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Everything posted by Dfell

  1. Kiwiron (Ron), Augie, Hamilton, ZyXuz - Thank you all for looking in and your kind comments - much appreciated. At last some photos of yards and some balsa pieces used to attempt to get the footropes equal and a pair of round nose pliers to bend the wire for the stirrups which I imagine everyone has......
  2. Dan - you made me look more closely at the two prints, bought from the Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, which came under the heading Brig Supply. I realize now that it should of read supply / transport brig (typical brig design for that period) and not the Brig Supply. The other print is dated 11 July 1759. Anyway they are nice prints to have and will attempt to photogragh them and put them on my build site and stop hijacking capt.Tom's. Sorry capt.Tom for misleading you but at least it will give you an idea as what the window design may have been.
  3. Capt Tom - Sorry for delay but here is a print of the window design from plans dated 22 Dec 1797 .
  4. Thank you very much, Ron, for showing me what to look out for. On the bowsprit I have already the 3 deadeyes so at some stage I must have by luck got it right......but on the yard I have only one block in the middle and will make sure to get the right size of blocks for the rest of the yard as I am just about to come to that point . On checking the plans (6 of 6) I see only one block required in the middle. Maybe I have still not understood...... Photos soon I hope..... Doug
  5. Ron - would I be right in noticing the blocks change size for the bowsprit from sheet to sheet ?
  6. Tom (capt) - Am flattered you have used my pictures as an illustration to the different styles from kits but to be clear on mine the rear windows were scratch built and not from the kit. I have understood that windows were fitted at a later stage when the ship had a refit due to its major trip to Australia. I have some printed copy plans (dated Dec 1779) from Maritime Museum, Greenwich which show the windows. Wish I had seen the plans before making the windows as on the plans the tops of the windows are curved. Will try and photogragh the two plans I have. Regards Doug
  7. Ron - you are going to have to tell me as I would not know what I'd be looking at - unless you can point me in the direction of someone who has shown what's what. Thanks for help. Doug
  8. Thanks Ron - The site having changed / crashed etc + one or two other things have taken the 'wind out of my sails' but have been looking in now and again and enjoying your build and it's my turn now to copy you Have managed to get back into doing my build - will post some pictures soon. Keep up your good work Regards Doug
  9. Ron - you are moving along really well - all looking very good.
  10. Hello Started this about 2 years ago. Building this was only possible by learning from all the great builds on this forum - so thanks to all of you. To date have done the Yards with Stirrups and Footropes. Pictures soon. Regards Doug
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