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Everything posted by harlequin

  1. two quarter deck halves in place offered up for final position, then I realised that the belay rack is virtually imposible to position once the quarter deck has been placed so belay rack completed c/w belay pins already in position for later.
  2. next job is the fitting and planking of the two plywood quarter decks, then the two gangways can then be fitted.
  3. plywood gangways planked with tanganika strips...need final sanding before fitting after the quarter decks.
  4. skylight ....getting paint to stick to etched brass is a nightmare.
  5. Pillars added to the cabin doors, primed then painted yellow ochre and door knobs added.
  6. quarter deck bulkhead cabins.....parts 116 and 117 still need to be added.
  7. more grating and a couple of deck supporting pillars.
  8. lengths of beech board are then glued to the top to provide a moulding and then finally the roof is attached.
  9. photo etched skylight. Made up of several bits of etched brass fitted to two bits of shaped plywood. First primed with a metal primer then yellow ochre for the frames.
  10. bit of grating and a capstan added to the main deck.
  11. the foredeck is the natural finish...the main deck has had a clear varnish added but i'm not really over keen on it.
  12. looking great Hamilton......you miss greyhound?......my childrens pet rats nibbled some of the rigging of my Greyhound recently so had to do a repair job.
  13. hi Hamilton. only just started after a year off....it comes in phases.
  14. couple more pics of recent work on Bellona.....I don't follow the normal order of things and just build at random.
  15. one of the corel gun ports....not finished yet but gives you an idea of what the finished port will look like.
  16. I am using corels prefab gun ports not included in the kit for the Bellona build because frankly they look a whole lot better than my attempts and I don't feel guilty about it either.
  17. Gun ports...will be painted in appropriate colours when final installation happens.
  18. a little work done on some decking planks, gun ports(which need finishing) and the inner planking and waterways.
  19. right.....time to restart the Bellona......watch this space.
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