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About FKarl

  • Birthday October 7

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    Maine USA

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  1. I've been looking for a place to buy the coffee stirrers!! I've actually laminated a solid hull out of Popsicle sticks. Happy with the results so far. Trying to save money right now but trying to further advance my skill set. (Even worked with wet sand at the beach recently). Anyway, it's a very slow process but I'm finding that throwing scale out the window and "scratch building" from an image in my head, I am having a great time. My "sail boat" will end up about a foot long if/when I finish it. Laminating the mast and boom as well. Superglue, hot glue and Popsicle sticks are all I've used so far. It's a ton of sanding, but a very pleasant time sitting on my deck working away. Hadn't seen anything like this done on here before and so I was curious.
  2. Anyone else use them? If so, what for? I'm finding them useful in many ways.
  3. Awesome! Thank you!! No OSHA back then!
  4. I do but I think its in the wrong place. This is a project that spends months on the shelf when I reach a point where I have issues and get stuck. I am quite a ways from that actual step, but wanted to share here what I had thought after reading through your log yet again. I seem to think of something everytime I do. I'll certainly post a photo here when i try it and I am sure I will pick your brain again. I've been slowly reading through other logs of the Connie, even from different kits, just to get an idea on what works, and what doesn't. Three years of modelling and I am still a big rookie, but I am really trying to do the very best I can. I'f I cant look at a step and be completely satisfied with my work, I either redo it or keep working at it until I get it right. I've found that, the better I do, the more I enjoy my hobby. Thanks for all the inspiration!
  5. Working several problems out ahead of time.... Anyone struggle with the fit of the transom/stern? With all the decorative trim I can't seem to find a way to make it fit even close. I plan on filling in any gaps at the bottom but doing so at the top would wreck the decoration. Help?
  6. I don't know. Hoping that ca solves that issue completely. I understand what you're saying though. Anyone else?
  7. eye bolt replacement..... as a fly fisher I will be hitting the fly shop tomorrow to look for some "big eye" hooks in very small sizes. I suspect they will have what I need and the finished product will be stiffer and stronger than the plastic ones from the kit. I'll post back with what I find. Ideas that come to me like this are the exact reason I let this project sit for as long as I did. I'm still not "full steam ahead", but ideas are starting to come.
  8. so I've not done a lot of work this week as I worked extra shifts. but it has occured to me that I am NOT happy with the hull as it was painted by hand three years ago. Any thoughts as to how I may strip and repaint it without harming the plastic? I've read mixed reviews on simple green and acetone although both seem to work well. I've considered purchasing a second kit and bashing one of them into something else.... still holding out hope that I may salvage the one I have. I suppose I could go with it as is, but I've gained many new skills and KNOW I could do a much better job now than I did three years ago.
  9. Just bought some army men at Walgreens for $3. Comes with two tanks, some fencing etc... Also found a toy train, (metal), in a random box of stuff. Thinking I can practice various techniques on these toys to build skills. Anyone else buy "toys" to practice with? Painting is a weak spot for me so I feel I need to work at it. This seems to be a good way to sharpen those skills in between projects.
  10. You've no idea how long i've looked for this info!!! So, youre saying the pilot would get up and attach the hook afterward? One hook? what did it hook up to? Just a big D ring on the fuselage? ANychance you nmight steer me towards that video?
  11. I'm reading and rereading this build as I am working sporadically on the same kit. Wondering how some diluted Elmer's over the inside surface of the poly flex might work. I'll get back to you. I like the idea of old looking glass, but not the hours and hours doing and redoing you went through. Even though it is an astounding effect!
  12. looking good Kim! I think we are at similar skill levels. I find that the slower I work, the better my results. Looking forward to seeing more.
  13. picture of the raw piece and the test piece. I like the color as its not really brown and not really red.... I have seen both colors used and thought a combination would be good.
  14. As some of you may have noticed.... this is a very slow build. I put it away for months on end as I do other small projects to gain skills for this. so, this week I went back to work. and have found a gloss black spray paint that I like a lot. Painted the long guns today before work. I will know what I have when i get home. I also have found a flat burgundy (ish) spray paint that I like for the carraiges. spent several hours sanding those last night in preparation for paintint them hopefully this weekend. Test painted one and am fairly happy with the result. The lower deck guns won't be seen but I still wanted to do a good job as I will know they are there.....
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