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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

I have been able to do the bulwarks. I hope I got it right


Now onto the planking. I honestly am intimidated by doing planking for the first time. Any help would be appreciated

Casey, you said you taped the strips. How did you do that exactly?




I was down to scraps on the deck planking material. There was no room for error.

Wish the would have given more material

Posted (edited)

Hey sygreen, 


I'm on this step as well. I've been working really slow on the ship, but I'm still around. I thought this pdf was really useful:



edit: by the way how did you glue the 6x1 strip to the deck? It can be glued easily near the raised front deck and quarterdeck, in between it's pretty thin there. 

Edited by harbm

Hi Harbm,

Haven't heard from you for awhile, although I have been out and off the site for awhile

Good to hear from you.

Have you been planking from the top down to the false keel ?

Are you taping the planks on both the bow and stern?


As far as the 6x1 strip -

That was difficult. I used nails to hold the plank at the bow  and then again at the stern.

I then began to glue it gradually over the thin area , holding it together by hand. I needed a few drops of CA that helped it seal faster.


I actually broke one of them when I was bending the plank. I decided to try to place the small broken piece back together at the stern. If you look closely at the picture above , you may see my fix.

Do you know if this piece gets covered when I do the second planking??


Hey guys


Sygreen- don't worry about the appearance of the first layer, just make sure it is smooth, it's for forming the hull. I didn't do a great job at this and it really got me on the second layer. As for the taping of the planks, I did that for the second layer. Make sure you leave the strips in water for an hour or so, so they bend easy, then use the nails to get the strips On the bulkheads. Also, sand that first layer a lot and use wood filler for gaps.


Looks great so far!



"I drank what?" - Socrates


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  • 1 month later...

I am definitely back this time

Here is the finished planking that I made a total mess of

Used too much filler but at least I was able to get the shape and as smooth as possible





one mistake i made is that i have an extra level on the bulworks . I know that I am supposed to have 2 levels. Have fixed it ny adding more material . Pictures coming.



   Just tuned into your post and I can identify with the first build of a plank-on-bulkhead model. The best thing about filler putty is you can continually if carefully sand it off until you get the correct shape then plank over with the second planking and all will be well. Your doing a great job so far and very encouragingly asking for advice on the site. Keep going, be confident that she will look great when the job is done.

     One piece of advice, somewhere on the plans should be a diagram of the hull, a sort of line drawing of the hull shape- different cross sections taken from specific locations along the length of the hull (there is a specific name for that drawing but I cant remember it for the life of me!).

   Take that diagram and copy it as many times as there are cross section line drawings. Cut them out (station 1, 2, 3- 10 or whatever, check the plans) and glue them to stiff card stock. This will give you a key to the correct hull shape at each station - thus a correct hull along the full length of the ship and a much more accurate model. Your instruction sheet probably does not tell you to do this fundamental step but it is important. If you get the shapes and dimensions wrong now, it will trip you up later.

   thanks for the post, looking forward to seeing her done



Thanks Steve for the advice and encouragement.

I realize that most of my issues will probably be better with the second planking but , boy , was it ever a learning experience.

Started the second planking and all is going well so far.

One important thing is that Corel messed up with the amount of wood it supplied me. There was barely enough deck planking in the kit and now I found that material for the wales was not sufficient. I had a choice of either getting more from Corel ,which takes months as I found out when I needed extra planking and a  special piece for the transom, or just ordering more material. I could not find a place that supplied 2x2 mm walnut but came across a site from Australia called Modelers Central. I ordered the walnut. It took 4 days and the quality of the wood seems excellent.

Wanted to see if anyone else had experience with them.


Steve there is actually no complete drawing as you suggest. There was a picture of each  bulkhead piece which I did not use at the beginning (mistake that I realize far too late). The plans for this model are somewhat lacking compared to other kits that I read about on this site


Hi Steve

   Well that sort of lacuna in the plans is actually quite shocking. However you seem to progressing quickly and with a strong aptitude towards problem solving- I'm really looking forward to seeing the completed ship




I have finished the Wales as the pictures show. Do have problems with the stern but figure I can adjust it when I get there. I want to finish the second planking first. As you can see, I fixed the bulwarks





Well, I guess all my followers have been busy as I have received no replies to my work in a while . I will continue to post and ask questions, hoping someone  is listening


When i do the flexible top onto the bulwarks ,do I glue it in the middle so it overlaps both inward and outward? How is the best way to bend it so it keeps its shape when I glue it

Do I use Ca glue or will PVA be sufficient.

Would it help to post pictures of the flexible piece?


I am almost finished the second planking and will post pictures


Ship is looking great. For the beechwood rail I made a jig and soaked them in water for a few hours. Then I used CA to fasten them to the middle of the bulwark. After they dry they should be pretty good easy to place. It was easier than I thought. Are you going to paint?



"I drank what?" - Socrates


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I recently started getting back to my build. I'm doing the deck furnishing now. I'll put up some pics this week



"I drank what?" - Socrates


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Yes, decided to paint . My second planking came out much better than the first . I am having some problems with the stern as I think I faired too much of the the last frame. I will try to fix it  by add another layer of planking to the curve and glue the ends. Hard to describe but once I finish the second planking , I will post pictures.

Just have to plank the false keel and sand it down.


I have never used an air brush but feel like this is a great opportunity to learn. Just paint all the metal parts this way. 

Any particular paint to use??


I did that and the airbrush will send the pieces flying without a good hold on them. So I went back to brush painting them. I did them in standard black.



"I drank what?" - Socrates


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LOL, I'll just  paint them with a brush. Really looking forward to this part of the build.

Reading ahead, the instructions really suck so I'm going to need yours and everyones help.


I know I am getting ahead of myself but do I stain the wales with just varnish? When the instructions say "color wood", does it mean natural wood with varnish?

What type of varnish and the proper brand. 


I took a slab of balsa wood and drew the outline. Then I put nails around the path and slid the water soaked pieces in. Worked like a charm.


I'm also at a loss with the direction for the deck fittings. I'm going to wing it a little.



"I drank what?" - Socrates


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I left the bottom rail as is. I messed up the top,rails so I put a layer of walnut over them. Doesn't look too bad.



"I drank what?" - Socrates


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  • Mamoli Golden Hind
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When you made an outline of the contour of the ship, how did you decide on the other side of the rail to place your nails . Did you lay the beechwood against the one side of nails and then place nails along the inside shape adjacent to the beechwood rail?

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