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Everything posted by Dfell

  1. Hello - final pictures of my HMS Flirt. Trying to show the rigging hopefully a bit better. Thank you all for the encouragement and nice comments during the build. Nearly had a disaster with the waterline thinking I ought to keep the keel level as it would be a problem to source brass mounting columns. In the end sorting that out was fairly easy. Think my next build will be something with less rigging - probably Vanguard 'Saucy Jack'. This has not been a log showing how to build Flirt as it comes with a very good manual and I did not encounter any real problems other than my dodgy building skills / lack of knowledge. Anyway again thank you for looking - the comments and 'likes' Regards Doug
  2. Hello - Have now finished HMS Flirt. A lot of rigging...... Going to have to take a few more photos with a black background as the white thread is not showing up as much as I hoped against the white background. Some threads not tied off as instructed - have found more suitable belaying places. Found these tools helpful with doing the rigging. Not sure if all these rope coils spoil things - maybe the way I do coils etc does.... Hope you don't mind but will upload later few more photos with a black background. Thanks for looking. Regards Doug
  3. Right - That's sheet plan 9 finished. Just one more to go for the rigging - it's getting mighty difficult to belay any lines and there is plenty more to be tied off on the same piece of furniture. Made a mistake - realised when half way along stropping the blocks for the Top Sheet Clew lines I had done them in natural thread when I should have done them in black. Having tied them off I did not fancy doing them again so carried on doing the same for the lower section. Have not tied them off so as to gain access as instructed to finish plan 10. Final picture. Just noticed one of the stunsails has dropped down 😕 Thanks for looking and the comments / 'Likes' Doug
  4. Hello navarcus - wouldn’t think they do. Other rope lines are attached. You need to ask someone with more knowledge than me - I can see why you’re asking but not sure how the anchors would be handled easily. The anchor rope wrapped around bitts - just followed instructions. All the best Doug
  5. Hello Alistair It’s good to see you back and you’re going to finish your superb Fly. Thank you for your lovely comments - you are being too generous but much appreciated especially coming from someone whose work is up there with the best. Like you I also make model plane kits - Guillows - balsa wood and tissue paper. Regards Doug
  6. Hello - more progress. All Stays and Preventer Stays etc installed, plus Crowsfeet. The instructions suggest to use F-14 and 15 which are larger Parral Beads for the Mouse but I had used them for the Main Boom and Driver Boom as the plans did not say which beads to use on them although the plans showed larger beads on the Booms. So had to make the Mouse with turning some dowel. Also found out what the wooden beads were used for - they are Thimble blocks for the Topgallant Mast Stay. At fault for not studying the plans further ahead. Bowsprit Stays. Thank you for looking. Regards Doug
  7. Hello - few steps forward. Ratlines etc done although have made another bad decision on use of thread. Used black sewing cotton instead of what was instructed. It started off okay but then realised the black cotton thread was varying in thickness and was getting fuzzy but as I was over half way decided to continue. Yards attached with Parral Ribs and Beads although there is no reference to which Beads are needed for the Main Boom and Driver. Used the largest Beads for the Main Boom - there was also a packet of wooden Beads which I assumed were for builds which were not being painted. Thanks for looking and the 'Likes' - much appreciated. Thank you Regards Doug
  8. Hello - Upper Shrouds completed. Kind of wished now I discarded the supplied 1.0 and 0.75 thread and used previous thread left over from other builds as there is no difference between the two sizes of the supplied thread possibly the Upper Shrouds may look wrong. Next the Ratlines - so maybe some time....... Thank youOldsalt1950 for looking and your nice comment. 1950 was a good year........ Regards Doug
  9. Hello - further progress. All Yards / Bowsprit Yard / Gaff and Boon Yards shaped, rigged etc. Boomkins shaped and dry fitted with pins. Lower Shrouds completed. Used hooks at the ends of the Catharpins to fix onto the Futtock Staves. Had a problem with identifying the correct size thread as it was very difficult to distinguish between 1.0 and the 0.75. and I only had what looked like half the amount of the 1.0, labelled H thread. It looked possible slightly thicker than the 0.75 but when both pulled tight the labelled 0.75 looked thicker so this is what I used for the Lower Shrouds and also there was more of it. I did ask Chris for some more 0.75 but did not hear back - it was over the Christmas hols. So I have used what was marked as 1.0 thread on the Upper Shrouds and just had enough. The labelled 0.75 was much thicker than the other thread I had left from previous builds but the texture was different so I kept to the supplied thread for the Shrouds as it looked better. Everywhere else I used the other left over 0.75 black thread. Looks like there's a mark on my camera lens which needs to be sorted..... Thank you for looking, Regards Doug
  10. Just come across your build - that’s some amazing work!!
  11. Hello - a small update. Have redone the Cutter. This time the wood colouring is better. Did not double up on the seat brackets just keep them as a single piece. Also, as can be seen have started the Shrouds. Thank you for the previous 'Likes' and your comment captain_hook - all appreciated. Regards Doug
  12. Hello - a bit of a step forward. Masts and Bowsprit all shaped and most blocks added. Am sorry to say I have painted the Masts and Bowsprit as the colour of the wood varied, a lot darker lower half. Hopefully this isn't seen as a sin . Realise this is the nature of wood and my mistake in matching the dowels up to use. Most sections of Masts are dry fitted as well as the Bowsprit for removal during rest of build. Various other views Thank you for looking. Regards Doug
  13. Hello glbarlow and hollowneck - thanks for the comments and the reference to the 3D resin hull. I have already ordered another 18ft cutter from Chris to have another go but the resin hull does looks good. Maybe the seating etc might fit the resign hull - if it does will get one. Will ask Chris if you can combine the two. You do make the cutter look good hollowneck but then again you make everything look good. Have been following your work with the sails on your build. Incredible. Likes of you and Blue Ensign certainly make us mere mortals try harder 🙂
  14. Hello - Ship's boat all done. Not too keen on it as it has turned out rather dull / dark compared to others. Stained the wood as there was various shades / colours that did not seem to go together. Anyway here it at various stages. Dry fitted onto deck Bit of a disappointment with my work - may change my mind to include it. Thanks for looking. Regards Doug
  15. Hello - just a small update. Hull planked for Cutter - not easy. Used rubber bands wrapped around hull with toothpicks under rubber bands where they were not exerting enough pressure to hold planks in place. Mainly used PVA glue on the edges of the planks so they're not glued to the Bulkheads - super glue used on ends of planks and on the last few planks near the keel Some initial sanding and a little filler but little more will be done prior to spraying hull white. As a lot of people have said these Cutters are bit of a project just on their own. Thanks for looking in and appreciated the comments previously left. Regards Doug
  16. Hello Allan No worries - certainly did not take it as a criticism - in fact I have learnt a little more about these ships. Thank for looking at my build and the discussion that came from it. Regards Doug
  17. Hello Gregory I realised I probably gave the impression the instructions are difficult - I not sure what I was trying to say other my historical knowledge of these boats especially the names of things is not very good. The instructions and photographs are excellent along with the quality of the parts which as you say make it possible to do the build well. Chris am sure would make his Vanguard models as accurate as possible. Regards Doug
  18. Hello Allan - appreciate you looking in and your nice comments. Unfortunately I don’t know the answer to your question concerning the tapering ‘cos am not understanding what it is you’re asking as my knowledge about these ships is lacking somewhat - perhaps someone like Blue Ensign would be best. I find it hard enough just to follow the kit instructions….. The rigging line is leftover from previous builds as the kit doesn’t supply the thinner thread. Regards Doug
  19. Hello - quite a few steps forward. Pumps made with added spout plus winch assembled. The instructions say to make the pumps with a 40mm long dowel but as they drop through the hole situated below on the lower deck resulting in the pumps being too low. Therefore have added a toothpick painted black so the pumps drop down to the required height. Anchors assembled - using black tape for the metal bands. Finally got all the cannons rigged and all the deck stuff mostly glued in place except pumps - to be fitted at a later stage when safe to do so. Now have started the Cutter as per instruction. Thanks for looking and the 'Likes'. Regards Doug
  20. Hello - it's been awhile since last posting as work on the cannons has been excruciating as they are so small as everyone has mentioned plus a spell of the dreaded Covid and other things getting in the way. Anyway here are some pictures of the cannons at various stages. Only done one half so far with a rather bad attempt at some frapping. Thank you for looking and I will push on and get the other side done. Thank you whitejamest for your comment - much appreciated. Regards Doug
  21. Hello – a bit of a step forward. Have managed to fit HMS Flirt using brass mounts onto a plinth. Used the smallest brass stand from Amati but found the next size up did not match the top and bottom sections of the smaller one. So doing some measurements got a friend to make one by 3D printing which I was then able to check that the waterline was level before finding a local engineer to make one in brass. Deck 'furniture' in place but not glued down as I first will get the cannons in place and rigged. The cannons are made - just adding the small blocks. Thank you for looking. Regards Doug
  22. Hello - Deck Bulwark Cleats plus Belaying Pin Racks all pinned into place as instructed. The Belaying Pins I opted for wooden ones. Also the Channels pinned into place with the Deadeyes which have the Strops yet to be pinned down at the correct angle. The Steps I have decided to leave unpainted. I opened the Strops to take the Deadeyes by sliding the Strops over a tapered dowel - they are very delicate. Found sliding Strops over a tapered dowel helped to keep their shape whereas using tweezers to open them up found I was distorting them but then again maybe doing it wrong. Thank you for looking. Regards Doug
  23. Hello - now the bow is done. The Main Rails and the Rail parts assembled plus the Cathead Knees as instructions although have painted the Rail parts underneath slightly different to how James H did. I kept the yellow stripe with a black surround to be in keeping with the Swivel Gun Supports. Thank you for your nice comments - BobG, DelF, glbarlow and Theodosius. BobG - you're doing fine so far. Hopefully you have recovered from your medical treatment / op and you will be soon back at doing the hull planking. Also thank you for the 'Likes' Regards Doug
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