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  1. Hi Gary, Thank you. Yes, the store looks ok, probably it is out of stock only. Might need to double check with them again. Tony
  2. Hi GaryM, Thank you, actually I bought one kit from them two weeks ago, however don't know why it haven't been shipped out until now, therefore just wondering if you have same experience. Tony
  3. Hi All, Does anyone ever buy model kits from them? Cast Your Anchor (located in Canada) http://www.castyouranchorhobby.com/ Wondering if anyone has comment about them, safe to buy kits from there? Thank you in advance Tony
  4. Finally received different size of wood, I cut and plan to rigging with it.
  5. Hi Chuck, David, Thank you. If you are going to build it, I found that build instruction might has several typo. 1. page 5, figure 2, #34 should be a, b, c from top to down, instead of c, b, a. 2. page 7, figure 5, #22d should be #35 3. page 7, figure 5, #22, #23 is for the deck after main mast. Besides, some parts are missing 1. part #27 missing two piece 2. part #37, #38 and #39 needs to print two copies for both top and bottom side. and I installed #40 inside of freeboard between forecastle and quarter deck, since instructions doesn't mention about it. Tony
  6. Hi Chuck, Thank you for replying my post. This is a great kit, I like it a lot, so surprised that it can be built with paper. I found this kit while surfing Model Ship World Forums: modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1659-san-salvador-free-paper-model/ and I think it is provided by Maritime Museum http://www.sdmaritime.org/shop/san-salvador-collection/downloadsansalvadormodel.html One comment to this kit is rigging, I think it is simplify version of rigging for this kit, currently I'm trying to rigging it with wood pieces, but I don't have detail rigging info for San Salvador, what I can do is reference to those pictures took by people whom visited museum. Last thing...regarding why I'm interested in San Salvador, I was living in California around 4 years. Tony
  7. Hi Mark, Thank you, and sorry that post at wrong place. Tony
  8. Hi, My name is Tony, I'm from Taiwan. This is my build log for San Salvador paper model. It is still on going, any comments are welcome. Thanks. Tony
  9. Hi Keith, First of all, I'm in Taiwan, don't know if you guys count me as part of China, but if you ask me, I will tell you "no, we are not part of China". Back to your question, this distributor is famous in China... http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-76623614.20.9tdfwZ&id=18442376569 Actually, you don't need to worry if they won't send it out after you made a payment, because Tao-Bao has a feature, they put your payment as a deposit in their account, you can decide to transfer it to distributor once you received your kits, if distributor won't send it out, the money will return to you after certain period of time. Besides, yes, there are lots of pirated kits in China, and quality is not good, but this one 1:30 Royal Caroline seems not, correct me if I'm wrong...., here has some more pictures on a forums in China. http://www.4hmodel.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=14415&extra=page%3D1 I don't think Tao-Bao has English version website at this time. Besides, if you are in US, they can ship it by SF Express, this is one of biggest express company in China. http://www.sf-express.com/us/en/ but I don't know if they can send it to other country. For your information. Tony
  10. Hi, thanks for sharing, I bought one as well, waiting to receive it soon. I was considering between Renommee and Mordaunt, since I already have Corel Neptune. Neptune is just look similar to Mordaunt from pictures. Tony
  11. Hi Floyd, Thanks for your offer, sorry that I cannot find a way to send you a message without publish my e-mail address. Tony
  12. Hi Pete, Thank you very much for your info. I checked with airline company, they said I can check-in it directly as a baggage. since total L+W+H is less than 158CM. Tony
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