that to the model, not totally accurate but it will give you a starting point, and even at your scale '1:48' you are likely to be only a Millimetre out! ) Best of Luck Stan Eamonn
  3. Sorry to hear about the Cough Mick, I hate those things and can totally sympathise. Take Care Mate Eamonn
  4. Hi again Stan, I think you'll get the job done to your satisfaction, thankfully you are finding these problems/questions at the planning stage ! Quick point though: looking at the cross section through the hull (in a photo 2 posts back) showing Bulkhead 'A', I noticed that you draw the Bulkhead out to the very edge of the Ship's outline! don't forget to allow for the thickness of your planking (Single or Double Planking) as Line Drawings are usually to the outside measurements of vessels (unless the plans specify that it is drawn to the inside of the planking), were you to plank on top of where your Bulkhead is drawn to, you may find that some measurements later will be off (and loose an awful lot of time trying to figure out how this happened) remember to do this for all places that require planking, Decks etc . Please do check this elsewhere to make sure I'm not telling you wrong information. All the Best Eamonn
  5. That's the bunny Andy, kinda figured this one wouldn't take too long. She is currently in Belfast. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Caroline_(1914) You're up, Andy Eamonn
  6. Thanks Wayne, that flag had ne going in circles there for a while (did you know there is an online 'Flag Finder' where you hit on-screen 'buttons' to help narrow down the search? I found it when typing '...Odd Flag' see my answer above for the rest BTW Flag 'Finder' didn't Anyhoo here are 2 pictures of a certain ship, I don't want the Class just this specific ship. Only hint you are getting is that she is still with us! Answers on the back of a €5 to : Eamonn care of MSW Eamonn
  7. This has to be the weirdest method I have used to date to find a ship.. Step 1 try identify an odd flag Step 2 Google '13 vertical stripe flag with odd shape in top left' Step 3 Have no luck Step 4 Eventually find US Coastguard flag, but seems to have too many vertical stripes, keep looking and find Old US Coastguard flag with 13 stripes.. utter word 'Hmmmm.. I wonder' Step 5 Google US Coastguard and find its history goes back to Revenue Cutter Service and US Lifesaving Service Step 6 Google US Lifesaving Service.. zilch Step 7 Google US Revenue Cutter Service, go into 'images' of same, to find examples of the flag Step 8 Up pops our boat when I find a ship that looks kinda similar! Phew.... Answer: is it U.S. Revenue Cutter Corwin ? Brilliant Question and beautiful boat Wayne Eamonn
  8. Some big marine diesels were low revving (especially those on the huge ships, and some were reduced further at the prop shaft ) from memory, even the fast revving ones were only hitting the region of about 1000 rpm (but these engines are huge affairs remember) In fact with the first company I worked for the Electrical Generator Plant on their Largest Vessel (72000 t) was the Main Engine size on their smallest vessel (different rpm though) I could only guess that the engine on the Will was smallish (but 'small' is a relative term..particularly as it is effectively an afterthought, being fitted many years later) and a lot would depend on whether it was her main propulsion or to be used in conjunction with Sail, or even simply for coming in and out of harbour! Many of my local Schooners had 'auxiliary' engines fitted in later life but they were very low HP units fitted to assist the sails (most of these schooners top masts were 'cut' down to allow a smaller crew to operate them) or as mentioned entering'/leaving port. Take Care Folks Eamonn
  9. I think the 'Illusion' of a hold space under the grating may not be required (depending of course on whether you leave the grating off or on) if on then painting the area under it black would probably be enough (this is what I and many others have in fact done, but with your scale of 1:48 the grating 'holes' may be rather large allowing some limited view below (perhaps trim away a little of the False Keel that would be visible immediately beneath the grating, then paint all black (the illusion of 'depth' would be maintained then) The oven situation would be much the same, are you putting a grating over it? if you are then maybe just a block of wood (painted black) in the general shape of an oven will suffice.. A lot would depend on how wide the gaps in the grating will be. Perhaps wait for a few more answers before committing, especially from anyone doing 1:48 scale (my Bounty is around that scale, she is 1:46 I think, haven't checked in ages, and not a lot is visible below decks through the grating, there is some visible but then again her side is 'cut' away to reveal the innards (but I'd recommend cutting away some False Keel though and blackening all over the areas!) Hope this was some help All The Best Eamonn
  10. Did that ram a certain Dock Gate in France? Am only guessing based on the look and what I remember of that operation! Probably totally wrong Eamonn (Didn't want to answer with the ships name in case it's right, as I'm not back around until tomorrow evening and ye'd all have a long wait for another)
  11. 'Eamonn's Filler Shop' will be open for business soon.. franchises are available! E
  12. Thanks Kester, Pull up the proverbial chair and prepare for some laughs as I attempt to plank.. I have a container load of Filler on back order (in fact I think I may have cornered the 'Filler market' ) Sherbourne is only a few weeks away from having her Keel Laid (I allowed myself 1st or 2nd planking on Ballahoo before swapping over) Thanks for dropping by. Eamonn
  13. Best of luck with the planking, I am just at that stage myself but won't be starting until Wed next (Work etc, well that and the fact that I'm having a Lazy Sunday ) Eamonn
  14. Hi again J. She is 30.3 cm Bow to Transom (Extremes) and 9 cm on the Max. Beam. My future builds (Convulsion & Sherbourne are just a wee bit bigger) hopefully will be starting Sherbourne in the next few weeks as I'm at the first planking stage on Ballahoo here (just a bit of housekeeping to do on her before I begin, checking the run of the planks/ final faring tweaks that sort of thing) Take Care Mate BTW how goes Emma? Eamonn
  15. Best of luck with this build Stan, tis a nice looking Cutter! Eamonn
  16. I think you had best 'go for it Kevin'.. Eamonn We have her DF', were just wanting to open the game out to others, wonderful ship by the way with an interesting history (she got around!)
  17. I would suspect they Rigged something in heavy weather to cover the Ports, though in really heavy conditions the water is going to come over the rail regardless, these boats didn't have much freeboard and heel due to wind pressing her down would severely lessen what freeboard there was not to mention open ports will quickly let water out as well as in, else there would be many tons of the stuff sloshing about the lee side as the scuppers would be effectively underwater.. not a good thing on small boats as you can imagine! (remember only 1 cubic meter of water weighs 1 metric ton, picture how many cubic meters of water would fit on the lee side of Sherbourne even under shortened sail in a bit of a blow) I would imagine the sweeps were very very long, especially to be effective. Storing them on a small vessel would be difficult but they were no doubt a resourceful lot, they are sailors after all. Eamonn
  18. Looks like she's contemporary with a certain 3 decker from a few Questions ago Eamonn
  19. Will look amazing when you pop them all in place Mick, and all your hard work will be worth it. Take Care Eamonn
  20. Hi Nigel, I have just had a look at it now that it is actually glued in place and fitting a little better, and all seems 'fairly' parallel, I chose to go with a slight opening at the top which removed the taper, I also filed out a little gap to accommodate the Bow Piece! Also I couldn't wait until tomorrow and cut out a Cap Rail to test the lines.. PHEW all seems ok! I'd say about 85% of perfect (nothing sticks out where it shouldn't !) and there is enough 'play' in the cap rail should any discrepancies show up later. Thanks for the help Nigel, always appreciated! Take Care Mate Eamonn
  21. Ok then, we have the Bulwarks glued in place, No End of 'Faff' involved there as plans say to be sure that it reaches the top of all bulkhead 'Horns' well that aint gonna happen as said horns vary in height somewhat! also if you keep the tops all level (Bulwark & Bulkhead Horns) then you are unlikely to meet the top of the transom, so I had to 'interpret' it a bit by keeping Transom /Bulwarks Level, some of the midships B/Heads Level and the Fore Most B/H level. Later when I do the Sherbourne this will have to be done exactly as the Cannons won't fit if the Bulwarks are misplaced! but on the Ballahoo it shouldn't be a problem as there is no ordinance towards the stern (Oh Oh! those famous last words again.. :mellow: ) I'll cut out the Capping Rails tomorrow to make sure the Lines of the Bulwark are ok in relation to it, so there is no guarantee that they are in their final position!! Below is a quick photo of todays work.. Bye For Now. Eamonn
  22. Hi DFellingham, I eliminated her as her Aircraft hanger doesn't extend out over the main deck (unless she had a refit of course) Only a 'few' more to go.. :) E
  23. Hi Kevin, without actually going to the US Naval Achieve and checking individual masts against the various refits etc, I'm afraid I'd have to start listing the other 10 or so that I narrowed down.. Any more Hints? Eamonn
  24. You are dead right Lawrence, it kinda makes you want to just keep looking at them ! and imagining the shape and lines. Sláinte Eamonn
  25. Dang this is tough Kevin, there are subtle differences between nearly all these Destroyers, particularly when you take into account the changes that would have been made over their careers (many can be ruled out completely though as the Aircraft hanger is the wrong shape, ie whether it overhangs the pain deck or not! and one has a rather unusual mast to say the least) Believe it or not the most help came from the Ships Badge, which eliminated some more, unfortunately no photo I could find showed this area at all clearly in all the remaining vessels.. so here goes.. A guess based on the above.. USS Briscoe (DD-977) All the Best Kevin Eamonn
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