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Everything posted by Amalio

  1. Good morning to all. I understand and accept perfectly that the language to be expressed is English. When I started in this forum, I did it in Spanish for lack of knowledge, so I apologize. This model of naval modeling is very personal. Everyone works with their tools and with an idea of what they want to achieve. What I do with a manual tool, someone can do the same with a strawberry. I have learned a lot in a visual way, seeing the great results that other modelers get, and I have tried to achieve the same with my way and way of understanding all this. That is why I do not give as much importance to what I have done, but to the final result, because if I have done it, anyone can do it. The only thing that seems important to me is that in each piece that is being worked on, the level of demand is maximum regardless of the time or the work necessary to achieve it. All this, Google has translated, so I do not become sponsable of the result of the translation
  2. Is a wonderful work. Thank you .
  3. I really like the way you understand naval modeling, and the way you work. Thank you very much
  4. I surrender at your feet, Doris. It is something impressive
  5. Fantastic model. Congratulation Jeronimo.
  6. I like your work very very much.
  7. There are so many things that I do not understand ...... you have all my admiration Doris
  8. GUAUUUUUU !!!!!!!!! Congratulation Albert.
  9. Is a pleasure to see this work............is perfect.
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