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Everything posted by Dfell

  1. Hello - some more progress - the stern completed. The instruction say to glue the Boom Crutches flush with the Stern Board but decided to fix them so the Stern Board Rails would be flush with them. Also did not fit the top rail (part 60) - just put a Capping Rail. Catheads fitted - little sanding required to get them to fit neatly. The Cathead End Caps painted in silver and gold. Regards Doug
  2. Hello - further progress. The Upper rails and Swivel Gun Posts fixed in place having painted the upper area in a blue. The blue is Humbrol 25 with some white and purple added. The Stern section is next on the to do list. Thank you for looking and previous comments. Regards Doug
  3. Hello - Having had a discussion with myself as part of me wanted to keep the build as it should be and along with comments by Blue Ensign and others have decided to correct the water line, The decision on how to mount HMS Flirt will have to be worked out at a later date. One corrected waterline. The Wale and waterline work better with each other. The Hair Brackets are attached. Coloured using a felt tip pen. Thank you for the advice / comments Blue Ensign, glbarlow and Theodosius. Also for the 'Likes'. Regards Doug
  4. Hello glbarlow - yes I did. Seemed just about okay and when I come to properly fit them should be able to make some adjustments if needed. Thanks. Doug
  5. Hello glbarlow - yes it was a difficult decision. Kept looking at it on the stand and felt the keel not being level was harder to take compared to how much the stern was raised up. Anyway cannot change it now 😕 Just hoping when the masts etc are in place it will look okay. Blue Ensign - thank you for the explanation. Maybe I should have put this up for advise before doing anything. At the time did not think the stern was raised too much and thought might get away with it. I apologise to Chris for not doing what he had designed as it should be. Regards Doug
  6. Hello - feel like a major milestone has been reached. Hull completed although had an issue with establishing the waterline. With the hull sitting on the stand found the bottom keel was not level - lower at the stern. Noticed on plans where showing the keel level the waterline goes downwards towards bow. Have decided to do the waterline parallel to the keel and the keel level as I will be mounting Flirt on small brass columns. Hopefully this has not been a mistake. Rudder ready to be fitted. Rudder fitted. Regards Doug
  7. BobG - hopefully this helps https://modelshipworld.com/topic/24308-looking-for-the-correct-sequence-and-terminology-for-deck-plank-butt-shift/ Regards Doug
  8. Hi - thank you for the comments. BobG - used 3 butt shift with the planks being 13.5cm in length. Find it easier to shape and glue down if I just have to concentrate on either the stern or bow. Don’t do any thinking / marking up - just get on with it. Some times one can over think the job or in my case it’s too hard to think it through. Find the first planking gives clues on how to / where to get it right. Once two thirds down will work up a couple of strips from keel and then muddle through in between. My get out clause is on all my builds so far have white hulls so can covering things up 😕 2 small stealers each side at stern and no drop planks at bow. The Stern Side Counters in the instructions are done at a later stage but it seemed as glbarlow did more sensible to add them while doing the Wales. Thanks Doug
  9. Hello - second hull planking completed with gun ports etc opened. For some strange reason did not have enough strips to do the job hence the lighter maple strip. Short by 4 strips - top row and a strip either side for the Wale. Used masking tape to position top of Wale. Wale completed but have followed glbarlow example in adding the Stern Side Counters while doing the Wales. Thank you for looking. Doug
  10. Thank you glbarlow and Blue Ensign. Doing my best - greatly helped by the excellent step by step instructions with lovely photos by James H and the kit quality by Chuck. Thanks for looking. Regards Doug
  11. Hello - Further steps forward. Have mounted the deck veneer onto thin ply as I thought it would be easier to get flat off the model as the veneer had a few ripples / undulations. Deck glued in place and protected with a vinyl film. The inner Bulwarks lined and gun and oar ports opened up. Have mixed a colour slightly brighter than the standard red ochre / red oxide although it possibly doesn't show. Just need to do a 2 x1 mm strip along bottom edge. Bottom strip in place and protective deck cover off although will cover it again for the next stage which is the rest of the hull planking and wales. Thank you for looking and the previous encouraging comments and 'Likes' Regards Doug
  12. Hello - Hopefully you all are having a good Christmas. Second planking from the wale down done using super glue and planks cut to a lengthof 13.5 cm. Thank you for looking and past 'likes'. Regards Doug
  13. Hello - just a quick update on progress. Have finished stern counter. Decided to cut the pieces exact around window area so to minimise sanding as the area around on the inside had been painted in the red. The 'master plank' on both sides laid as instructed. Looks a bit wavy to me - maybe did not fit the Bulwark Patterns too well. I may be some time - the dreaded 2nd planking now has to be done.... Regards Doug
  14. Hello - further progress. One step I'm glad to get done - the 1st planking. Although not great it is least a sound base for the 2nd planking - hopefully. The Stern area - started the second planking. Thank you for looking in and the past comments and 'Likes'. Regards Doug
  15. Hello glbarlow - thank you with help with the tint. Seeing the images on my iPhone the background is grey and when I upload the images to the site from my pc the background is blue. Am using a Nikon D3100 camera but it’s a bit too clever for me - am trying to sort the colour balance via it’s software. Hope you don’t mind am using your good build as a very helpful guide / inspiration along with the manual. Thanks for looking Doug
  16. Hello - just a small update. Following the instructions as laid out beautifully by Chris Watton and James H. Deck supports in place The Stern Frame Patterns fitted and then a slightly worrying time getting the main Deck in place. It all clicked into place and no need of any weights to hold it down while glue dried. Stern Counter in place along with the Stern Board. Have thinned the mdf where the Stern Post fits. Just more sanding to make sure the run of the first hull planking will be smooth. Going to have to find a way to get the background without a blue tint - guess colour balance is wrong. Anyway thanks for looking. Regards Doug
  17. Hello – have decided to do HMS Flirt as my next build having seen the excellent reviews and build logs of various Vanguard Models ships on this site. Chris Watton has certainly done a beautiful job and was somewhat hesitant to make a start on this build as it will probably be downhill from here and not do Chris any justice even though the instruction book is a work of art on its own. Have followed James H and gone for a white background instead of my usual black but have not as yet got any clever photoshop programs to improve the backdrop. Anyway first stage done. For some reason which I don't know why I decided to fill in the vertical gap on bulkhead 10 using the part from the mdf sheet. Door fixed in place and a small eyelet and blobs of glue for door handle. Thanks for looking. Regards Doug
  18. Thank you VTHokiEE. Bought the case with the base from a UK company.
  19. Hello - Okay all done and dusted. Finished. The Cutter Sherbourne now on display in its acrylic case. Thank you to all of you for looking in and your comments and the 'likes'. Not sure what the next build will be....... Regards Doug
  20. Hello - I finished about a week ago and now just waiting for the holiday period to end so as I can order the display case. The anchors all roped up - I know the anchors should be tied with a knot but always think the knot ends up looking rather large. Have done the stand / slipway - idea pinched from Dubz who I would like to thank although by the looks of things he has been banned. A great loss. All rope coils added. Well that's it, other to thank all the Sherbourne builds which were a great help and hopefully I haven't let the side down. Would like to also give credit to Blue Ensign who showed how to do swivel gun brackets from hooks on his Pegasus. Thank you for looking in and all the past comments and likes. Will update with a final photo once display case arrives. Hope next year is better for everyone. Regards Doug
  21. Hello Gazzarian Thank you for the nice comment. I stained the walnut with a medium oak stain and a flat varnish. Regards Doug
  22. Hello - The finish line is in sight. Rigging done except for the anchors as awaiting to order suitable thread which seems to be out of stock. Have redone the front stay as felt the mouse / collar section needed to be lower down. Tiller rigged plus rope support for steps. Also swivel guns installed. The brackets are hooks straightened out then bent into required shape. A 2mm hole drilled into the gun posts and a brass tube inserted and then the brackets plus gun. Was not confident in fitting handles to swivel guns which I would like to have done. Was not sure I liked what was required for the royal stay and how it was tied off so did something similiar to what is on my HMS Supply build. So anchors and rope coils next and then how to mount and a case. Thank you for looking and the 'Likes'. Regards Doug
  23. Hello - quite a few stages on. Shrouds, ratlines (least favourite job), stays and start of some running rigging. Happened across which I thought was an empty parts sheet when I noticed this part still attached. Cound not find any reference to it either on plans or Parts Listing but on searching other Sherbourne builds it is the rest for the Gaff boom - the stool. This has been glued in place plus some support brackets. Have now got some figures to help with getting a feel for the scale of things - pumps probably still too big....... Not sure who he is shouting at - maybe me - may have done something wrong with the build or too slow or both. Shrouds etc with attempt at serving. Mouse made using a lathe. Couldn't work out how the rigging should be on this - it's the line coming down from end of Driver Gaff. Anway this is what I did - hopefully it's good. Upper Yard and lower Yard now attached. Okay - last photos. Sorry too many photos Thanks for looking in and the 'Likes' - very much appreciated. Regards Doug
  24. Hello - some more steps forward. Masts shaped and dry fitted along with the gaff boom. Bowspit also dry fitted plus some blocks. The Yards and Driver Gaff shaped and ready to be fitted. Some steps have been added. Some eyelets attached to tiller but not sure how I am going to rig it up as the steps are close by. Another view. Thank you very much JpR62 for your lovely comments - much appreciated. Also thank you for looking in and the 'likes'. Regards Doug
  25. Hello - more bits and pieces done. The channels and deadeyes fixed into position - pinned and glued. The angle of the strops was done by tying thread to the mast at the correct height and aligning it with the deadeye. The catheads fixed into position with two grooves cut out and a dowel inserted through the side. The bolts are just brass wire inserted and a drop of black paint added. The pumps have been shortened - hopefully a more suitable size. May buy some of those sailor figures seen on some builds which probably helps with the scale of things. Side view Thank you for looking. Regards Doug
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