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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. I'm very happy to see that at least two other Snake builds are already "ahead" of me... Though I started my Snake many months ago, my professional obligations do not enable me to work every day. The good thing of that is to learn better and avoid building mismatches watching my mates relative progress.. PS: Norman, can you help me to find again your Snake build?
  2. Many times I look to grasp my Dremel but always I'm affraid to use it on such delicate structures... Thanks
  3. Thank you all, so much I do appreciate your everyday's help during my "coppering" steps. Finally I've found that using a good pair of scissors and a flat diamond file is the best way (to me) to handle the rest of copper tiles.... Pics to follow...
  4. Any additional suggestion on what method/tool to use to trim neatly these minor protruding edges? Thanks again.
  5. Coppering of the hull is almost finished (I think...). I'm trying hardly to manage and fit in shape the plates just below the waterline, is a very painfull story. Have you tried any special tool for this procedure except the universal heavy cutter? Thanks again. PS: The alternative option is to create the so called "dressing-belt" with plates just to run neatly below the waterline....
  6. Hello to everybody and many thanks. Jason, that black paint was too glossy in my opinion. I have applied a layer of matt Winsor & Newton varnish (1:2 in ratio to clear water (water for injection)). I think the black paint now looks better especially on a period war ship.
  7. Coppering in progress... Could you please tell me, have you applied any kind of protecting varnish on the hull after the coppering? Any advise on this? Thanks
  8. ..that's the why I left the hull uncovered with any kind of varnish, for the moment. I want to see whether the "something glossy like" admiralty's metallic black is in accordance with the polish and finish of the copper plates. After that I'll take my final decision on using the matt varnish for the paint and for the copper too (metal suitable varnish, here).
  9. Hi Jason. I want to ask you, how many rows of plates have you mounted horizontally (parallel each to the other (and to the false keel)) before start to use stealers or overlapping? I can guess six rows, but I'm not sure from the pictures. Thanks
  10. Hi Jason and many thanks! Coppering is in progress, I have already bought this product to counterbalance the effects of fingering and oxidation. At the end I'm thinking to "seal" this cream with a metal varnish....
  11. I started the coppering yesterday. I'd like to ask u my friends whether you have used any kind of cream after the copper application just to protect and minimize the time related oxidation and other corrosion effects on the copper. Thank you
  12. I've uploaded these pics just to compare the two options of hull coverage. The stern is covered with the undiluted matt varnish I'vo told you. Thanks Stergios
  13. Hi mates! I think that the best way is to overlap the plates.
  14. I place myshelf between two options. To leave the hull as it is, painted in mettalic black despite that glossy appearance, and to cover it later with a matt varnish (winsor & newton, galleria) wich in my tests gives a matt and cloudy overcoat finish.... I think I'll start the coppering and I'll see about the varnish during the progress of the copper application. I believe that the semi-glossy hull suits better the copper...
  15. Wow! It was to easy to solve ths problem, finally. Thank you again, Jason.
  16. Well, I'm trying to find the way to attach my photos. Is there any upload button?
  17. Jim I've the same question for you: have u applied any varnish onto the (painted in black) hull? Thanks. Stergios
  18. Hi Jason and welcome back. Want to ask you, have you applied any kind of varnish onto the black painted hull? Thanks Stergios
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