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I would like some advice regarding the selection of the next model that I intend to build.  I am having trouble deciding between the SMS Seydlitz and the French pre dreadnought Condorcet.  Both are from hobby boss and are in 1/350 scale.  I initially favored the Seydlitz, but I recently discovered that the kit does not come with the torpedo netting  shown on the box art.  The detail up set from Infini which provides the netting is quite pricey, and appears to be above my skill level.  Are there any  other methods of obtaining the netting, or should I wait until I have the money (and skill) to buy the detail up set.  Any suggestions will be appreciated.

1 hour ago, ccoyle said:

Personally, I have a thing for pre-Dreadnoughts, so Condorcet gets my vote.

I think I agree with you there.  Seydlitz can wait until I have acquired the expertise to try the detail up set. 


Condocert is a good one,  I think the French pre & semi dreadnaughts extremely visually interesting. 

My Current Builds:

The USS Maine - 1/72 3D printed Armored Cruiser (1889) USS OlympiaUSS TexasUSS New York, HSwMS TapperhetenCerbere 


Ships I am currently designing or have completed in Fusion 360:

German: SMS ScharnhorstSMS Kaiser Sweden: Svea, Gota, & Thule (both early and later versions), Flygia

France: French battleship Charles MartelDupuy de Lôme, Faucon (aviso), United States: USS Katahdin (1894) Ram ship, USS Monteray USS Oregon Japan: Mikasa, Fuso Russia: Izumrud, Novgorod Spain: Pelayo Great Britian: Turbinia (1894) - First ship with Steam TurbineHMS Edinburgh (1882) DenmarkTordenskjold


Ships I intend on designing & building in the future:

French JauréguiberryMassena Bouvet United StatesUSS Virginia USS Brooklyn, USS Minneapolis USS Ericsson
Russian:  Rossiya Peresvet Bayan SlavaTsesarevich 
BrazilRiachuelo SpainEmparador Carlos V


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