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Hola desde Toledo spain


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Hi. My name is Isidro.

I apologize first because I do not speak English, only Spanish, and I must do the post through Google Translate.

sorry for the mistakes I can make.

For years my passion has been naval modeling and naval architecture.

Initially I started my hobby with Artesania Latina kits, and later, some American model (brig oneida, from lumberyard).

I have done various research and written several books, all referring to the Spanish naval construction of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, some as the only author and others with some friends.

There are few books on constructive details of the ships of the Royal Spanish Navy, and of galleons, since most of the models that are made are modifications of English galleons, or with little scientific rigor.

For some years now I have published several books to improve this situation.

Among them is a book about Spanish galleons of the seventeenth century, another about Spanish and Portuguese atlantic vessels of the XVI and XVII. Both books can be downloaded freely, and I will be happy to share it with you.

I have also published some books of rigging and Spanish naval maneuver of the eighteenth century.

my current project is to conclude the monograph I started years ago from a Spanish ship of 1752, a 68-gun ship. It is a very curious story of naval espionage and technical development.

the book is already finished, with the third edition exhausted. and the plans of the monograph already finished, but not published, waiting for my friend Jose, a resident like me in Toledo, to finish the model

I will be happy to present our work, as well as help and advise anyone who needs to know some details about Spanish ships and galleons.

a greeting




Hola. mi nombre es Isidro.

lo primero pedir disculpas porque no hablo ingles, solo español, y debo realizar los post mediante google traslator. 

perdon por los errores que pueda cometer.


Desde hace años mi pasion es el modelismo naval y la arquitectura naval.

inicialmente empece mi aficion con kits de Artesania Latina, y posteriomente algun modelo americano ( brig oneida, de lumberyard).

He realizado diversos trabajos de investigacion y escrito varios libros, todos referentes a la construcion naval española de los siglos XVI y XVII,  algunos como unico autor y otros con algunos amigos.


existen pocos libros sobre detalles constructivos de los navios de la real armada española, y de galeones, ya que la mayoria de los modelos que se realizan son modificaciones de galeones ingleses, o con poco rigor cientifico.


desde hace unos años he publicado diversos libros para mejorar esta situacion.

Entre ellos figura un libro sobre los galeones españoles del siglo XVII, otro sobre embarcaciones atlanticas españolas y portuguesas del XVI y XVII. ambos libros pueden ser descargados libremente, y me alegraré de compartirlo con vosotros.






tambien he publicado algunos libros de aparejado y maniobra naval española del siglo XVIII. 


mi proyecto actual es concluir la monografia que empece hace años de un navío español de 1752, un navío de 68 cañones. es una historia muy curiosa de espionaje naval y desarrollo tecnico.


el libro esta ya terminado , con la tercera edicion agotada. y los planos de la monografia ya acabados, aunque sin publicar, a la espera de que mi amigo jose , residente como yo en toledo, acabe el modelo


estaré encantado de ir presentando nuestro trabajo, asi como ayudar y asesorar a cualquiera que necesite saber algun detalle sobre navios españoles y galeones.


un saludo



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Hola, Isidro -


Estamos encantados de darle la bienvenida a Model Ship World. Google Translator es suficiente para la mayoria de los mensajes.  Hay hablantes nativos de espanol en el foro que pueden ayudar quando sea necessario.  (Yo no soy uno de ellos.)



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Hola Isidro, bienvenido a MSW! Google Translate se está volviendo bastante bueno en estos días, su mensaje fue comprendido fácilmente. Muchos constructores que no hablan inglés lo usan para sus registros de compilación todo el tiempo.


Teniendo en cuenta que aproximadamente 4/5 de todos los libros en inglés de Age of Sail podrían ser retitulados. Sin embargo, otro libro sobre la Royal Navy, me complace ver que traiga más libros de historia naval en español al mundo de habla inglesa. Me gusta el RN muy bien, pero es más interesante un libro sobre un tema sobre el que sé poco (diseño del barco español).

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These are the links of some books, of which I am a co-author and that can be obtained for free on the web academia.edu


Everyone talks about the famous Spanish galleons that dominated the Atlantic and even the Pacific during the fifteenth and early seventeenth centuries, but the subject is full of myths and inaccuracies.

the first is to think that all Spanish ships were galleons, the galleons were a specific type of ship, which basically served for the merchant traffic with America. They were heavily armed and went in two annual convoys.


The construction techniques of these galleons were specific and were very effective during those centuries. until being overtaken by the evolution of the line ship.


During the eighteenth century, after a period of shortage of ships due to the war of Spanish succession, there was a revival of shipbuilding in Spain.
there are four periods in the xviii

the first (1712-1752) with the Basque builder Gaztañeta and his disciples Acosta in Cuba and Autran in Spain. (Among the most famous ships is the Princesa   el Guerrero  y el Rayo)


the second, (1752-1764) called "construccion a la inglesa" with a project of industrial espionage led by Jorgejuan that brought various English builders (Irish Catholics and disgruntled technicians) and adapted the English construction to the Spanish concept (navio Santisima Trinidad, San Genaro)


the third of standardization with France, with the French  shipbuilders Gautier, (1764 1782) (ship San Juan Nepomuceno)


the fourth with the shipbuilders  Romero Landa and Retamosa (1782 - early nineteenth century) El Montañes, which is doing my good friend amalio and that exposes in this forum.)


Soon I want to start by sharing the construction of a ship of the second period, a 68-gun ship that published a book a few years ago and recently finished the plans of it.

Edited by Isidro
Translation correction
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