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popeye the sailor

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    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    The history behind my latest post is  -  during the attacks  by  the 54th and 55th  the  Battlion's  had  different ranks of officers  upto a Colonel  who was with the regiment  leading them, he was on his horse  during the attacks,   also  the regiments  had a few  Grenadier  Sappers   who  tried to attack  the  gates at the front of the farm  but  were  shot at  by the 2nd KGL  hiding over the wall.
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    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Two other additions  I will add  that I have in my stash  is  - a  Mounted French 54th ligne  Colonel  overseeing the attack on the Farm,  and a  54th Grenadier   Sapper  who will be placed  dead  with his Axe   close to the main  gates.
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    popeye the sailor reacted to king derelict in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    It's coming together really nicely. The French soldiers look superb
  5. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Evening all,   I have  been through all my  moulds  and made up the last Five French figures and another  wondead one  - they will receive the same as the other bunch.

  6. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Edwardkenway in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    A quick search of YouTube has lots of 18th century battle sounds, drums ,guns and bugles.
    Wether you could have one on a repeat loop, but I have no idea as how to do that. One of the many followers may be of more help.
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    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    That would be an interesting  video  log of it when its  done,   don't know how it could be done  though?
  8. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Edwardkenway in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Are you going to put a soundtrack to it? Popping muskets, rifle cracks, drums, bugles and such😊😉😇
  9. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Thank  you kindly Mark,    I hope to build it  so there is  different pockets of action  going on in the different parts of the dio,  that kind of tell a story.
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    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Thank  you Andrew,    so far  I  think I have made  about  Sixty  2nd and 5th  KGL  in and around the farm  complex,  I have about another  Fifteen I  can make,  then   there  will be my Three  Cuirassiers  about  Fifty  or so French  54th and 55th ligne  will be made  (but may  try to add some more  if I have the space)   and  I will add a  British Hussar  or  Two   and my  Five resin  5th KGL   wounded.
    Will keep adding them till there is no more space.
  12. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to AJohnson in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Wow OC this really is going to be the proverbial "cast of thousands"!  How many soldiers  do you think you will do?
  13. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Evening all,   next bunch of French  started  -  primmed  then hands/hands  basic covering.

  14. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Just on a side note  -  the invasion of Belgium started  today  when Napoleon  crossed the border with his troops  leading to the  different battlles leading up to Waterloo on the 18th June.
  15. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Evening all,   this  small group is done  minus  flat coating.

  16. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Evening all,    more progress  with  my  Voltiguers   and  Grenadiers.

  17. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Thank  you  brother,   that  is  so nice of of you to say  - its  all  a  learning curve  that  we all   go through.
  18. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Egilman in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    It's hard to do an action pose of wounded and dying people the fact that you can get the "moment" in realistic form is a testament to your modeling skills & ability brother... That's something I couldn't do, not in a million years...
  19. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Evening all,   some more  progress  today  - firstly  I  had an error  to  rectify after doing more reserch  - my Tirailleurs   that I  had made  where  not  part of the attack on LHS  they were sent in to deffend  Pappolette  Farm  against the Prussians,   the  biggest  difference  is the different  Shakos  with extra brass  braids  and  Higher plumes,   so  I decided a little surgery  was needed  "off with there heads"   I was able to swap them over  for the correct heads.
    I also  made up some more 54th/55th   including another  injured  fello.

  20. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Canute in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Works well, sir. The diorama continues to impress.
  21. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Thanks Ken,    there are no  plastic pre-moulded  figures  in the  kit ranges  - to show  injured,    so a little bit of interpretation  is required  (and  heat)
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  23. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Evening all,   I have started  on another  group of  54th/55th  Ligne   figures   including  one who  is shot,   how I achieved  his pose  was to  use  the hairdryer  and soften the plastic enough  to be able to bend  the  torso, then I worked on his arms  and bent his  head back a bit.

  24. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Evening all,   washes  added  then dust  dry brushing   - think they are  dirty enough  - 

  25. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Evening all,  Three  injured  2nd KGL   started  - 

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