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Ulises Victoria

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About Ulises Victoria

  • Birthday 08/10/1948

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  • Location
    Monterrey, Mexico
  • Interests
    Guitar fingerstyle playing, Computer Games.

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  1. Hello all. I have this crazy idea. The idea is build the CAF 1/48 HMS Enterprise and then complete it by building the masting and rigging using the HMS Surprise in 1/48 parts and plans (which I abandoned) A monster project!!! Do you think is possible to do, and what difficulties I may encounter? Would you encourage or discourage this project? Thank you all.
  2. Hello. Excuse my ignorance. I am not able to find member cafmodel in the community area.
  3. So I decided to take the plunge and buy The Enterprise directly from CAF instead of the a bit cheaper kit ($1,218 as a complete kit) from banned ZHL. Please help me here. The kit is priced at $1,288 USD. But when I try to add it to the cart, it asks me to select an option: If I select "B all" the price goes up to $1,688; that's $422 USD up. If I select any of the other options, C1, C2, C3, B1, B2, it then shows a price between 298 and 500 USD. What gives??? I had the $1,288 price as my budget to buy this kit. I'll appreciate any comments. Thank you in advance. PS: It looks like ZHL is acquiring this kit directly from CAF, (true or false?) which to me it means it is not counterfeited. Thank you. Please bear in mind that I don't want to infringe the Anti-piracy policies of this group.
  4. Yes ASAT, I will definitely start a build log. It'd be awesome to build along, however I have to finish my AL Soleil Royal (link in my sig). Not sure how long it will take. I'm in the first stages.
  5. Hello ASAT, I have not bought the kit yet. I'm planning to do it by the end of this month when I am to receive a generous amount of money. The kit is not cheap!
  6. I spent a couple hours browsing this build log, as I am very interested in attempting this kit. Left me wondering if I am not biting more than I can chew! But if one does not attempt a greater challenge, progress is not achieved! Greetings
  7. Hello all. Glad to be back after a long hiatus. I am starting this build log of my A.L. Soleil Royal after a few months of having started the build. At this moment I have almost finished the decks planking, hull planking, gunports, and a few other minor things. Don't ask me why, but I don't like painting my ships. And in this case I went one step ahead, and decided to make it looking "used and abused". Some may argue that Soleil Royal never looked like this, and thus this can't be "named" Soleil Royal. Well, sorry... it is my ship and I will do as I please. So, here are a few photos. At this point I still had not decided on the weathered finish The porcupine. I used bamboo toothpicks glued to a previously drilled hole, to simulate the nailing Jig to cut the gunports frames. This is how it finally looks Making doors using toothpicks That's it for today. Bye all!
  8. Exactly what I thought! CAF is just a few dollars more expensive, but If I decide to buy this kit. it'd be from CAF I have a crazy idea involving this particular Enterprise kit. I will post it for opinions later. Thank you all!
  9. Hello all. I read that ZHL has made some kind of agreement with the United States Patent and Trademark Office to legally sale their kits in the USA. Is this true? If so: Is this below kit legit, according to the rules of this forum? I don't want to infringe any of the policies' of this forum by buying pirated goods. Thank you. https://www.zhlmodel.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=75&product_id=58 Update: I just found out that it can be purchased directly form CAF, which is listed under MSW sponsors, for a little more money.
  10. I have purchased several times here. Excelent service and fast deliveries! thewoodmansshed@gmail.com
  11. I'm sorry I can't answer that as I don't pay too much attention to the materials of the threads I am using, but I've never had any problems with any of the materials I've used.
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