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Dear colleagues,
Tell me where can I find ship-modeling terms in German (for boat hulls) ?

This is necessary for the correct translation of instructions.
I would be very grateful for help 


Hey Greenstone, the first step would be getting a German to English dictionary.  You could get them sometimes at second hand book stores (if any still exist in your area), or get one cheap on Amazon or ebay or Abebooks,  If you get stuck, send me a list and I will translate them.      Duff


Somewhere on this forum I think I shared a link to a German/French(?)/English nautical phrasebook.  I don't have access to my digital archive at the moment (time to head off to the paying job) but will check into it tonight if I get the chance



Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.



I would start with a copy of Cpt PAASCH - FROM KEEL TO TRUNK


That is a multi-lingual dictionary of naval terms available in various editions. The smaller one ist in english french german and spanish, I think. The larger edition provides more languages.


You may get reprints, originals and digitized version on the various channels

Link: ( https://books.google.de/books?id=WiHnBAAAQBAJ&dq=paasch+from+keel+to+trunk&hl=de&source=gbs_navlinks_s


For the most questions, this should provide adequate answers.

If you have questions left open, you may ask me.






Sorry it took so long - have been recovering from a crashed hard drive (fortunately, I did have a good backup of my databases). 


Here are a few downloadable dictionaries that may be of use to you (in addition to the members available to support with translation).


Neuman, Henry. 1799. A Marine Pocket Dictionary of the Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and  German Languages, with an English-French and French-English Index. London: Printed for the author and sold by T. Hurst. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008895773.

Paasch, H. 1885. From Keel to Truck: A Marine Dictionary in English, French and German, Amply Illustrated by Explanatory Diagrams of the Most Important Details for the Use of Ship-Owners ... Antwerp: Ratinckx Frères. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008909120.

Paasch, Heinrich. 1901. “From Keel to Truck” Marine Dictionary in English, French & German... The author. https://books.google.com/books?id=mG_VAAAAMAAJ&.

Reehorst, Karel Pieter ter. 1850. The Mariner’s and Merchant’s Polyglot Technical Dictionary of Upwards of Five Thousand Nautical, Steam, and Ship-Building Terms, Commercial and Scientific, in Ten Different Languages, ... with a Precise Explanatory Key to the Pronunciation of These Languages, and a Comparative Table of the Money, Weights and Measures of Sea Ports. London : Williams and Northgate ... http://archive.org/details/gri_33125012932121.


Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.


For quick and dirty:

Historic Ship Models   Wolfeam zu Mondfeld  has  several pages  - well 1 & 1/2 now that I look at it - at the back with  Eng  Ger  Sp Fr It  simultaneous translations for the more common terms..

A lot is packed into this book.  Would not have believed that it is twice what I paid for a new copy.

NRG member 50 years




HMS Ajax 1767 - 74-gun 3rd rate - 1:192 POF exploration - works but too intense -no margin for error

HMS Centurion 1732 - 60-gun 4th rate - POF Navall Timber framing

HMS Beagle 1831 refiit  10-gun brig with a small mizzen - POF Navall (ish) Timber framing

The U.S. Ex. Ex. 1838-1842
Flying Fish 1838  pilot schooner - POF framed - ready for stern timbers
Porpose II  1836  brigantine/brig - POF framed - ready for hawse and stern timbers
Vincennes  1825  Sloop-of-War  - POF timbers assembled, need shaping
Peacock  1828  Sloop-of -War  - POF timbers ready for assembly
Sea Gull  1838  pilot schooner - POF timbers ready for assembly
Relief  1835 packet hull USN ship - POF timbers ready for assembly


Portsmouth  1843  Sloop-of-War  - POF timbers ready for assembly
Le Commerce de Marseilles  1788   118 cannons - POF framed

La Renommee 1744 Frigate - POF framed - ready for hawse and stern timbers



BTW, Harland was quite a learned person and his 'Seamanship' usually give the terminology in several languages plus some etymology of the terms.

Zu Mondfeld was a journalist, wouldn't trust him too much on the terminology, always cross-check.



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



M-et-M-72.jpg  Banner-AKHS-72.jpg  Banner-AAMM-72.jpg  ImagoOrbis-72.jpg

I agree with Wefalck.  Mr. Harland understood several languages and his 'Seamanship' is one of my most valuable books.


Zu Mondfeld put out an attractive book because it is full of illustrations which are useful and inspiring to beginners.  However, his accuracy is spotty and in some cases inaccurate, so everything taken from his book MUST be cross checked.  I sold the book. 


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