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Everything posted by egkb

  1. All Righty Then latest photos hot from the camera: The Bow & the Keel are epoxied in place, the extended part of the Keel at the stern matches up nicely with the Rudder Post, to be fitted later, make sure that this does match up particularly if going the route I took with putting a thin strip down the False Keel at the bow to assist with the Rabbet, else thinks may not sit flush at the stern! Take Care Folks Eamonn PS Still no Timber, though Parcel Delivery continues for an hour or 2 yet (it is a morning service over here) but the good news is that The Period Ship Handbook 3 arrived with the regular post this morning.. Edge of the seat updates eh ? :mellow: Here's a nice calming photo!
  2. Brilliant stuff Ollie, those little details just make things 'Pop' ! Hmmmm I might just have to steal this method of different subtle colour 'treenails' ! (and pretend it was my idea over on Ballahoo.. ) All The Best Eamonn
  3. Wow that's cracking good stuff Mike! Have only just spotted this model being built in Keith Juliers book The Period Ship Handbook 2 ! (the book only came a few days ago or I'd have said sooner ) Keep up the marvellous work. Eamonn
  4. Jeez South West of England seems to be the place to be for Model Boat Supplies.. I've even been to Truro! (and was in College in Plymouth, the College Phase's of my Cadetship) Eamonn
  5. I always said that there was clever stuff going on here.. E
  6. Nigel can I ask who your usual supplier is, I have no problems with Cornwall but was looking for options as they don't have Boxwood and other types I was chasing (I have to order ready made strips, as I don't have electric devices for sizing) E Plenty to read indeedy.. whilst waiting for the Epoxy to harden too (it's 'only' 12 to 14 hours but that puts it in the middle of the night and I'm not that enthusiastic! :mellow: )
  7. That's the 2nd one Nigel with 2 more on the way, I reckon I picked up the 4 for the price of 2 (from Amazon) with Abebooks! Timber coming from about 250 - 300 miles SSW of you The non UPS orders usually take about 10 days or so (which is around now) Eamonn
  8. News Flash... Rabbet cut, but towards the top of the stem it is practically non existent due to the Bulwarks so I epoxied (Picked up some Nigel, and wanted to try it, this looked the perfect spot as strength was required with the bond) a thin strip of 2mm by 1 mm wood down the length of the stem, once set, tomorrow !!, I will sand it to .5mm or so. This should give a nice even Rabbet all the way along! Alas no photos as the whole shebang is taped up to hold the thin strip in place.. Hopefully tomorrow will see the Bow and Keel in place & pinned. No Timber yet, but the Yellow Aliphatic wood glue and Period Ship Kit Builders Manual showed up this morning Take Care Folks Eamonn
  9. Nice.. The Pear looks great and I see the Brass Dowels we were discussing on a different thread! Take Care Mate Eamonn
  10. Jim I didn't notice this being too big an issue, but I did beef out B/H 2 a bit anyhoo. Admittedly the Bulwarks did make an slight 'Skirt' like overhang particularly up for'ard but the 1mm first planking took care of this. I didn't have to sand the area too much to get everything flush (it did take me a while to sort out just where the Bulwarks fitted though as the instructions/plan no.1 show them sitting flush with the tops of the Bulkhead 'Horns' all along the hull, personally I found it fitted best when flush to the top of only about 3 or 4 in total, this left it sitting nicely level with the top of the transom!) Check out the photos below from my log.. as you can see from the Bow photo I had to sand the bulwarks a little to remove the 'Skirt' but it was ok in the end!. Hope this has been of some help Jim All The Best Eamonn
  11. Daft question Nigel, but in your method to 'Trim the Pin Flush' do you saw it or clip it, I ask 'cos I was just going to recess it into the hole and fill over the top (or in this case sand the epoxy down flush if it stood proud) Hope you don't mind all the questions E
  12. Brilliant stuff Nigel, need never apologise over here for passing along your knowledge! Do you favour any particular type? Eamonn
  13. Thanks for the explanation J, I was wondering how you would harpoon such a fast creature Nigel Thanks too for your explanation (in fact if you hadn't gone into detail I would only have been back in touch asking you questions as I was planning on pinning the Keel and Bow in place, I have some 1m wire ready for it!) I like your method for hardening copper wire too. I see both yourself and J use Epoxy on builds so that confirms it.. off to the shops tomorrow Thanks again for getting back to me. Take it Easy Eamonn
  14. Thanks J, the friend uses it for the same purposes as yourself (and he first saw it used by a Carpenter on a stairway!) I think some tests may be required!! I was just over at Emma and I like your plan to have her open for viewing! what's a Swordfish Spear though? Eamonn
  15. Hi Jim glad to see you back up and running.. my Ballahoo was beginning to feel a little lonely over here All the Best Eamonn
  16. Thanks Lawrence and J, Patience has been forced upon me for the time being Lawrence (awaiting a timber shipment, with any luck early in the week) I ordered some of that Aliphatic Wood glue so that should be arriving at my door soon too! J they are cracking looking little boats (you may remember I have a 'thing' for these small boat types ) I must pick up some Epoxy Glue too J, as strength will be required later ! I have a few photo updates, nothing too substantial over the last photo post.. except Mild Sanding Phase 1 is complete and I won't require a Phase 2 as the Hull is now smoother than something that would be considered particularly smooth.. that's how smooth it is!! Putting the Rabbet, Keel & Bow in place is next up. Thanks again for looking in and the support. Eamonn BTW has anyone heard of this Glue type (made by Gorilla Glue) that foams, but the expanded foam outside the stuck joint is easy to remove, a friend mentioned to me that it is used for sticking wood, you wet one surface and apply the glue to the other, I was wondering if anyone has tried it on model boats? Anyhoo Photo Time.. (plenty of Profile Shots to keep Ollie happy )
  17. Ahhhh the old Sky Hooks (darned hard things to rig) Some nice colour contrasts going on Ollie, I particularly like the little nail details holding the lower wale in position, are you going to do the same for the top one? Incidentally that Norfolk Cutter looks a solid wee boat! All the best Eamonn
  18. Hi Mick, some of the photos from those web sites should help sort the rigging ! just sing out and I'll do a bit of research at this end. All the very best! Eamonn
  19. Thanks for all the encouragement and the 'Likes' folks, am just back from work (with a little cooking time and catching up on the Winter Olympics thrown in) and this is my first opportunity to say Thanks! Never have a worry about offering advice Ollie, I positively encourage it! so much so that I actually picked up more sandpaper after lunch to follow your suggestion and remove some of the more 'obvious/prominent' filler to have a better bonding surface for the next lair. Yea Kester, it is indeed getting near time to remove those pesky timber Heads/Horns, I'm sure a gentle tap with a Sledgehammer should do the trick Hopefully my new timber shouldn't be too far away next week and I'll make a start on 2nd planking! (after fitting the Keel and Bow of course) Thanks again for stopping by, have a good one! Eamonn
  20. Hi Ollie, just catching up.. Quick Question.. Emmm Wot is holding the Clothes-Pegs in place? some kinda witch-craft going on there? That Wale looks the business! Eamonn Am off to work now, will catch up further when I'm back.
  21. Or as Intimidating as Krytens 'Double Polaroid'... :mellow: Smoke Me a Klipper.. Oh Never Mind Eamonn
  22. Hi Kip, your Slipway looks the business, and is pretty much what I had in mind for Ballahoo (admittedly Ballahoo's slipway will have to built on a slight slope to counteract the fact that her keel and her deck aren't parallel) Eamonn
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