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I did not have problems crimping the clamps. I bought the crimping tool they have on the store and works well.

Did you solve your problem with the transom?

Current building

Santisima trinidad cross section - Occre - 1:90



Bounty Boat - OCCRE - 1:24



Ah, so I gather that the "Taj Ma Chook" is all completed now! ;)


Good to hear you also had a positive experience with Cornwall Model Boats - that certainly reflects my own experience. If the figures aren't the right size for this build, there's always the next one, or the next, or...............


Planking seems to be going well. Don't forget that steam can be really useful for bending planks in addition to soaking. Any old steam iron will do - just not the one you are about to press your nice new white shirt with!

  • 3 weeks later...

Did you solve your problem with the transom?


Not really. Neither the written instructions or the DVD indicate when/how to plank the rear of the transom... will see how we go.

Current build: HM Cutter Mermaid 1817
Next build: US Brig Syren...maybe :)


Some good progress there Leanne - almost there! :)


How do the chooks like their new palace?


How do the chooks like their new palace?

They're still too small... still getting their adult feathers so can't keep warm outside yet.



Won't be long though, the Taj ma Chook awaits...


Current build: HM Cutter Mermaid 1817
Next build: US Brig Syren...maybe :)

Posted (edited)


The Mermaid is coming along very nicely.

The BIG hammer is a little worrying. :)

Have you got a name.. I don't want to call you a silly Moo if you make a mistake :) lol.


Keep up the good work ans we shall see a excellent model appear.


Regards Antony.

Edit... Unless you name is Moo. Of course :)

Edited by AntonyUK

Best advice ever given to me."If you don't know ..Just ask.

Completed Mayflower

Completed Fun build Tail boat Tailboat

Completed Build Chinese Junk Chinese Pirate Junk

Completed scratch built Korean Turtle ship 1/32 Turtle ship

Completed Santa Lucia Sicilian Cargo Boat 1/30 scale Santa Lucia

On hold. Bounty Occre 1/45

Completed HMS Victory by DeAgostini modelspace. DeAgostini Victory Cross Section

Completed H.M.S. Victory X section by Coral. HMS Victory cross section

Completed The Black Pearl fun build Black Queen

Completed A large scale Victory cross section 1/36 Victory Cross Section


Good job! At that point my model was a mess XD. I had to use a lot of filer at the transom.

Current building

Santisima trinidad cross section - Occre - 1:90



Bounty Boat - OCCRE - 1:24


Posted (edited)



The BIG hammer is a little worrying. :)

Have you got a name.. I don't want to call you a silly Moo if you make a mistake :) lol.

:) the hammer is the smallest one I have at the minute, was my grandfathers from when he was a mattress maker. It's pretty light, only about 3in wide.


As for name, it's Leanne... 'Moo' has no connection to Alf Garnet ;) rather my last name - Cowan... Took some wag at University to finally pin me with a bovine reference!!

Edited by Moo

Current build: HM Cutter Mermaid 1817
Next build: US Brig Syren...maybe :)

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