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Everything posted by egkb

  1. No worries Steve, I'll enjoy following this build. Eamonn
  2. Looking Good Steve She's a big ol' thing.. Eamonn
  3. Hi Steve, my next-door neighbour is building this and is at the same stage as you are. I was amazed at the solidness of the kits construction! I'll follow along if you don't mind Wish you Luck Eamonn
  4. Nigel I think we both must have the market in Model Boat Supplies sown up, me with Glue & Filler, and you with 'exotic' Timber's ! well maybe not sooooo exotic, but to a body with not even enough to start a really really small fire it is all pretty exotic All The Best Eamonn
  5. Hi Again Kester, I too am a big Amazon buyer (for more much mundane 'new releases' books of course) I find I have to fund my book shopping by 'Knocking Off' the odd Bank in my spare time! BBA have told me that that is just enabling my problem though, and to stop immediately.. Am looking forward to giving the old Serving Machine a lash, but given the lack of 'Stuff that Trees are Made of' it may be some time away yet! (admittedly some choice words may be spoken by me at that time too, being as how I'm an Ex Sailor & Irish those words may extent to.. dare I say it.. 'Colourful' :mellow: ) Hopefully in a few days I can look back at the Great Timber Shortage of 2014, with a happy tear in my eye and say.. 'Ah Yes, I remember it like it was yesterday' as I take another sip of sherry!! All The Best Eamonn
  6. Ahhh! I actually have a tin of Wax which I apply with a cloth! never made the link to 'Poly' though as I thought Poly was short for Polyurethane (varnish) or some sort of 'light' (as in not heavy) varnish finish, I even thought it might have been a light version of Danish Oil as I also apply that with a cloth.. Here I am looking for something that is in effect sitting in my build room all along.. Typical Thanks for that Dee_Dee (your advice on here is brillo!) ! Eamonn
  7. Hi again Dee_Dee, is that the 'Wipe On Poly' that is mentioned on the site a lot? I'm trying to find out exactly what it is, and whether it has a counter-part on this side of the Pond. I really like the neutral matt finish it seems to give! All the Best Eamonn
  8. Wow £300, and yet you can pick up a reasonable copy of virtually any Chapelle for a few quid (ok some get a bit more expensive but not exactly £300 ) I probably still have a Chatham Publishing catalogue with Arming & Construction in it.. Eamonn
  9. I'm a life member of my local branch of BBA.. :mellow: Posty Dude has a restraining order out against me too, I don't know Arming & Construction! but I have Arming & Fitting on my shelves, seem to recall there was a title by that name some time ago though.. is it worth a look? E
  10. Hi Tony thanks for dropping by, I'm usually ok delivery wise from Cornwall (I choose regular post, not via UPS so I really didn't expect to have the parcel delivery guy knocking on my door after a couple of days ) I've not had deliveries run this 'late' before from them though but then again the weather would have held it up considerably, if there is nothing by the middle of next week I will email Sam (replacements are most likely going to take a week or 2 on top of that again , which is a right pain to put it mildly) I don't want to start another Build as I've kinda gotten into a Ballahoo mind-set (thinking ahead to obstacles and how to avoid them etc) I also don't wish to start at the Garboard with the Walnut planking that came with the kit as I want full planks at the Bulwarks (and the Wales are laid off these too) I'll just have to be patient and try to get the impetus back when they eventually arrive! Perhaps I'll make a start at shaping the Masts if nothing shows up by Wed next. Take Care Eamonn
  11. Hi Nigel, am glad to hear about your Lime Wood Honestly I am... :mellow: Not a bit jealous over here or anything! The Lego Gears I got from eBay had enough bits-n-bobs to make up a rope walk but as you say it is probably a lot easier to order it in (exactly what I'm doing in fact at the moment from Alex in Germany) Regards the Timber shipment, I am guess in it may be a combination of late postage and weather restrictions that are holding things up, mind you with the cruddy weather we are having it wouldn't be too pleasant in my build room anyhoo, not to mention a bit too dark (I like building using natural light!) this is me being all pragmatic.. Sail 'er Easy Mate. Eamonn
  12. They are indeed a nice Cannon Jan and 8 for €14 including postage sounds brilliant ! (I might have to get that address off of you) Do the wheel 'hubs' need to be trimmed a little do you think? (they seem to stick out a bit) I'm sure one of the others will advise us. All The Best Jan Eamonn
  13. Hi Kester, your wish is my command.. Have just finished taking some photos. The strings used are purely for demonstration purposes (in fact to make the serving clearer there are '3' layers!) I rigged up a thin piece of wire to help hook the line through the holes, and it works a treat. With some clips I should be able to hold 'blocks' in place to whip the rope ends! I had to use a tiny dab of CA glue to hold the serving 'rope' to the 'rope' being served (if you follow) else I found it just spins in place without wrapping itself around the standing part. The whole shooting match cost about €10 (and that was for the Lego Cogs, and the Styrene Tubes (the small white bits) all the rest was lying about the house!) Oh and that's just some tape holding the ends of the string in place, I'll probably notch the white tube ends later! Bit of a Result I think.. Eamonn BTW I'm still a timber free zone! :(
  14. Now that looks the business Dee_Dee, and I'll echo what Craig (above) & yourself said, that the Contrast of the two timbers is cracking good stuff. What timber is that on the deck by the way? (timber is fast becoming a 'dirty' word to me as you know from my Ballahoo fingers crossed it will arrive today!) All The Best, Eamonn
  15. Couldn't have put it better myself Kester! Eamonn Will Have a Photo of my Machine later!
  16. Hi Folks, I was just taking Ollies advice to go do something else whilst awaiting my Timber.. So I built the Serving Machine (I'll have some photos tomorrow hopefully, if it hasn't fallen apart in the meantime! ) I haven't tried it yet but the bits rotate the way they are supposed to anyhoo so we shall see! Jim: Shipments from CMB can take a bit longer to reach me over here and the weather I'm sure hasn't helped, I won't panic until mid next week, than I'll get onto Sam (When I order a big parcel, with a Kit in it for example, it only takes 2 to 3 days, but this timber shipment would be coming via regular mail) Hope your own Ballahoo is moving along better than mine Kester: Am looking forward to your photo updates on Sherbourne (don't forget to photograph the Servings) but it wasn't me chasing the photos of the Mast Head, but I do recall reading the request over on your build! Jan: Welcome on board as they say, I was planning on starting my own little Sherbourne build shortly (around now in fact! or at least after 2nd planking on Ballahoo) but the delay and the fact that I'm having such fun with Ballahoo may mean I put it off for a bit longer, I shall have a think about it, originally I had planned on taking the lessons learned on Ballahoo immediately over to the other builds in case I forgot them but I think I'll be ok! Dee_Dee: Yup, I'm still blaming you for putting me onto Abebooks.. thanks for putting me onto them, a brilliant book shop!! How goes the Lobster Smack by the way? Nigel: No worries re Abebooks, we can both blame Dee_Dee for that (Sorry Dee Dee ) could spend a lot of money on there! I picked up the Longridge book about 15 years ago when I was over in Falmouth (there was a fantastic Nautical Bookshop not far from the Harbour, it was an Aladdin's Cave and I had to be literally dragged out of the place) I understand that the Vikky he built isn't in the best of condition at present, heard that on here somewhere, sad really as it is an amazing model!! Lawrence: Thanks for dropping by again, as you probably gather I've still no Timber but I'm occupying myself by visiting all the other builds on here (oh and making Serving Machines of course) I see you are starting to put the 'sticks' on Vikky, and mighty fine it looks too! All the Best Folks Eamonn Hope I didn't miss anyone! :mellow: I'm off now to make up some 'tools' to help feed the string into the serving machine!
  17. The Julier book would be Period Ship Kit Builders Manual, it's a kind of 'How To..' book, where the others deal with Individual Kits with tips thrown in this is essentially the Tips only.. if you follow Had a quick look over on Abebooks (Yup, that name Again.. I luv them!! I blame Dee_Dee for putting me onto them) and the book is sitting there for £12 inc delivery to your door! I must have gotten the last ultra cheap one.. sorry (there are loads of then but at slightly dearer prices) This is weird Nigel, my next post was to suggest CMB put a Kids Balloon onto my order and let it go, be here in hours!! Must be my neighbours Ridge Tile Nigel as all mine are on top of someone's BMW.. Kiddin! we were rather lucky down my end of town (only a few loose slates) and I'm only 200 hundred meters form the 'Blue Wobbly Stuff' (to paraphrase Baldrick) yet strangely we don't flood (jeez those famous last words keep coming up!) Would you believe the Sun is shinning over here now.. few strong gusts of wind thrown it too though! Take Care Mate Eamonn Pop those Ridge Tiles in the post and I'll pass them along.. :mellow: Before I go.. I wonder if CMB wait to post a bunch of orders at the same time! cos I'm hitting 2 weeks now, yet I got word from Sam that the order was filled 13 days ago. Filled & posted are two different things mind you
  18. Hit Abebooks Kester and pick them up for, in the case of 2 of mine £0.60 with £ 4.50 or so Postage !!! (£0.60 isn't a typo by the way) and they are in great condition too! I got all 5 for a couple of Pound over the cost of 2 from Amazon!! Yea, Underhill is more recent than Sherbourne but I will adapt using Masting & Rigging by Lee (if I remember the name correctly) will see how Mr Underhill is for the later boats as Ballahoo and Convulsion are both very early 1800's. Was looking at Rigging Fore & Aft Craft too but it was outside my price range (hitting €30 to my door) Alexeys Serving Machine is a peach, but a lot outside my budget.. the one I propose to make is using bits-n-bobs I picked up online for grand total of €10 (includes a load of various sized Lego cogs, 6 of which are perfect, bought from eBay ) it will be a bit Heath Robinson but should be sturdy and do the trick! oh yea, those famous last words again!! All The Best Kester Eamonn BTW would love to see a post from your 'Sherry' build.. especially the seizing!
  19. Hi Guys, Ollie: I was contemplating getting stuck into making my Rope Serving Machine, the bits of which have been sitting on my work bench for some time now! In fact this leads me to a question I was going to pose later to everyone: Was seizing done on these smaller boats? and if so where? ( I suspect the answer is Yes, and in much the same places as on larger boats!) I refer to Ballahoo, Sherbourne & Convulsion here. Nigel: Sorry 'bout that.. (I can send you on a 'Branch' if that would help! :mellow: or even a 'Twig or two', though with the wind we have had I suspect you may have plenty of Branches near you! Rough eh? Kester: Keith Julier's books have been taking a severe looking through! in fact I was going through MSW's Book section and found a very recent post from Nigel (above) listing Mr. Juliers books by content and discovered I had missed one of his books!! the one with the Lady Nelson!!! (as you know similar to Sherbourne!) you see I thought he had 4 books, the 4th of which is winging it's way from America I think! but Nigel showed me that there are 5 Books! (Later Edit: I thought wrongly that the 4th was Period Ship Kit Builders Manual!! ) (from Nigel's list I was missing The New Period Ship Handbook) this was rightified late last night along with the Rigging book by Underhill (both for about £11 in total for the pair, a BIG WooHoo to Abebooks!) Thanks for checking in folks and of course for the Likes. Fingers Crossed For The Post Man Today (Will it Won't it.. No End of Excitement on the Ballahoo Log! :mellow: :mellow: ) Eamonn Don't forget the Serving Question above there somewhere..
  20. The Timber Saga Continues.. Still a no show, we live for tomorrow! Nail Biting Stuff eh ? Eamonn I'm beginning to eye-up the tree in the back garden
  21. Hi Alex, I'm a late comer to this party... Spectacular, simply Spectacular ! Eamonn
  22. This is true Nigel, I have amassed a nice little library over the years (am a bit of a bookaholic which doesn't help) Thanks for dropping by, and to everyone who punched the 'Like' button too!! Eamonn Still No Timber Delivery..
  23. A sad reflection on that beautiful country Nigel, I was there only a few months ago and can highly recommend it for a visit!, I understand that many 'eBayers' are reluctant to deal with sellers there too! but my understanding was that the reason given being the Postal System is VERY unreliable (and that's being nice) A problem that goes back a long time before the financial crisis too. Eamonn
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