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Bob, I agree with Grimber. Don't worry about the time. Sometimes, I don't work on it for several days or a week. Sometimes, you will only work on it a few minutes when you glue something and may not work on it again until the next day. Just take your time, relax, and enjoy it. It is kind of nice to see something spring from nothing and you did it.


Tony, I'll mess around with it when I am waiting for the glue to dry on something. this weekend I plan on doing the stanchions and top rail.


I would imagine that the scuppers will be something that can be added anytime, even after it's done do there's plenty of time to get it figured out.


Got the stanchions done on the larboard side, mowed the yard, now taking a break.


Used the aluminum angle iron to make sure they were square.



I did bevel the bottom of the stanchions at the scuppers to give water easier drainage.





  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I hope the weather has improved over at your place, because I'm eagerly awaiting the next steps of your build. I'm building her myself and your logs are a big help to me.

currently: master korabel Schooner Polotsk

finished: the Swift 1805, the Lady Nelson

on the shelf: US Brig Syren, Le Renard and the Hermione

  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

After 5 years, I'm actually back on the build. Working on rudder and bowsprit. Will get photos this am.  Have spent several days trying to get fittings on the rudder, which wasn't helped by the fact that one of the rudder hinges was missing. Spent a few hours searching stores and found paper binders that were the same width and color, so made one after several tries.


The bowsprit, I formed by putting my drill in a vise and using sand paper to form, checking the diameter regularly to get final size right.


Pictures to follow, heading to garage now.


Got the rudder done, not perfect but did the best I could.  Forgot how patient you have to be in the hobby.  And correcting mistakes.




Got the helm glued on



Now starting on the Bowsprit.   Having a dremel has been a life saver. Especially with a ferrule that accepts .4 micro bits for eyebolts.

  • 2 years later...

Patience, perseverance and club member tips/techniques has paid off.

My first wooden ship model build was presented the BRONZE AWARD at the 2021 MIDWESTERN MODEL SHIPS CONTEST in Manitowoc by the Wisconsin Maritime Museum. Thanks guys.

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