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Everything posted by harlequin

  1. my advice..........just go for it........and refer back here. My second build which you can view in the gallery of completed ships was corels victory.....loads of errors on it but a rather nice model once completed.
  2. few more transom windows added, along with the ornate columns. End columns yet to be added.
  3. Taking a little time of from planking to work on the transom windows. Photoetched frames were primed with etching primer then followed by a yellow ochre finish. Fixed in place using a little white wood glue to allow movement for final placing.The windows were coloured first using a 2H pencil then followed by a softer HB....may need a softer pencil to provide a darker colour.
  4. roughly cut a few gun ports, they require enlarging for the finished size, but it gives me an idea of what the finished ports will look like.
  5. Right a few 2nd planks fitted......after ripping off the original second planking due to it fading,damage was caused to the gun ports but I've patched those up reasonably well and 2nd planking under way for a second time.
  6. second planking has started again on Bellona.....pics to follow...........took me the best part of today to dust Victory down as well as HMS Greyhound.......all ready to collect dust again.
  7. One of the reasons I have not been building Bellona is remedial work on my Victory model. I have greatly improved the quarter galley area....not perfect by a long way but a lot better than previous galley.
  8. will do cnemo....................my young son (14) is also having a go at Pandora by constructo...........not the best kits by a long way but great to practice on.
  9. right after several false starts I am again continuing with Bellona.......I will have to strip back several bits of second planking as they have faded to a slightly different colour to the originals.........watch this space..................again.
  10. yes it is a gorgeous model...........will start with bellona again in the new year.
  11. Sorry bill24 not been on here for ages so i presume you are way past the transom stage now.
  12. A bellated well done from me Hamilton.......not been building much as of late but will start again soon on Bellona.
  13. no problem bill24, no need to apologise, it is sometimes very useful to post a pic on someone elses build log. Anyway for a first attempt at a ship build you seem to be progressing very nicely.
  14. photo etched bulkhead fitted. Incidently I coloured the windows using a HB pencil after first painting the yellow ochre frames. I am reasonably pleased with the effect the HB pencil has given. It also has the added bonus of not creeping onto the window frame as they are only approx 2mm square and using normal paint and brush is a tedious operation.
  15. hi Augie.....walnut up next for the second planking.
  16. some deck planks at the bow and transom area. At the bow are the beginnings of two doors and at the transom the yellow ochre paint will be the same colour as a photo etched bulkhead doors and windows which if I ever get it painted correctly will be fitted to the bulkhead frame.
  17. I did it freehand using an oxford compass and just transferred the measurements from the plans. Some of the ports need a final finishing off which will be done when the second planking is applied.
  18. First planking now completed. Not much filler needed to produce a clean smooth hull. The outlines of the next gun ports have been marked out. Now the fun begins. That's a lot of the prep work out of the way. I always find the first planking annoying simply because of the amount of work involved but will ultimately be hidden from view. Some of the deck planks will be added next to the bow and stern transom.
  19. Hi bill24, I am not overly concerned about how the first planking runs out as long as it is smooth with no hollows, so to that extent I have not followed the plans. The second planking however will be more accurate. Its just the way I do the planking. I am not bothered about the normal rules for planking being the first layer as it is going to be covered anyway. The next couple of days should see me complete the first layer then the real build starts. Post some pics soon bill so I can see how you are progressing.
  20. stern planking. The small gaps will be filled with slithers of wood, and prior to the second planking the stern planks will be reduced quite considerably in thickness.
  21. hi Bill.......yes i'll post a couple of pics later today.
  22. couple of first planking pics. Took a long time coming. Not a lot of filler will be required and the gun ports need finishing.
  23. hi shihawk.......sorry for the late reply......the quality of this kit seems pretty good to me as are the instructions. I have been kept away from Bellona for a considerable time due to other of lifes various commitments. One of my daughters has made the England girls rugby team so lots of ferrying about, and with three other children to keep occupied. But hopefully once i start to see progress on the first planking i will post a few pics. I would say if you havent already done so, buy this kit as it really is a gorgeous looking ship.
  24. Looking superb Hamilton. My Greyhound was involved in a slight accident ( wife took it out with a flailing arm whilst drying her hair) but luckily no damage done ( to the wife that is) My new workstation has been located and well underway with bellonas first planking. Pics to follow. It is very interesting to see how we both coped with Greyhounds peculiarities and two very fine models have been the final outcome. Bellona has presented no real headaches yet compared to Greyhound, but I do have a massive infinity with the old girl because of the difficulties. I think you have done a better job than me because of the changes you have made to the original kit.
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