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Yes Carl - that is the plan. My fear is it may take a lot. This tug is quite buoyant. What did you use for lead when you added it? The motor sits in the bow area so I will need to have 2 equal weights that I can epoxy to the hull on either side.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



I'm not sure what sort of access you have to the hold, but I do know you are busy making hammocks. You could try making some sand bags that could be put(glued) inside to act as a ballast. And I really want to see some pictures of it at work!!!!!!


Don - that might be at least a good temporary solution. A couple of ziplock bags. Great idea. At least I could figure out how much weight I need. Access inside is great. The entire deck structure comes off and there's a good 5"x8" opening.


I should have had my camera today. Rescue number 2. Was RC sailing with friends and a hat blew into the water. I sent the tug after it.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             




I hammered strips of lead (the real deal) into blocks, quite straight forward, and put them in a ziplock bag, as suggested by Don. As I had a compartment like part at the stern, it was easy, but you could use self adhesive velcro to sitck the bag to the hull ...


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...



Didn't think of that Carl - actually shaping the weights. I could get some big fishing weights (usually round) and flatten them out some. Sounds easy enough. Just need to determine how much I need.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             




Make the test above deck to determine how much and also where to place the weight.

Easier that way.


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Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry


Right Per - I will use Don's idea and try first with sand in some zip lock bags. If I can't get enough weight out of that I can throw in a large fishing weight. When she's riding level, I will weigh the ballast and fashion something more permanent.

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             


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