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Everything posted by harlequin

  1. not done much on Bellona just lately....been away skydiving and climbing.....will resume soon.
  2. not done much lately.....bit more on the transom.
  3. slowly cutting the gunports out....I hate gunports.....and a little of the deck planking added.
  4. hello bill24..........been working on the tedious prep work for the build so will post more interesting pics soon.
  5. just testing what the gunports will look like
  6. yep that's what I thought .cheers.
  7. are they flush with the planking or slightly set back inside the hull......the plans on Bellona look like they are flush, but I'm not sure that is right. In this pic they are flush with surrounding planks, or do they need to be set back into the hull slightly.
  8. a bit more on the gallery. The whole area then needs finishing off.....but should return to the second planking I think.
  9. just got back from spending a couple of days on the crags and was looking at the transom and i think i will darken the area around the ornate figures to accentuate the yellow ochre and ballance the balcony railings.
  10. There are a couple of things on the quarter gallery i'm not happy with so they will be sorted this week....but i'm off climbing in the lake district for a couple of days so it can wait. The windows are photo etched plate and getting paint to stick even with a primer is very tricky. I tried several different ways of doing each window pane but it always came out unsatisfactory. The 2H pencil was hard enough to cut through the primer and yellow ochre top coat snd the softer pencils filled in.
  11. believe it or not it is a combination of a 2H a HB and a 4B pencil. I am quite pleased with the results.
  12. I always have trouble with quarter gallery's...don't know what it is.....after much struggling and many swear words its coming along.
  13. incidently....the moulding over the arched windows and balcony was cut from a 5mmx1mm beech board. The plans called for a 1mmx1mm beech board to be used but it just kept splintering.
  14. not looking too bad...reasonably satisfied.
  15. I don't often use colour on my ships tallshiptragic....just the odd bit here and there.....will probably do the cannon carriages and that's about it really.....I tend to make a balls up when I use paint.
  16. decided to go for yellow ochre for the decorations. I also made the scrolls a lot thinner. And a couple of figures added.
  17. its amazing what you see in a photograph that you dont with the ship directly in front of you....the decorative scrolls next to the arched window look too wide in this pic.....will have to check on them when i get home from work......thanks for the compliment....it all needs a final touching up yet and several more bits to add.
  18. the only problem with doing the transom first is that it may suffer damage later on....i'll just have to be careful.
  19. good looking build so far........they say you are not a proper model ship builder untill you have to deconstruct part of it.......on my current build i have deconstructed parts of it at least three times....cest la vie.
  20. Thanks Augie.....there are a lot of decorative bits to add and not sure what to do with those yet. May paint them, may blacken them. Then i'll finish the whole transom and starboard quarter galley before returning to the hull second planking. Your build by the way is awesome.
  21. little more detail added to the transom......I used brass blackener on the photo etched parts...
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