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Cap'n Rat Fink

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    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    I have attached the stern holder!

    I had to add some wood to get the stern holder to the correct height. This way, there is a uniform height for the waterline, helping to establish the height of the side templates. I will make the templates once I have the styrene.

    I will have to shape the stern to make it fit correctly. The biggest part of that is carving the indent. That area is the wood above the red line.

    Once the stern fits, I can start applying the station lines to the hull, wich should help me get the base for the keel drawn on. I will need to create a centerline, with two parallel lines, 1/16" away, one on each side. I have noticed, whatever I say I have to do takes longer to do than I thought. That's fine though, I have an extra 24 hours this year !
    Until next time!
  2. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Last night I finished the stern holder. I still need to do some minor sanding. First, I cut out a paper template and nailed it to a wooden board.

    Next, I cut it out. This wood is crumbly, and a small piece came off. The spot is circled in red.

    I used ca for the first time to reattach the piece. I test fitted the sternpost simulator with it. I will do some sanding to make it fit better with the stern holder.

    After I'm done sanding, I will work on other components of the building board.
    Until next time!
  3. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Hello all! I got a good amount of time in my papas shop on Saturday, and I was able to do a couple things. Firstly, I finished cutting out the paper hull templates.

    I then made a wooden side former and made sure it fitted along the second station line on the building board. I also started another one. I may have to adjust the height, but not at this time.

    I got an idea from David (dgbot). He suggested that I make something that will make sure the hull always ends up in the same place when I place it on he building board. I needed to make a sternpost simulator that is removable because I might want to use the building board after I have the keel on. I made a cutout of the sternpost. I think I am getting better at cutting paper with an Exacto knife !

    I then nailed it, with miniature nails, to a sheet of wood.

    After that, I cut it out with my papa's coping saw. I will need to buy my own soon.

    Sadly, the little nub sticking off, that would help support the rudder, came off. It isn't essential, but I will have to be careful when making the real thing. The smaller photo in the bottom right corner is the unedited photo.

    I will finish touching it up with sanding, when I am home, and I will start work on the stern holder. I will call it the stern holder from now on, unless there is a better name.
    Until next time!
  4. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    I decided I wanted to take a short break from cutting paper, and tried to make a side frame. I'm not allowed to use the scroll saw, so I used a coping saw and this nice small saw Kurt gave me. I'm sure it would have turned out great, had I used the scroll saw or positioned it so the grain ran in a different direction. This wood is a soft wood, and it split along the grain. Oops !
    I will have to re-draw the frames with the grain in better position, but first, it's back to cutting paper. Once I'm done cutting the paper and drawing the frames, I will try to make the frames again. I hope I have better luck! I wonder if I should keep or re-do frame number 7. Hmmm…
    Until next time!
  5. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    I took a break from cutting paper to find out how much wood I need for deck planking. I knew I had 480 inches of Castello Boxwood strips, but want d to know if I had enough to plank the deck. I took the general measurements of half the deck planking, giving a bit more length so that I wouldn't come short if I used the exact number. I came up with a total of 247 inches, about half of what I have. I could probably plank the deck twice with what I have, though I hope I don't have to. I think I will use the extra wood to make the roofs of deck houses and other. That way the wood matches. I will have to see if I like the deck and roofs matching. Tomorrow I have school, and I doubt I will be able to do much, but maybe I can make another couple paper hull profiles. I got the planking design from SalD's Phantom build log.

    Until next time!
  6. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Thanks guys for all the comments! As far as making saw dust, I'm not doing very much of that, it's more like paper fiber ! I got some really awesome stuff from the NRMSS club meeting, as well as some new ideas.

    Yes, I did use Magne-Tiles as weights ! At the bottom is a set of plans for the Bluenose, the Model Shipways plans, in the upper right is a book on exploration, and in the upper left is a tool set. I didn't have to pay a cent! I am currently enjoying the new tool set while re-doing the paper hull templates. I didn't really like how the first turned out, and I have a couple pictures comparing my new and old templates. The less precise ones are the old ones. The old ones were also numbered with pen. So far, although they take a while to make, I like my new ones.

    I am going to play my cello, and then I might do a few more.
    Until next time!
  7. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    I have gotten some template drawn and one finished. I used a Dremel to finish the shape, and a scroll saw to get the general shape. I will probably have to make more that two of each template because of mistakes, but there is plenty of wood, as well as time !
    Until next time!
  8. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Hello again! I guess it is time to consider my mini updates as just the standard update size. I have started my building board and hope to finish it this weekend. Here are a few photos. The construction procedure follows.
    Marked the lines where hull templates are positioned.

    Marked angle of splash.

    I then cut out the keel holder. Next step was to cut an eighth of an inch thick notch into the holder. Did that and drill some holes into the baseboard and into the holder. I used some pegs to set the keel holder in place.

    Now I wait. Until next time.
  9. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Thanks again Kurt! I am currently at my grandma's house and am not able to work on my ship. I have some great news though, I am now a full member of The Nautical Research Guild! I also received two other gifts.

    The book on the left looks very cool, and is packed full of information and drawings. The timber on the right is from Crown Timberyard, and from what I see, looks to be of excellent quality. I can hardly wait to get back at the shipyard, and hopefully I will with time to make a building board.
    Until next time.
  10. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Following chucks practicum, marking the centerline is next. The first thing I did was draw the centerline on deck.

    I knew that making the centerline travel down under the boat would be more difficult, but I had an idea. I used some string to define the centerline. It follows the centerline on deck, then it goes down under the ships hull, and comes back around on top, right where the line started!
    So far, this looks to be a good idea, but if it isn't, please tell me so. Also, if it isn't a good way to mark the centerline, would you suggests any other ways? I have not drawn the line yet, just in case it is incorrect. Comments, questions, and constructive criticism are welcome.
    Until next time.
  11. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Hello again! I have realized something… I am a really slow builder ! Please excuse the snail pace of this build log. I (finally) finished getting the hull to the correct length. There is one large dent I will need to correct with a lot of wood filler that I will have to purchase, due to the fact that I don't have any.
    You can see it at the bow area. I will have to get to cutting cardboard again for the side templates. Also, I have a new baby brother as of this night, which is super awesome! I hope to have some more building time this weekend as well.
    Until next time.

  12. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    I checked the plans one more time, just to be safe, and concluded they they were in scale. I did this by going on Model Shipways and looking at the kit information. The model should be 13 1/2 inches long when finished. I measured the boat in the plans and it was 13 1/2 inches long. I then started shaping the hull to the correct length. Tomorrow I will finish doing this.
    Until next time. -Elijah
  13. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    I decided not to print out the practicum, but instead I downloaded it to my iPad. I have also run into a couple problems and concerns. The first thing is that the hull templates are too large. In the below pictures, they overlap and the lines don't line up.

    They also overlap each other on the solid hull. I thought of three reasons of why it might not fit the hull.
    1. The hull profiles are to large.
    2. There seems to have been some carving done already.

    Or 3. It's a little of both.
    I think I will print the side view of the ship in the plans and make profiles from that.

    I think I will also play it safe and use the front view to cut side profiles. After I print it of though .

    Once I'm done with that I can get to shaping the hull correctly! Any comments, advice, and constructive criticism is welcome! Sorry that this post was kind of long.
    Till next time. -Elijah
  14. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Thanks Wayne! I have sorted through all the pieces and everything meant to be in the kit is here.
    This is at my papa's house and is on the dinner table. This is not a permanent space. I will need to find somewhere though. I will print out Chuck's practicum. I will also update my signature.
    Till next time.
  15. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Elijah in Phantom by Elijah - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:96 - New York Pilot Boat   
    Hello, this will be my build log of the Model Shipways Phantom New York Pilot Boat. Some things about myself: I got this kit for Christmas. I am thirteen and don't have a very high budget for tools or other things. My parents are divorced, so I will have to bring my kit back and forth. Fortunately, my papa (father) has a good amount of tools at his house. I do have some tools at my mama's (mother) house which I am currently at. My work space is also a little small, but it is a small boat . I will now start counting and sorting all the pieces. Have a Merry Christmas and I'll be back!
  16. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to mattsayers148 in Benjamin W Latham by mattsayers148 - Model Shipways 2109 - 1:48   
    Thanks Ken, Stubby, Sam and everyone for the likes and words of encouragement.
    I know, I know...I broke the rules and used CA for the first planking. However, the lines of this ship are smooth and gradual. That, and making the planks more true to scale, made things so much easier.

    Now I'm left with a very nice, smooth and flowing surface to double plank. I've been reading MS's book 'Planking the Built-up Ship Model', and I highly recommend it. Made my first stealers which turned out ok, except I should have done one more(note the sliver). But hey, that's what practice is for.

    As I mentioned previously, instead of painting, I plan on leaving finished wood instead. I would like to use different materials to accentuate where these color changes are made. Next up, the decks.

  17. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to mattsayers148 in Benjamin W Latham by mattsayers148 - Model Shipways 2109 - 1:48   
    Thanks Mario, Ken, CH, David, Stubby and to everyone for the likes and encouragement.
    I'm definitely going to double plank, but I'm taking my time doing a decent first plank for the practice. I decided to hack off the bulkhead/stanchions points since I'm staining and they are ply, which doesn't look good when stained. I'll build all the stanchions and install them later on.
    The next step was making a solid plank sheer since the models piece had cutouts for the stanchion points. It took a minute to visualize how the plank sheer met up to the transom.

    Next was to divide the planking into belts and lay them out with battens. Measurements were taken at each bulkhead and evenly spaced ticks were drawn on.

    The top six planks (7 at aft deck) were fairly simple to install since they were all close in size. I only had to spill a few of them. Now I'm off to the next belt of 6 planks,

  18. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Thanks for the "likes" and comments.  
    The second side went smoothly and in my opinion, slightly better than the first.  I'll be starting the drops next.   Here's the pictures. 


    Thanks guys... let's talk carving then.....      My only hope is to do the carvings on this ship justice.  I've done some carving but at a larger size (see picture below, the rose is about 1" (25mm) high.   The size of these things is what is giving me pause but I've gone ahead and jumped into it while waiting for glue to dry or when I need to use a power tool and it's "no power tools time".   The rose was done entirely with scalpels and I'm learning to use my dental burrs and mini-size diamond sanding bits.  This actually should be fun and I'm starting to be comfortable with it. 

  19. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from civilian in Black Prince by Cap'n Rat Fink - Mamoli - 1/57 scale - rebuild modified to Lady Katherine - Mario   
    So I have been busy fitting out the deck of my little schooner. Hope you like what you see. Been going over Chapelles Book like crazy. Just having some fun.

  20. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from dgbot in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Hey Mark,
       Well maybe I should call you laser man. Your getting pretty handy with that thing. She is coming along nicely Chief!!!

  21. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from Piet in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Hey Mark,
       Well maybe I should call you laser man. Your getting pretty handy with that thing. She is coming along nicely Chief!!!

  22. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from Elijah in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Hey Mark,
       Well maybe I should call you laser man. Your getting pretty handy with that thing. She is coming along nicely Chief!!!

  23. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from BANYAN in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Hey Mark,
       Well maybe I should call you laser man. Your getting pretty handy with that thing. She is coming along nicely Chief!!!

  24. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Hey Mark,
       Well maybe I should call you laser man. Your getting pretty handy with that thing. She is coming along nicely Chief!!!

  25. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Hey Mark,
       Well maybe I should call you laser man. Your getting pretty handy with that thing. She is coming along nicely Chief!!!

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