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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. A couple of shots of my (late) progress... Left couple 24's carronades, right couple, 32's... I think definitely the 32's are the best option. A final touch up procedure is needed, but in the end with the other 14-16 ....
  2. ...trying hardly to find the stool bed of 0,5x3 and the carriage coin of 3x3 mm.... I think the above parts are totally missed! Jason, any help (your the 1st you've purchased those items)? Thanks
  3. Yoy're right! I spent so many hours trying to apply primer and painting afterwards on minor/tiny structures with disappointing reslults.
  4. I think that a point of later concern is whether the (aftermarket carronades kits) deck blocks should be drilled or (better) glued on the deck...
  5. Spending my time with the aftermarket carronades assembly... Two questions for you Jason, in brief: 1] how have you created the rope-hole on the barrel (in front of the elevation screw)? I cant'r find your tip even I have read it somewhere! 2] did you glue the carriage on the sliding bed or simply you left it unglued sliding on it via its 1,5 mm rod wire? Thanks again Stergios
  6. Fantastic work, Jason! What;s the need of the sliding bed posterior eyelets you have fixed? Thanks
  7. All sills glued in place. It;s my choise to not drill the sills, independently of the possible use of the after market guns and fittings...
  8. Thank you mates. For the moment I try to find out which type of gun is my prefered one... These days i'll try to assemble each kit independently just to be sure.
  9. In the mean time I want to ask you: 1] do you like to have painted or blackened small parts like trunnions, eyelets etc 2] what kind of tool do you use to trim or precise cut metal rods of 1mm to 1,5 mm? Thanks a lot!
  10. Hi mates I'm so many steps behind you but I try to find my rythm again. Cheers
  11. To restore/touch up the appearance especially to small black parts it is advisable to use a waterproof black permanent marker.
  12. ...I think it's better to have blackned or painted the pins in advance before the rigging etc...
  13. Hi Jim! We thank u so much for the help and the many photos, in so detail!
  14. After time I took the decision to only fix the sills to the lower gunport's quadrant without any drill or pin.... Just a personal option
  15. I've instantly found the time to see your recent posts spending my summer holidays. Greek island were so close to me...
  16. Welcome back Jim! Waiting to see the whole rigging process of the carronades.
  17. Hi Pete I'm still waiting for the 32's kits. Cornwall model boats sent to me only the barrels, ten days ago...
  18. New after market fittings just arrived... The standard kits barrels compared to those of 24lbs and 32 lbs respectively. When placed the order I considered the aftermarket 24lbs as the most appropriate in seize but today I dont know what to choose for the weaponry... I strongly need your estimation on this 'debate" matter. Thank you in advance. Stergios
  19. Thank you DFellingham, we thank you so much for your comprehensive reference! I have placed my order and wait for the aftermarketing 32lbs and 24 lbs just to chequ in practise the relative dimensions.
  20. Hi again. I'm having a look at the aftermarket carronades. It seems to me that the more comparable (with the kit standards, in length) are the 18lbs (2,1 cm). What do you think?
  21. Hi Jason and thnaks fot the feed-back! I'm thinking to use cannon 9lbs kits instead of carronade kits (standard or aftermarket). Is there anyone who believes that this option will affect seriously the whole "matching"? Thanks
  22. Well jason I thought that the below mentioned kit was your choise of the weaponry. I was wrong? C85090AK Cannon Kit 9lb 1:64 c1790 39.5mm Cheers
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