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Hi Glenn,


Thanks for the compliment.  It looks like you should have no problems with planking up from the hull to the waterline.  And don't forget, if it all goes sideways on you it's all covered with copper and paint!  Just work on getting the second planking as smooth as you can (lots of filler between planks) and you will have a great surface to copper and paint.



Posted (edited)

Still working on the 2nd planking. I provided my method for the fitting the strips around the gun ports.


Now I'm working up from the stern I thought I would provide a description of the method I'm using, which is pretty similar.


Mark cut position



Check fit after cutting plank



Dry fit around the bow using map pins



Mark and cut plank at stern end



Glue the plank and pin along the edge using map pins at regular points



Here is some overview pictures of progress to date



Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Thanks Patrick

On the whole I'm very pleased with the second planking and I don't think it will take much effort to get really smooth. The bit that will take the most work will be the edge where the stern post fits.

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Just a quick update, I didn't get much time on ship build over the last three days due to family commitments.


2nd planking continues and I'm making slow but steady progress. I have now completed the planking from keelson along full length of stern post.



Very happy with how the bow pattern has turned out, pity it will be covered by the copper tiles!




Stealer cut to half width of plank by red map pin




Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Greetings glen

Thanks for post. Well things have gone very well with the second planking, no prob at all , and it does not look as though there will be a great deal of sanding to do. So it's off to the upper gun deck next, and lots to do there, so just take your time and keep enjoying yourself. It's coming along fine. Well done. DAVID


Hi Glenn,


Fantastic job with the second planking and you got the result you were looking for.  Take lots of pictures before you start covering it up with copper and paint. Once I'd filled and sanded my second planking smooth I put on a couple of coats of primer below the water line and sanded it again.  It gave a really smooth surface for the coppering, so you might want to consider that.  Keep up the great work, and enjoy.




Nice job, Glenn....You're making fantastic progress.  You will be amazed at how much the coppering hides in terms of blemishes,etc.  I sanded the second planking several times with much wood filling as I had some horrifying cracks and spaces between planking strips but when all was said and done and the plating was finished my Victory didn't look any better or worse than anyone elses.  What I'm saying and for what I may be smacked for is...the copper plates over a reasonably well sanded second stripping is all forgiving.  To me, the application of the plates is the most important aspect to a good looking hull. Again, i think you are doing a wonderful job and that the fact that you have taken this build to heart is showing.  Have a great day,



I was not planning on posting any more planking pictures for a while, but tonight I decided to go a bit off piste with the build.


As the planking has been progressing tonight I suddenly thought it would be good to see where a mid point plank would lay running parallel to the gun port edge planks.


I pinned a number of small plank lengths to find a good starting point which happened to be 4 plank widths, as shown in the first two photos. This enabled the plank to run true and also lined up perfectly with bow join.





As I glued the plank in position I made sure the stern end finished on a fixed number of plank widths, the magic number was 2 plank widths.



Finally a picture taken from the bow end showing the mid point plank fitted on both sides. The other advantage of this method for me is I can plank either side of this mid plank which means I can fit two planks per side a time which may reduce the construction time by a small amount.



That ain't bread that's toast! (name the catch phrase)

Glenn (UK)


Keep it going, Glenn..No need to get any sleep.. It's too much fun to quit, isn't it?  LOL


Posted (edited)

Hi Jerry

It is but I have to take enforced breaks between each plank fitting to allow the glue to dry; 20 minutes for the Super Phatic glue I'm using. I will be happy when this phase of the build is complete and I can move on to another task. I have been sanding some of the rough edges as I wait and I've also regluing some small sections which have not adhered fully to hull when plank was first fitted.

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Back from a short break holiday and finally completed the first stage of the 2nd planking last night and started adding some filler, its still very much work in progress.


Plan to start the first stage of the upper 2nd planking tonight.


Picture of the bow



Picture of hull with filler, much of this will disappear once I start sanding in earnestpost-7550-0-46273900-1395215283_thumb.jpg


The MicroGlaze I ordered from the States arrived whilst I was away. It was very easy to use and gave a nice result.


I made a dummy window frame and then applied the MicroGlaze.



Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Started planking up toward upper gun port opening, this is very slow work, managed two plank widths in 2.5 hours work last night, but expect to be able to complete sometime this weekend before I can finally move on to installation the upper gun deck.


I still have to finish sanding the second planking but will leave that for another day. I plan to coat with a primer once the sanding is complete to find the areas which may need filling to get the best possible surface for the copper plating; a slow repetitive task I can hardly wait to start!


I also still need to fit the rear keelson and stern post, but again this can wait a few days. I have dry fitted them and the fit is good, just a small amount of work to do near the lower stern counter before I can fit the stern post to ensure a good flat fit.


A couple of pictures below showing the progress to date.







Glenn (UK)


Hi Glenn...You're moving right along now.  I remember this part of the planking to be very slow.  I tried two methods at this point.  First I started planking the way you are , cutting each piece to fit between gun ports.  Then I tried planking over the gun ports and cutting out the piece directly covering the gun port.  I figured that i could do it faster this way because i could put down a larger strip. But, I found it more time consuming trying to cut out each piece.  Your Victory is really taking shape now and soon you'll be having a  good time fitting the upper deck.  Have fun..



Hi Glenn,


Your second planking is looking very good.  It's a good idea to put primer on the hull below the waterline, it will really show up any dings and divots that need to be filled and give you a really good surface for coppering.  Remember to install at least the lower wales before you start coppering.  See my log for the the consquences of not doing so!  It worked out in the end, but caused a lot of extra work.  What kind of glue are you planning to use for the copper plates?  I had good results with contact cement, it gives you time to move the plates into position, unlike the CA recommended in the manual.  It might also be a good idea to order extra tiles as I found there was quite a bit of wastage. Plan on a couple of months of living and sleeping copper tiles! Enjoy!



Posted (edited)

I may use the evo stick glue that Dave used when I get to that stage or I may try the super Phatic glue I currently use, but will need to see if that will bond the tiles with the hull, It should do as it is a mix of wood glue and CA, good grab and 20 minutes dry time


I had a horrible feeling it was a long drawn out process; something to look forward to then!

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


This morning dry fitted the inner bulwarks for the upper gun deck, hit a major alignment problem.


The inner bulwarks are designed for lateral movement to ensure they are properly positioned with the ports.


The first gun port is perfectly aligned, however the bulwarks sit too high for all the remaining bulwarks.


This implies I have incorrectly fitted the outer gun port strips which I find difficult to believe and I did make sure I used the 1mm clearance guide detailed in the manual.


I think I will either have to trim the bottom edge of the inner bulwark so the gun ports are aligned which is a pain or I could enlarging the gun port openings along the bottom edge on the inner bulwark and then fit a strip across the top edge, as this will be hidden once the quarter deck is installed.


Time to ponder.


First gun port OK



Problem gun ports




Glenn (UK)


Started fitting the gun deck. I soon realised that it was not going to fit in one piece without trimming. I therefore took the decision to split the gun deck into two - glad I did as it has made the fitting and trimming so much easier.


Taking note of a problem reported before on MSW regarding the change of dimension of the openings when splitting the deck into two, I took measurements of the openings to make sure I keep them true and central.


Following some discussions with Dave (Shipyard Sid) I will trim the inner bulwark bottom edge as necessary when it is time to fit, and will also make a cannon assembly to double check it's position in the gun port


You can see the fitting problem of the gun deck



When split in two I want to make sure the masts can be fitted true and verticalpost-7550-0-93889500-1395507947_thumb.jpg


The width of the openings is 28mm, I did made a test piece to double check the gap when the deck is fitted



Still need a small adjustment for the bow sprit


Glenn (UK)


Good morning, Glenn.  When all is said and done you will have a beautiful, well constructed HMS Victory.  You have excellent foresight and a very good vision as to how this model is built.  keep up your attitude and all will come out well.  It's obvious you know what to do when running into problems.  Good luck,



Hi Glenn.  Coming along very nicely and you're encountering the same issues all of us have had at this stage with aligning the inner and outer gun port openings.  I agree with David's advice to trim/sand the bottom of the inner bulwark patterns to get the correct alignment.  The top edges of these patterns aren't visible once the quarterdeck goes on.  As for cutting the upper gun deck in two for ease of installation, that was me who ran into the problem of narrowing the companionway and grating openings (my log is a litany of uh-oh moments!).  It was an easy fix and everything is centered but you're wise to keep checking those measurements as you proceed.  Keep up the great work, your build is very enjoyable.



Posted (edited)

HI Jerry and Patrick
Many thanks for your kind comments and positive encouragement, I'm sure there will be many more problems along the way and with everyone help and guidance I'm sure everything will turn out fine

Did I make an error in the scale

HMS Trincomalee
Had a visit to HMS Trincomalee, the oldest ship a float in Europe. Built in 1816 - to 1817. Here are some pictures.





Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the heads up on the alignment of the inner and outer gunport patterns, I dry fitted mine last night and of course they are the same as yours. I wasn't aware of this issue and now that David and Patrick have both stated that it is a problem and also how to overcome it, I can proceed without wondering why it is so. I am still doing the second planking, March has been a busy month, so won't post until there is something to see. 


Thanks also for the photos of Trincomalee, Where is she located? The Admiral and I are coming to visit Victory in late May and then continuing up to Banbury staying at a friends B&B for a few days. It would be nice to visit Trincomalee also but it may not be possible in the time we have.




The HMS Trincomalee is in Hartlepool which is located in the North East of England. For £10 entry fee you are entitled to 5 visits in one year, so will be going back again soon. I did take plenty of pictures showing how various items were rigging which will be useful. I will visiting HMS Victory sometime in the summer also.


The gun deck is now glued in position and I have started work on trimming the inner bulwarks so hopefully will have that completed in next day or two before moving on to planking the gun deck.

Glenn (UK)


Thanks Glenn, I thought it might be in that area, oh well, we won't get to the north east this time. Off to Sweden after The Cotswolds for an MG adventure. Keep having fun.




Progress to date.


Gun deck fitted, the front part is dry fitted




Trimming inner bulwark, I did know which pencil line was the cut line!



Bulwarks fitted




Planking jig



Plank fitted ready for cutting



End result 85mm long, plank moved when trying to take this picture, I only noticed when uploading picture, but the plank is 85mm long


Glenn (UK)


Hello Glenn

I thought you had fitted the beak head bulk head, did not realize you had only dry fitted it. Don't fit it now , add all the fittings then put on..Here's a photo from yons log. Well done with your progress DAVID


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