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Cap'n Rat Fink

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Everything posted by Cap'n Rat Fink

  1. Well just about done with my vacation, busy checking emails and other things so i thought i would update my log here....
  2. Hi John and Bob, Thank you!!! Back from out of town vacation so i thought it would be nice to update my thread here....
  3. Thanks John, As for the 2nd hull I thinking of maybe just adding it on to this thread as to how i construct the hull only and then add a finish photo with both boats. Hi Bob sorry you missed nothing. I outlined the picture you are talking about, but I used very thin outlines. Next time they will be thicker. i was refering to removing the stern piece abive the sheer strake Hi Kieth and Thanks. Funny even with the cutwater I'm still second guessing myself. HAHA! Hey Mark what a week??? Just 7 days. Well we are packed and ready for vacation. But first we are leaving in just a few minutes to one of our nieces College graduation. Then in the morning we are off to my mom n dads to wish my 83 yr young DAD a Happy Father's Day. Then we are off on the road to vacation God has bless me to have my parents around for a long time. SO TO ALL THE FATHERS OF THE WORLD A VERY "HAPPY FATHER'S(DAD'S) DAY" TO YOU ALL na see you all soon
  4. Thanks Anja, On vacation now. getting ready to leave. As for the cutwater, i;m glad it's on. It gettings confusing as to which end is what on this boat. HAHAHA! Thanks John it sure did turn out kind of nice. The unique shape of the hull and then adding the decks really made it look really nice. Thanks Scott when I get back from vacation i will show you my results of the caprails. they turned out nice..
  5. Thank You Everyone for your kind remarks! No John no hazzard Pay here. But 2 pension plans, nice income, my wife does not work because she does not have to, medical, dental, so not so bad. Hey Keith it is a beautiful area. We cover a big portion of the High Serras, known for some of the best trout fishing in the world. As for a diorama not this time. I finally added the cutwater so now I hope I won't keep getting confused with which end is what. Funny I keep doing that because the unique shape of the hull... here are some more pictures.....
  6. all questions and remarks are welcomr The hardest part of this portion of the build is fitting the deck planks around the frames... In Scott's practicum he has you placing trim pieces around those areas, but I decided to leave the area as is, it just look good to me...
  7. Thanks Frank, No hazzard pay but a very nice increase in pay... Thanks Mark, Not sure about the towers, these things are decades old. But my buddy who has 43yrs senority and still going strong, I'll ask him about that... Time for an update.....
  8. Thank you all for your very nice comments....!!! Hi John yes after reading a bit on there ancient boat construction, it is a different way of doing things. Cap'n Bob yes that is true on the life of these boats. In what ever area they lived they built them to suit their needs at the time. AND NOW JUST FOR THE FUN............................................................... BACK ON 1.0 I WAS KNOWN AS TELEMAN.... I said a while back that i was having trouble finding time to work on my models and i may have to stop or build my models and then post them after they are done because i just don't have the time I use to everyday. Like today was a long 15hr day that started at 3am this morning. Well my job is tied to my handle(teleman) telecommunication.. my new job assignment. dealing with FIBER, FIBER TRANSPORT, and DIGITAL/MICROWAVE RADIO. I thought it would be fun to add a few photos of my typical day at work. It crossed my mind today as to the crazy things we do to earn money for our families and if we are lucky earn money for our HOBBIES... A CLOSE UP OF THE TOWERS... THE ROAD IS ONE WAY UP AND ONE WAY DOWN. FUNNY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS WE HAVE NEVER BUMPED HEADS AND HAD TO BACK UP TO GET OUT OF THE WAY.... TODAY I HAD TO GET A FLAT TIRE ON THE WAY DOWN AFTER WE WERE DONE. TO EXPLAIN HOW NARROW THE ROAD IS. MY JACK IS LOCATED UNDER THE PASSENGER SEAT. SO I HAD TO SHOVE THE TRUCK UP AGAINST THE MOUNTAIN SO I COULD HAVE ENOUGH ROOM TO OPEN THE DOOR. THEN I HAD TO SHOVE THE TRUCK TO THE VERY EDGE SO I COULD REPLACE THE LEFT REAR TIRE.... AFTER THIS WE STILL HAD TO GO TO ANOTHER MOUNTAIN TOP 2 HOURS AWAY. 1HR TO GET THERE AND 1 HOUR TO GO UP TO THE TOP...JUST ANOTHER TYPICAL DAY FOR A TELEMAN....
  9. Thank you very much realworkingsailor, Thanks John and for your question. A very good one too. You know John looking at the remains of the Galilee Boat the pattern differs from Scott's model. But in the book it shows the pattern that Scott used in his kit. So 2 different patterns in the same book. The model at the museum has the pattern to the remains, which makes sence to me. The small explanation in the book only says that the boat wright used different woods, because he had a limited supply in his area, so he used whatever he could get his hands on. This also holds true to the hull planking. He used different woods and when you look at the sketch from the expert they used to look over the remains, he mentioned that you will notice some of the planks where more like splinters. The boat wright had to do this because again he had what was avaliable. Why did he carve done the used planks to splinters because he had to remove the old tendon and mortice joints so he could add the new tendon and mortice joints. I mention this because remember my Bounty Launch and finding out that these boats had a short life span so they were building them all the time. So no real records of how they were acually built. So they were built from experience and from memory. Believe it or not John they mention this same pattern about these ancient boats. Used a lot so a short life span, so the boat wright of ancient times knew how to build them like he knew the back of his hand. So I guess it's what I or anyone else decides what this boat might of looked like. But my 2nd hull will have more changes to it, as to how I interpet the hull to be like.... Great question John and I hope like my answer, but then again that will be your interpertation of my explanation.... Here are a few photos to help out in the explanation..... THIS IS THE MODEL IN THE JESUS BOAT MUSEUM IN ISRAEL...NOTE THE FRAME PATTERN THE RED LINES YOU SEE WERE ADDED BY ME WHICH IS THE PATTERN THAT I PICKED UP FROM THE SKETCH AN EXPERT OF ANCIENT BOATS DREW UP...YOU WILL ALSO NOTICE ALL THE WOODS USED TO BUILD THE ANCIENT BOAT. AT THE MUSEUM WHEN THEY STARTED TO DISPLAY THE BOAT THEY PLANTED EVERY TREE THAT WAS USED TO BUILD THE BOAT ALL AROUND THE MUSEUM GROUNDS... AND THE ACTUAL REMAINS THEMSELVES...NOTICE THE FRAME PATTERN. AND A REALLY NICE TIDBIT....WHEN THEY DISCOVERED THE REMAINS AND AFTER THEY RE-LOCATED THE BOAT TO IT'S NEW HOME IT STAYED SUBMERGED IN WATER FOR 11 MORE YEARS BEFORE IT COULD BE DISPLAY AS YOU SEE IN THE PICTURE....
  10. Oh My GOSH!!! Thank you all my friends. It was really nice to hear from you all.... Time for another update...............
  11. Thank you Joe! Thanks John, Acually it was quite simple, I bought the tape at a plumbers shop years ago.... Thank You Mijenko, time for another update....
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