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Mike 41

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  1. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to Jeronimo in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Jeronimo - FINISHED -1/48 scale   
    Small update.
    Openings of windows and gun ports in the side walls.
    Part 9

  2. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to IrishChick in Washington by IrishChick - Continental Galley   
    I glued the template to the build board a couple of days ago and today decided to set the alignment pins.  The first one went smooth as glass and the second one did not.  I filled the misaligned and much too big hole with glue and will see what tomorrow brings.  😊  I'm sure the size is correct as they are less than a quarter inch as the instructions stipulate but I am concerned that they are loose and easy to remove.  We are having some significant humidity here in Minnesota and I'm afraid of warping in the wood I'm using.  My work space is in the basement and I do have a dehumidifier going.  I am considering bringing everything upstairs but the ship's cat is a curious sort and not to be completely trusted. 😉  I'm almost considering storing the wood in the freezer but I'm afraid of the condensation that forms when I take it out of the freezer.  I left some of the tape on the template which came in handy for storing the unplaced alignment pin.  I was hoping for more significant progress but it is what it is.  It's all good 😊  I'm going to get a smaller hammer!

  3. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to Jeronimo in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Jeronimo - FINISHED -1/48 scale   
    With 0,6 mmdrill holes drilled in the wood,
    filled with darl wax and rub with a soft cloth.
  4. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to druxey in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Jeronimo - FINISHED -1/48 scale   
    Just came across this. Very nicely framed, sir!
  5. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from Mirabell61 in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Jeronimo - FINISHED -1/48 scale   
    Hi Karl,
    Nice progress, the framing looks great.
  6. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to IrishChick in Washington by IrishChick - Continental Galley   
    I have begun my build board 😊 So far, the diagram is only taped to the board as I am unsure how to properly affix it.  Also, I used a pine board which I sanded and I think it is smooth enough, however, I fear it may be a bit too soft.  The frame underneath the build board is certainly nothing to write home about.  All of my previous carving has been done with hand tools so the skill saw is very intimidating 😨.  At any rate, it begins😊 The ship's cat has also made her presence known😺

  7. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to yamsterman in WASHINGTON GALLEY by yamsterman - 1/48 scale - POF   
    Hi all 
    Some more photos to show the state of play.
    Uploading these from my phone by way of an experiment.
    Cheers for now.......mick

  8. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to IrishChick in Washington by IrishChick - Continental Galley   
    My plans and wood have arrived!  I have to be out of town for a few days, but, upon my return, I will begin my build board.  I'm excited to get started but a bit anxious as well.  This is a long ways out of my comfort zone but something I have always wanted to do.  I'm looking forward to the journey 😊

  9. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to DocBlake in HMS Blandford by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1/32 Scale - cross-section   
    The main deck framing is complete. It still needs final sanding as well as planking and a couple of coats of poly. I'll plank the port side to accommodate 2 cannons and leave the starboard side unplanked.
    Fitting the elm tree pumps was a real pain. They stand at an angle of 5 degrees, and the handles are long. If the handle placement is off the tiniest hair, the handle positions won't match and will be obvious because they are so long. Mine don't match perfectly, but I have to live with them!

  10. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from Jeronimo in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Jeronimo - FINISHED -1/48 scale   
    Hi Karl,
    Nice progress, the framing looks great.
  11. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from mtaylor in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Jeronimo - FINISHED -1/48 scale   
    Hi Karl,
    Nice progress, the framing looks great.
  12. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to Jeronimo in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Jeronimo - FINISHED -1/48 scale   
    PART 6
    Hawse Timbers installed,
    frame scaffold ground inside.

  13. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to DocBlake in HMS Blandford by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1/32 Scale - cross-section   
    Thanks, J P!
    I trimmed each frame so they flowed nicely into the rabbet. I then gave the frames a couple of coats of poly. I also cut out the sweep ports on the inboard bulwarks.
    Slow going as I line up and measure the supports and the bearings for the chain pump cranks and attach them to the bitts and pillars. The last photo shows the main jeer bitt with the supports and bearings in place.

  14. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to DocBlake in HMS Blandford by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1/32 Scale - cross-section   
    Upper deck hatches and gratings.

  15. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to DocBlake in HMS Blandford by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1/32 Scale - cross-section   
    I cut out the four beams for the main deck. The 3/8" wide and 1/4" thick. There is a discrepancy in the plans regarding the main deck beams, so I had to lengthen them to fit. I took my time fitting them in place on the main deck clamp. To make that easier, I modified the ends of the beams. According to the plans, there is a little notch that fits over the top and the face of the clamp. I eliminated the notch, leaving a "flat" - much easier to fit in place.

  16. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from mtaylor in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Jeronimo - FINISHED -1/48 scale   
    Hi Karl,
    Die Hawse Hölzer sind sehr schön, ausgezeichnete Handwerkskunst kommt sie schön mit.
  17. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from Jeronimo in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Jeronimo - FINISHED -1/48 scale   
    Hi Karl,
    Die Hawse Hölzer sind sehr schön, ausgezeichnete Handwerkskunst kommt sie schön mit.
  18. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from uncarina in HMS Beagle 1820 by Mike 41 - 1:48 scale - Cherokee-class brig-sloop   
    Hi Pat,
    Thanks, the ATOS books are a great resource but not perfect use with caution.
     As I understand storing the hammocks in the crane racks afforded the gunners protection against small arms fire. The hammock would stop musket balls during battles. I would think the crew would sleep on the upper deck during good weather, I know I would.
    Scratch building a pof ship model gives you a better understanding of the components of the actual ship. I would suggest a cross section for your first scratch build, they give you an idea of the time an effort it takes to make all your own pieces.
    Good luck with the HMS Endeavour.
  19. Like
    Mike 41 reacted to Jeronimo in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Jeronimo - FINISHED -1/48 scale   
    Complete  new building ,
    after a mistake on my part in the construction
    of the frames.
    Many thanks to Mike for the correction of the frames,
    without him I would not have been able to make the
    intended open frame.
    Next, I will start with the bug, (Hawse Timbers) and
    straighten and grind the previus  part.

  20. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from Magellan1520 in HMS Beagle 1820 by Mike 41 - 1:48 scale - Cherokee-class brig-sloop   
    Thanks Karl,
    The Beagle is a good ship to model lots of nice details.
  21. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Blandford by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1/32 Scale - cross-section   
    Nice work Dave.
  22. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Beagle 1820 by Mike 41 - 1:48 scale - Cherokee-class brig-sloop   
    Thanks Karl,
    The Beagle is a good ship to model lots of nice details.
  23. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from Jeronimo in HMS Beagle 1820 by Mike 41 - 1:48 scale - Cherokee-class brig-sloop   
    The hammock netting is made from some plastic fabric I found at Hobby Lobby it was very stiff and difficult to install inside the cranes. To solve the problem I made a mold from basswood the same thickness as the inside of the cranes and twice the height. I marked lines at the distance to the top of the cranes on both sides of the mold and secured the slightly oversized netting with clamps then applied a diluted glue solution (4:1 water to glue). After the glue dried I used a straightedge and knife to cut the netting to size. The first photo shows the netting on the mold and the glue solution the rest show the netting installed on the model. I still have to attach the netting to the support rope with some of my infamous needle work and add some hammocks.  

  24. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from Jeronimo in HMS Beagle 1820 by Mike 41 - 1:48 scale - Cherokee-class brig-sloop   
    The hammock cranes looked like a good place to start after returning from the family vacation. This a few progress photos of the work so far. I cutout the blanks from Beachwood and drilled .8mm holes for the netting support rope (brass wire). I use a band saw to cut out the rough shape and finished with a square file. An ebony black stain was applied and they were installed on the model. The next step will be adding the netting and hammocks.

  25. Like
    Mike 41 got a reaction from Jeronimo in HMS Beagle 1820 by Mike 41 - 1:48 scale - Cherokee-class brig-sloop   
    Thanks Mark,
    The quarter galleries did look a little better after I rounded off the corners. They were a bit too thick also. The hard part was removing them from the side of the model.

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