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About rynmss

  • Birthday 04/29/1985

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    Portland, OR, USA

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  1. Great - thank you. I will gain access and give it a look.
  2. Dimensional would be best. I have a scroll saw, mini chop, as well as full size circular saw and a few other pieces. But I don't think, with my skill and limited tools, I'd do to well and trying to mill down larger lumber. I would like to buy some various strip and plank and then go from there. Ryan
  3. I'm midway through a build of the Emma C. Berry. I took a year+ off due to buying and renovating a new house. In the meantime, people have been anxiously awaiting promised updates of progress. I thought a fun project, or couple, would be to recreate some of the parts of some amazing builds on MSW. A recreated frame w/ blackened nails or a full keel. Accompanied by some plans and shadowboxed. I'm struggling on two parts: I can't seem to get wood to save my life. I have placed an order at Wood Project Source, but two weeks later realized I neglected to supply a unit number in my shipping address (please note, this is an error on my end - not theirs). Reading before placing a second order, due to demand, it may be 2-3+ weeks before I can get some wood to work with. Any US vendors than can delivery relatively quicker? Looking for pear and boxwood preferably. I don't have accurate plans for a frame (and it's parts) or keel. Are there accessible plans with a minimal cost that are limited to the parts I want? I know this question extends beyond the scope of this forum, but advise would be great. Thank you all, and a silent tip of the hat to all the builds I've been watching that have inspired me. Ryan
  4. There is some white on the mast, and currently painting the buffalo rails. I ordered some Humbrol acrylic and find it to be world's better than the Model Expo paints. The cream and buff paints from Model Expo covered great. I am using the primer supplied with the paint kit.
  5. I'm having issues finding a good white paint. I'm midway through building the Emma C Berry, but finding the model expo white is really terrible. The eat of the paint kits cover well, but the white makes me feel like I'm painting with skim milk. Is there a better white, or a different method that would give better coverage?
  6. Hello, I am going to be starting this build soon, and found your build. Have you made any progess since the last post? It was coming out real well! I always like to read a few builds before I start a ship, but info on the Skipjack seems hard to find. Ryan
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