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Everything posted by Amalio

  1. Good morning and thanks to all.
  2. Hi, Tiziano. You are a great source of inspiration for me. I love the naval modeling that is being done in Italy. I think right now, you are the best.
  3. Thank you Michael.............very much.
  4. It's not just building a model. You have to live your construction.
  5. Many models are not finished because who is doing them, has a bad conscience.
  6. Of course. Sometimes there is something that you do not like at all and you do it again until you like it. Would not it make sense to keep working so long on something that you know is wrong, or that is ugly .............. no?
  7. They are made at home with a 4 mm square steel rod (f1). bent cold with a hammer. The screw is of metric thread 3 of stainless steel.
  8. Good morning. This is the original blueprint with which I have built the model. In the research room of the Naval Museum of Madrid, there are digitizations of original plans of infinity of Spanish ships including those previously mentioned. With them and consulting regulations and monitoring the evolution of Spanish shipbuilding, you can reach a point of knowledge sufficient to make a worthy model, although there will always be doubts on many points.
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