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    Adrieke reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Today I made some more progress.  I fiddled with the guns a little more in cleaning them up and then trimming some here and there to make them move in and out of the buns.  The added thingies on the top were giving me a little problem but trimming a few thou off they slid in fine.
    I may have to cement these styrene tubes to the frames to keep them in place, the guns are just a tad snug, which is a good thing but it may lift the tubes out.  This too is no problem because they can easily be put back in place.
    I made and installed the cockpit deck, that's where the commanding officer or whomever is on watch stand.  The KM (Koninklijke Marine - Royal Navy) submariners call it "de badkuip" or the bathtub.  I may as well make and cement the styrene deck slats to it while its nice and accessible.  (Note to self: buy a tube of green Testor's cement - - - thanks Popeye).
    I cut out and glued the front part to the lower con from 1 mm plywood.  It's still in the clamps to let the glue cure.  In the meantime I cut out the starboard side panel and cut the step holes in it already.   It would be more difficult after it's glued on.
    After this side is done then we'll turn the build board around and work on the port side.  There is more detail on the port side, three doors!  Hmmmm hinges   - - - Saint Nicolas gave me some REAL small brass tubes and pins for hinges and now I'm really scared to try    I'll need a 10 power magnifier to see the little buggers.
    Well, that's it for today below are a few pics but without the AA guns, they are resting in the "completed" section. 

    This shows the rough precut starboard side panel.  The curved front part is in clamps to let the glue cure.  There are four outside foot supports at the aft end but they have oval holes in the side panel.  These holes will be made tomorrow but I think to glue the steps on after the panel is installed.  Even CA glue doesn't hold very well to this plywood.  I may have to scrape some off.

    To give you an idea where the steps are I have added this picture of the real boat.  You can also see that this lower con part is really not very high.

    This shows the four metal outside steps at the aft end of the con.  Hmmm  - - - looking at the picture I need to do some trimming.  Yes, they show bottoms up.
  2. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    My sincere thanks to everyone who have visited my shipyard and clicked "like."  It's much appreciated.
    Our best wishes for the holidays to everyone on MSW and may 2014 be prosperous, safe and with good health.
    @ John, thanks for the best wishes and Gwen and I extend our best wishes to you and Diane.  We also cherish your visit and getting to know both of yuns.  We'll try to keep up the good works and you do the same, your ship is really looking great, bravo.
    Today I could spend some quality time in the shipyard and worked some more on the AA guns.  I added some detail and moved the barrels to the center of the cooling jacket.  I don't know how much more I can add to these little buggers and need to start dressing them up some, removing the rough edges so to to speak.
    I'm ready to cement them to the piston and platform that'll go into the buns.  So far they seem to work okay but I'm sure I'll need to do some fine-tuning.
    After these pesky guns are completed and in the buns I can start putting the side panels on the lower conning tower and the decks.
    Okay, here are a few pics of today's work.

    This is the forward 40 mm Vickers AA gun loosely stuck in the bun.  You can see the double handgrip and some other stuff on the gun I tried to emulate from the photos.

    Same gun but now a frontal view to show Boris that the barrel is in the center    I don't know about the gun-sight though.
    Same gun as seen from the back.  You can see the double handgrips here.

    Starboard side view of the lower conning tower with both AA guns still loosely stuck in the buns.

    Here is a ¾ starboard side view looking aft of the lower con
  3. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Thanks everyone for visiting.
    @ John (Lad), yes, so am I   As explained above, with conflicting data it was not easy to sift through all that and come to a viable solution.
    @ Popeye, thanks for the pat on the back and your confidence.
    @ Greg, thank you as well for your kind words.
    Today was rather cool in the shipyard, aka the garage, it was only 60 F.  I had to wear a heavy long-sleaved shirt AND a jacket!  Brrrrrr 
    However, I "suffered" through it and worked on the AA gun mount as a prototype.  I also made the gun and installed it to the pedestal/mount.  I think it kinda looks similar to the pics Boris send and the ones I copied from the Internet.  At this scale it's not easy to also make the gun itself pivot in the mount.  I gave it a dry-run before taking a few pics and it works nice and smooth.  The gun swivels stiff enough to hold its position, which is also a winner.
    Eventually the guns will also be painted in the same light grey as everything else above the deck sheer.
    If this prototype is acceptable then I'll finish it up and make the second one for the aft position.  
    I also continued with the rest of the lower con framing and hope to have that cemented in place sometime this week.

    This is prototype 1 of the Vickers 40 mm Pom Pom ready for action.  The white portion of the styrene bun is what sticks out above the gun deck.  It will have a brass ring around it and have the hinges for the watertight lid.  I can only do that after the deck is installed.  The styrene will not be visible.

    This is prototype 1 of the Vickers 40 mm Pom Pom made ready to be retracted into its bun.

    This is prototype 1 of the Vickers 40 mm Pom Pom retracted into its bun.
  4. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Thanks everyone for visiting and your support.
    Today I cemented the two guide tubes for the AA gun platform piston.  They are way down into the pressure hull part and the central vertical false keel.  It guides the platform piston very nicely.
    Now I'm ready to make the gun pedestals and the guns themselves.  I started with prototype one and see how it turns out.  If it works and looks like the pics Boris shared with me and others I found then we'll make the second one.  I didn't make a photo of this prototype yet, I need to see first how it looks all dressed up.
    I also continued with the lower con framing and cemented the forward starboard framing wall.  The port side is ready to be cemented to the deck but that'll be done tomorrow.
    Well, that's about it for today.

    The framing section is just aft of the forward AA gun tube, that styrene thingy on the right.  All the tubes are still loose and I may leave them that way till the deck pieces are ready to be cemented on.
  5. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from augie in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    hi all
    thanks for all the holiday wishes
    I am back home now and shall continue the build soon
  6. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    pulling up my chair to watch you tame this beast
  7. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Anja in Elsie by 4whelr - Model Shipways   
    Eddie often spoke with his son and talked about MSW.
    His son Christian took the time responding to my message to Eddie.
    I want to share this one sentence with you all.
    We spoke often and he'd talked about all the advice and help he'd got from MSW "people all over the world, with this damn lil ship." I thank you all for that.
    Best Wishes
    Christian Jordan
    Rest in peace Eddie.
    Anja & Sjors
  8. Like
    Adrieke reacted to dragzz in King of the Mississippi by dragzz - Artesania Latina - scale1/80   
    ok a bit of an update i got the parts in to do the repair i show a pic of what iv been doing on the top of the king got the part done under the state room so here it is 

  9. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Happy New to you both Wayne and Augie,
    The first glue is on the Aggy.
    I placed the bow piece, keel strips and rudder post.
    Everything fits perfect !
    As you can see at the stern, there was a piece broken when Mobbsie was checking the box.
    He fix it for me and when the hull is closed, you don't see a thing.
    If this part is the only part that's gonna be broken, I'm a happy camper   
    And of course pictures !

  10. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Morning friends,
    As I promised, the 1st of January and I will start the Aggy !
    The tape is now from the box and I make my building board.
    After that I cut out all the frames.......
    There has to be a little work so they can fit in there slots.
    I want to show you how big those frames are so I placed one in front of the Half Moon from Anja.
    Let the voyage begin with pictures.

  11. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    hope all is well and that we can see those amazing skills at work again soon
  12. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Popeye and Sjors
    yes lots of sanding and filler needed but no painting yet . there will be a second layer of planking with 7x0.6 strips
    once I got the hull nice and smooth like it should be I intend to do the second planking without the need of filler and sanding should be limited to getting it nice and smooth for the paint
    I have now finished the first layer of planks . hare a few pictures :

    unfortunately I will be away the rest off the year so I will be putting away all tools and covering up the hull till I am back
    not sure if I will have the opportunity to go online , so if not I wish you all happy holidays and see you in the new year
  13. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from JeffT in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Popeye and Sjors
    yes lots of sanding and filler needed but no painting yet . there will be a second layer of planking with 7x0.6 strips
    once I got the hull nice and smooth like it should be I intend to do the second planking without the need of filler and sanding should be limited to getting it nice and smooth for the paint
    I have now finished the first layer of planks . hare a few pictures :

    unfortunately I will be away the rest off the year so I will be putting away all tools and covering up the hull till I am back
    not sure if I will have the opportunity to go online , so if not I wish you all happy holidays and see you in the new year
  14. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from Piet in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Popeye and Sjors
    yes lots of sanding and filler needed but no painting yet . there will be a second layer of planking with 7x0.6 strips
    once I got the hull nice and smooth like it should be I intend to do the second planking without the need of filler and sanding should be limited to getting it nice and smooth for the paint
    I have now finished the first layer of planks . hare a few pictures :

    unfortunately I will be away the rest off the year so I will be putting away all tools and covering up the hull till I am back
    not sure if I will have the opportunity to go online , so if not I wish you all happy holidays and see you in the new year
  15. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from Piet in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Mick and don't worry we all have these days where you don't feel like doing much . they l pass
    thanks Mobsie
    thanks Dragzz
    and for Sjors here some pictures
    look from the stern . only 3 planks to go . you can see the 2 planks curved around with the bottom one sticking out a fiar bit. this is where I tuck the curved planks underneath

    bottom bit al ldone Sjors . from this view she actually looks all finished

    last plank on this side all shaped and waiting to dry. due to the extra plank and that the plank is wedged in I don't need anything to hold it down. I didn't push it all in in case I couldnt get it out  without breaking for the final glueing

  16. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from mtaylor in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Popeye and Sjors
    yes lots of sanding and filler needed but no painting yet . there will be a second layer of planking with 7x0.6 strips
    once I got the hull nice and smooth like it should be I intend to do the second planking without the need of filler and sanding should be limited to getting it nice and smooth for the paint
    I have now finished the first layer of planks . hare a few pictures :

    unfortunately I will be away the rest off the year so I will be putting away all tools and covering up the hull till I am back
    not sure if I will have the opportunity to go online , so if not I wish you all happy holidays and see you in the new year
  17. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from mtaylor in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Mick and don't worry we all have these days where you don't feel like doing much . they l pass
    thanks Mobsie
    thanks Dragzz
    and for Sjors here some pictures
    look from the stern . only 3 planks to go . you can see the 2 planks curved around with the bottom one sticking out a fiar bit. this is where I tuck the curved planks underneath

    bottom bit al ldone Sjors . from this view she actually looks all finished

    last plank on this side all shaped and waiting to dry. due to the extra plank and that the plank is wedged in I don't need anything to hold it down. I didn't push it all in in case I couldnt get it out  without breaking for the final glueing

  18. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Popeye and Sjors
    yes lots of sanding and filler needed but no painting yet . there will be a second layer of planking with 7x0.6 strips
    once I got the hull nice and smooth like it should be I intend to do the second planking without the need of filler and sanding should be limited to getting it nice and smooth for the paint
    I have now finished the first layer of planks . hare a few pictures :

    unfortunately I will be away the rest off the year so I will be putting away all tools and covering up the hull till I am back
    not sure if I will have the opportunity to go online , so if not I wish you all happy holidays and see you in the new year
  19. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Mick and don't worry we all have these days where you don't feel like doing much . they l pass
    thanks Mobsie
    thanks Dragzz
    and for Sjors here some pictures
    look from the stern . only 3 planks to go . you can see the 2 planks curved around with the bottom one sticking out a fiar bit. this is where I tuck the curved planks underneath

    bottom bit al ldone Sjors . from this view she actually looks all finished

    last plank on this side all shaped and waiting to dry. due to the extra plank and that the plank is wedged in I don't need anything to hold it down. I didn't push it all in in case I couldnt get it out  without breaking for the final glueing

  20. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    here some pictures of how far along I am

    as you can see there are some gaps that will need filling but overall after only a bit of sanding the hull feels smooth apart from a few small bumps that need sanding down
  21. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Popeye
    i have ordered 2 pedestals and hoping they ll arrive by friday so i can make up my mind where to place them and drill the necessary holes
    when i ordered them i had a look on the stores website and see what else i needed (to avoid paying almost as most postage as what you order)
    i stumbled across a special : AOTS : the ships of christopher columbus. i have considered building the Santa Maria but so far resisted to buy the kit.
    with this oportunity i have now made up my mind and the 3 ships will be my first scratch build projects . dont get too excited as this is stil years away before i attempt that (need the required tools and skills )
  22. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    I halted the planking towards the keel til I have figured out what I want to do for display stand
    at the top according to the instructions small bits of vertical planks need to be glued against the bow and stern
    I decided to bend the planks around
    here the bow plank which was soaked for 5 minutes in hot water and then gently wrapped around and clamped til it dries

  23. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    some more progress pictures. 6 rows of planks left to the keel

    I was a bit worried about the amount of planks I had left until I looked in the box and found another bundle
    I am going to have a whole heap left . am I missing something or did they add plenty of spare planks
  24. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    after adding one more row of planks I decided that it was time to trim down the excess at the bow and stern.
    this to ensure I follow the same profile as the keel .
    they will need to be sanded down to about 4 mm in thickness but that will be done when all planks are on

    you may notice that on the 3rd bulkhead it seems like the planks are not nicely flowing but that is because from there I am widening the plank till its at full width . I will need to do this for the next few planks
    here a view from the bow

  25. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    planking continues slowly
    I am happy so far with how the stern is turning out.

    so far I am at 6 rows of planks with 9 more to go till I reach the keel

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